Low Budget Gecko Viv


New Member

I'm still searching for the best home for my still on hold leopard gecko.

Most of the vivs i come across however are way past my budget, so any of you guys know any place i can get cheaper vivs or have any suggestions i would appreciate it.

If you recommend a website i'd prefer an European one since i'm from Portugal.


Adolfo Caldeira

Ps: Is a translucid Plastic viv a good solution?


New Member
Norman, Oklahoma
Not to be rude but........have you heard the phrase "cart before the horse".
I think you would both be happier if you put together a place for him to live first, even piece by piece over a little time. Sometimes you can get aquariums cheap at a tropical fish store, they may leak but who cares.
For some reason your post made me a little nervous and I just had to say something.
Good Luck I wish you both well.


New Member
Not to be rude but........have you heard the phrase "cart before the horse".
I think you would both be happier if you put together a place for him to live first, even piece by piece over a little time. Sometimes you can get aquariums cheap at a tropical fish store, they may leak but who cares.
For some reason your post made me a little nervous and I just had to say something.
Good Luck I wish you both well.



New York
Not to be rude but........have you heard the phrase "cart before the horse".
I think you would both be happier if you put together a place for him to live first, even piece by piece over a little time. Sometimes you can get aquariums cheap at a tropical fish store, they may leak but who cares.
For some reason your post made me a little nervous and I just had to say something.
Good Luck I wish you both well.



Gotta catch 'em all!
Jacksonville, Fl
Well, in their defense, they didnt say the leo was on the way. They said the leo was on hold. Maybe they found one they really liked and wanted it held while they set up a place? Thats not that bad? Idk. Just my opinion. But I try to look at every side before I judge something. I mean, I see where you are coming from too Jumper...

Anyways, I dont really know where to look in Europe. I know in the US, you can get a cheap 10G at the pet stores for $14. I dont know what yall have over there. I also find many vivs on craigslist. Again, I dont know if you have that over there. Just keep your eyes open and keep in mind how long you have before your leo comes in. You definetely need to get something moving.. .


New Member
Oregon, IL
Acaldeira said the gecko is on hold. Meaning its not in their possession yet. Meaning, they ARE getting a viv before the gecko...

Vision Geckos

And not too be rude to anyone else...
But yall could just be a little more helpful in this post besides just saying "+1,+2". You cant change something someone has already done, so why dont you try to help? Or just pass it up? Again, just my opinion.

I agree. The whole +1 thing seems to be some kind of new forum fad that everybody is into. I don't mean to put anybody down, but it's just plain not helpful unless you provide some feedback along with it. I'm sure there is something that can be added, at least in your own experience rather than "everything that person said."


Gotta catch 'em all!
Jacksonville, Fl
Acaldeira said the gecko is on hold. Meaning its not in their possession yet. Meaning, they ARE getting a viv before the gecko...

Lol, that was kind of my thinking too.
I know when I first got my first leo, I was at a reptile show.
I got the leos and then I went around and bought all the supplies. lol. It was so expensive! I dont recommend doing it that way. haha


New Member
Oregon, IL
Lol, that was kind of my thinking too.
I know when I first got my first leo, I was at a reptile show.
I got the leos and then I went around and bought all the supplies. lol. It was so expensive! I dont recommend doing it that way. haha

lol Melanie, you and I sort of posted at the same time. When I started writing my post yours wasn't up yet.

I did the same with my first leo. Except i bought her from an online breeder and in the three days it took for her to get there (I paid for her on a weekend and she was shipped to me Mon-Tues) I hurried and bought everything I thought I could possibly need lol


Staff member
Somerville, MA
As I understand it, in Europe, "viv" and "tank (or aquarium)" are considered to be different things, with the "viv" usually being front-opening. I think what people who have responded are getting at is that a large plastic tub or a 10 gallon fish tank (that's 10"x20"x12" in inches; you'll have to do the metric conversion) is fine. To do the enclosure simply with an aquarium, you would need the following which can, for the most part, be either bought at a pet store and home improvement store, or gotten used more cheaply (though it may take more time to locate it):

new or used aquarium, at least the size mentioned above. It's OK if it opens from the top

screen cover to keep geckos in and other creatures out

something for the floor (paper towels is cheapest)

Under Tank Heater

thermostat or rheostat to keep the temperatures from getting too high

2 small bowls for food and water

small humid hide which you can make from a plastic container

1 or 2 hiding places which you can buy or make

food, water, vitamins and calcium

Good luck getting ready for your new gecko.



