Live under your means!!!


New Member
Cheaton, I understand what you mean. I've seen so many posts on Yahoo Answers that look like this

"My dog has been throwing up for a week and he can't keep his food down. I don't have any money so a vet isn't the option. What should I do?"


"My cat pees a little blood when he's in the litter box. Do you have any home remedies?" When people respond, go to a vet, they tend to say, "I don't have any money thta's why I asked for a home remedy."

I understand things come up, but if something is serious with your pet, the only responsible thing to do is to pay for the vet bills, not wait it out because if you wait it out, you could lose your pet forever. I personally, would rather ask every single vet in my area if they would do a payment plan than give away my dog, but sometimes you do what you have to do.

I currently have no job, and little income coming in (maybe $100-$150 a month). I can currently pay for dog food, regular vet visits, and maybe (with my savings) a few emergency vet tips (depending on the problem and treatment), but I do weigh my options in terms of necessity and optional with my pets. For example, I find spay/neutering a necessity for my pets, but it's also an optional procedure, so I have opted to wait to spay my APBT until I have a job, as I'd rather that $200+ surgery be saved in case something unexpected occurs.

I understand things come up, but if you know from the get-go that you are cutting it close month to month, then you shouldn't get a pet, unless it's a fish, but even fish can get pricey with pumps, filters, and water drops.

Sandy, I think what is being said is more like if you know from the start you can't really afford it, then don't get it, versus what you're saying. Because like you said everyone can suffer a financial downfall, so no one can guarantee that they're not going to be month-to-month with their bills, but if you know from the start barely have the money for yourself, then you should invest in a means of birth control (IE condoms or celibacy, as they'd be the cheapest mannor) and you probably shouldn't get a pet.
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