Alright here goes, hope I don't get typers cramp!!
1.0 Boxer
0.1 Golden Retriever
0.1. Boston Terrier
3.1 Cats
0.1 Bearded Dragons
0.0.1 Red Ear Slider
0.0.1 Yellow Belly Slider
0.2 Rats (long story, I used to have snakes, they was snake food, til my wife saw em, ugh)
60 something geckos, haven't done an exact count in awhile
oh yeah and.......
0.1 Little 5 year old who happens to have her dad wrapped around her finger!
1 green anole - Aden
2 dogs - Alexander James (AJ) a male German Shepherd & Reecie a female chocolate and tan miniature dachshund
1 awesome boyfriend
and hopefully in the future 2 female leopard geckos
(and it's not a pet but it's part of my family) - a 2003 Ford Mustang GT