New York
I don't mean to put anybody down, but it's just plain not helpful unless you provide some feedback along with it. I'm sure there is something that can be added, at least in your own experience rather than "everything that person said."
.............. In my opinion nothing needed to be added since it was Jumpers answere was stated well in the first place. My post was to just to show the O.P. that Jumper was not the only one who felt that way and to add weight to his answer by standing in agreeance.


New York
And not too be rude to anyone else...
But yall could just be a little more helpful in this post besides just saying "+1,+2". You cant change something someone has already done, so why dont you try to help? Or just pass it up? Again, just my opinion.
.............................. What? You have never concured with anothers statement with out having to imput your self? "+1" and in my case "+2" is just internet slang for "I concur"


New Member

Wow wow guys, relax the gecko is on hold like... it is a gecko in general, the idea of the gecko is on hold so not the animal itself, who do you think i am? I love animals i would never put a life in jeopardy.

I had already everything in mind, and the total cost was somewhere around 200€ (287 $USD) however i had an unexpected medical bill and i'm now way poor :) hence the post asking something cheaper.

No worries, i understand your concern, i did not explain the situation.


Adolfo Caldeira

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
Plastic storage containers are inexpensive and make great gecko habitats. You can drill holes in the side for ventilation, or if you have a soldering iron you can use it to melt the holes.

Here are the plastic shoeboxes my new babies are in as an example:


New Member
look on craigslist, classifieds, go to pet stores for used tanks... You need a 20 gallon tank, (i've gotten many for free or really cheap) buy an UTH (under tank heater) roughly $20-25. If you cant buy houses right away, get a planter and cut a whole in it.. I've used the mealworms containers (cut a hole) and use them as humid hides. You can get a to go box cut it in half put a whole and there ya go another hide lol You can make hides out of anything, then go to the pet store get some calcium, and calcium D3. maybe a couple cheap plants (u can get some for 5.00) a cheap water bowl and your good to go.


New Member
Northeast USA
$287 for a setup is outrageous in my opinion, unless things are way more expensive over there. People have mentioned cheaper vivs/enclosures, but another way to cut costs is home-made hides and other cage furnishings. you can use stuff from around the house like small boxes and packaging supplies. You can use the bottom of a bottle for a water or other sort of dish just be sure to melt/file the edges so they are not sharp. I don't think leos really care that much about name brand products as long as all their essential requirements are taken care of.
Hope the medical condition clears up and all ends well.


New Member
Northern Ontario Canada
Like Tony said a clear bin works really well and you can normally find them very cheap, a 20 gallon tank can also be found for around $20-30 new. As long as there is nothing for the gecko to climb out, and nothing that will try to get into the tank it is alright to not use a screen cover. As for heat a UTH would be the best way to heat the tank, a lamp dimmer could be used for a rheostat, but a thermostat would be the best option. Some times you do not require a thermostat because the mat will heat to the temperatures you need.

I have done the same thing with a corn snake. I saw the corn and wanted to make sure that I got that one and all I did was pay for it and had the store hold the corn until I had the tank ready for it at home. I do not think that is bad, the store still has it and your getting ready to bring it home.

I keep my hatchlings in rubbermaid or sterilite containers and if I have to they are always on sale at some store, so go and by a bigger bin if needed.


New Member

Thanks for the answers, but there is no way i can buy a 20 gallon tank in portugal for $20-30 new.

for example a 60-70 cm in length (27 inches) is somewhere around 100€ and that's a fish tank, if i buy something that has the label vivarium on it, it will cost 50-70€ more.

So let's see:

100€ ($143 USD) tank (even in second hand i've seen them for nothing less than 70€)
50€ UTH + Calcium supp and vitamins (can be more)
30€ gecko (and it's from a "friend" that breeds them)
and food...

So yeah... around 200€ :)

I've seen some American websites and everything is way cheaper than here.

I guess i'll just get back up on my feet before i buy everything.

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