looking to get a leo...


New Member
Rochester New York
Alright so hubby agreed to let me get a gecko so long as I can come up with the funds myself(my condition not his). Anywho I already had everything still from my last gecko. Picked up a few new things today anyway. We don't have any breeders near me or shows so I'm stuck with my local shops for now. Just wondering what all I should be looking for when I go looking. I know to avoid obviously ill specimens but what else?


New Member
I have had some of my Leos shipped in from Canada and you obviously have internet access, so my advice would be not to limit yourself. Standard overnight shipping should run $ 50 which is not a small amount when you consider you could probably get two leos for that price at the local pet store. But if you already have a setup then the major expense remaining is just the gecko itself then I would suggest you save your money a little longer and purchase exactly what you like from a private breeder. Especially if you only plan to get one and bear in mind that they can live almost thirty years in captivity so a little longer wait could translate into much greater enjoyment in the years to come. If you should still decide to go with a pet shop then I would caution that not only should you not purchase an obviously sick animal but you should avoid any animal that shares a space with one as well. One other question that should be posed is what became of the gecko who formerly occupied the tank did he die and if so do you know what of ? Is the tank safe ? Lots of Luck


New Member
I don't know but there must be some you could put up a classified add for one also I saw a post from palmettogecko with a nice tangerine for adoption.These collections can get expensive and breeders worry about having theirs stolen so they do allot of internet and shows a show can be a great way to get a good price on a fine gecko and avoid shipping.


New Member
There's a show in Mississigua, which is about 2 hours from you.

There are many good breeders all over the country, I don't know if there is any in Rochester, but there are a few who are in the same state as you.

Really though, shipping isn't as bad as you think it is, yes it is expensive, but a healthy gecko is worth all that and more.


Quality is Everything
Corona, CA
If you are ordering online I wouldn't limit myself to someone near NY. A gecko from CA will get to your house in one day, the same on from NY would. Also, you should try to determine what morph and sex you want and then look to see who has one. Start by checking the classifieds here and the breeders linked at the top of the forums. Also a majority of the people on here have their own website so check their availability and collection to see is something catches your eye


New Member
Rochester New York
There's a show in Mississigua, which is about 2 hours from you.

I would have to wait till the June show if I were to go to Mississauga. If I were to go how would that work if I bought something there seeing as I live in NY(unless I'm looking up the wrong location)? Next show coming anywhere near me that I can find is next Sunday and my husband would have a flip if I went to NYC just for a reptile show.

I've put up ads already.


New Member
Rochester New York
Another thing my husband would probably die if I got a gecko that cost more than $60-70 since I'm not looking to breed. He supports me wanting to get one but not that much.....

Northstar Herp

Rhacs and Uros, oh boy!!!
Plaistow, NH
Look for fat tails, that is a healthy sign. Pay close attention to the toes for stuck sheds or the missing toes caused by them. If they have stuck shed, it just means they haven't been watched after properly, but it won't kill them. Sand can cause impaction, so if they are living on sand and there are turds in the cage, look closely to see if there is sand in them. Also, the turds should be predominantly black with a whitish section on one end. If they look runny or don't have the color distinction, avoid those leos.

Have you gone to the members section on this forum and done an advanced search to find members in your area? Maybe you could find one that has leos for sale. That's what I would recommend.

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