lot's of new friends, first post


New Member
New Jersey
Hi everyone,

I've never posted here before and thought now is as good as any to give it a shot.

I have tons of geckos and other herps too. I'n the last few months I've been breeding Uroplatus Henkeli and Phantasticus, cave geckos, cresteds, pygmy Chamelions, and I usualy end up pairing at lest one of my other species every month or two. So up until now (aside from my crested and Leachie and crested) all my geckos, chameleons, turtles are pretty delicate. Recently I've grown an affinity for Fat tails and all the different morphs and almost bought one or two at Hamburg last month but ended up holding back because I needed the cash for supplys. without dragging on anymore, I ended up getting a great deal on a bunch of them that I couldn't pass up so..... yesterday morning UPS showed up and all of a sudden it was Christmas in July:D

12 deli cups!!!

I was up all night (Tuesday) drilling holes and scrapping excesses plastic off shoe boxes

I know they were incubated for sex but I'm not sure which ones are boy and which are girls but that doesn't really matter at this point any way. I was informed that there was 3 males and 6 females which I'm pretty sure are all albinos and the other 3 hets are unsexed I think.

albino or amel, they were sold as amel but, please correct me if I'm wrong, amelanistic and albino are one in the same with this species. I've never seen a fat tail with red eyes so I figure that albino is just lossly used with them? So I guess I should be calling them Amel since they don't lack melanin pigments in there eyes

so here's my starting line up

5 striped amel

4 bannded amel

2 banded het for amel and 1 striped het for amel

When I first got the strip het out of the deli cup I thought he/she was a granite because of his coloring but he got darker by last night so it might have just been stress.

it would be pretty cool if this coloring became consistent though, minus the stress if that's what it was.

I cant wait for them to grow so I can handle them and see all the different ways there colors fill in.
I'm not trying to handle them now, obviously, but when I was putting hides in there for them last night and when I whet near them the would get up on their tippy toes, puff up, snap at me and squeak.......... it was probably the cutest thing I've ever seen.

thanks for looking, I'm sure I'll have a bunch of questions for all of you later if that's ok



New Member
They are so cute!! I like the picture of them all each in there own little box xD


New Member
way to start off your AFT collection. wow.

Are you going to stick with amels for now? Or do you think that you are going to branch out into other morphs of AFT?


New Member
New Jersey
thanks Coretta, I'm not really a sappy guy buy nature but I'll tell ya I really wish I could hug them

Whitney, I would really love to get waste deep in AFT morphs but I don't know if I can fund it. right now I have 1 hatching Henkels leaf tail and 2 egg, like 8 pygmy chameleon eggs, 2 gravid female satanic leaf tails, and probably a few other eggs hiding in the substrate in my other breeders tanks. I'm really trying to get to the point were my breeding projects will fund at lest half of what I buy cause I continually end up spending a lot more then I should on geckos from month to month. I'm also getting a pair of nephrurus amyae in late August so between my 12 new AFT and Knob tails I have a good enough reason to build a rack which I'm planning on making very large, I spend almost all my free time building cages. So with that being said Huge Rack = lots more terrestrial geckos:main_yes:.

I really like the striped patternless so I want to pick up a pair or trio of hets sometime soon. I also, like most, am head over heals about White outs so I'm going to try to save up enough to get a pair but that will take a while.

And as far as the white outs go...? I know its a dominant or maybe its a co dominant trait so there for you can not get one that will produce the morph that doesn't show it? I'm not sure how to plug this into a 4 or 16 point punnet square but what would happen if you bread a normal AFT to a White out. Also I saw JMGs adds on kingsnake for whiteout sibling lots and it said they could possibly produce white outs? is this actually a possibility or are the chances so slim that it's more wishful thinking? I want to make clear that the last questions were not in any way shape or form acussing JMG or false advertising from seeing them at shows and cruising threw there website they are definitely top notch and produce absolutely phenomenal animals just curious about the odds.

and if I can pull off whiteouts I will at lest get some Granites, I really really like them too.

wow I hope you guys put up with me around here I have a tendency to ask tons of questions but at the same time I have loads of info to share about building Vivs and husbandry info for all the delicate, not so commonly keeped species I work with.:D

thanks again guys


New Member
very nice fat tails are the best, i just recently added a few other morphs to my breeding groups. Whiteouts are co dominate, in the ad your referring to its just advertising (it doesnt look like one but it could be) Thats the sales pitch bascially. Good luck with your projects, i know you will fall in love with these mellow guys


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
Congrats on a very nice amel fattie group and welcome! I'm sure you'll find all the info you need here, and others will begin picking your brain in turn. :p And we will definately need to talk about some henkeli, I've been looking for a pair of those guys for-ev-er. lol


New Member
New Jersey
Congrats on a very nice amel fattie group and welcome! I'm sure you'll find all the info you need here, and others will begin picking your brain in turn. :p And we will definately need to talk about some henkeli, I've been looking for a pair of those guys for-ev-er. lol

Thank you,
yea henkeli are tough to find there's definitely a bunch of people working with them but they never show up in the classifieds anywhere. Even wild caught ones seem to be scarce maybe they are more common in parts of Madagascar that are not collection zones, who know's. I got my female in November and she was sold to me as a WC Fimbriatus at a show, which was an awesome break. Then I got my male about 2 or 3 months ago he was hard to find, a 2 year captive. The female was gravid when I got her and between good eggs and duds shes given me about 8 and a half (I'm undecided if the most recent one was an egg or poo lol). I had one that was 3 weeks from hatching when the egg cracked and died, then I hatched one last month, and I have 2 eggs with little squirmy things inside incubation right now.

here my light booger, shes the first thing I've hatched and my pride and joy (I'm saying she cause of the pattern but that's never a fail safe)

and here she is with the proud mother

I'm definitely keeping this one but only time will tell with the other two

it will be about 6 + weeks before they hatch but if you want to shoot me a pm we'll talk



Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
Those are some awesome animals. Leaf tails are so friggin cute as hatchlings. Major congrats on that one. Yeah, I've basically found henkeli to be near impossible to find, even at shows. You can't be sent PMs(may not have enough posts yet) so just send me one when you happen to get a chance and we'll talk a bit.


New Member
New Jersey
a little bit of an update. I was checking out a few of these guys today and their coming a long real nice. I took a few pictures of the colors coming in.





more photos to come of everybody one of these days
thanks for checking them out


New Member
New Jersey
Thanks, there's a lot of diversity in this group and its really fun to see whats happening with them from week to week. One of the Het's is actually my favorite. He/she is not as fancy as most of the others but he/she gets really excited when I throw crickets in and he doesn't know which one to go after first, so he starts rattling his tail very rapidly. He/she is the most fun to watch.



Staff member
Somerville, MA
That's a really nice bunch. I've just finished my second seasons breeding fat tails and am working on a second amel/het amel group for next season. One thing I noticed about the color: I found a tremendous change in color when I switched one of my "normals" out of the white, fairly humid rack to a glass tank with eco earth. In the rack, she was a pale orange which changed to a darker copper when I moved her to the othe cage.



New Member
I also don't have enough posts to send you a PM, but please write me when you have babies available. Also, what temperature and humidity do you keep the adults at?


New Member
New Jersey
I also don't have enough posts to send you a PM, but please write me when you have babies available. Also, what temperature and humidity do you keep the adults at?

not sure if this is for me or Aliza but mine are only around 3 months old so it's gonna be a while before their breeding


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