Ok, here are two pictures of me at the horseshow this past Saturday.
Me coming up to a jump...looking at it...
Nice stretching trot
And his cute face...he's my other fiance...lol
Cantering on "Yankee" Got 2nd place in this class out of 11? riders..
Me on the left and my friend Erin on the right. I won 2nd and she won a 1st in the same class. We're from the same barn, have the same breed of horse (which we call them dumb and dumber) and we also went to the show with a vengance to kick all the little kids butts...well, we acomplished that. lol.
Hope you all enjoy!
PS- Matt took all these pictures..
Sigh. Nothin' to do before I have to go to my class, so I might as well post some. I don't take good pictures, but it's whatever. These are both a bit old... Don't have any pictures of me after I dyed my hair dark brown yet.
Hamburg convention, Feb. 28, I'll be there. Hope all the GF people nearby are still planning on meeting!
What the hell is in your hair? Dude you are no longer part of the mushroom head nation bro. wow. LOL. just playin. at least you are brave enough to put your mug up