Too cute, the sombrero pic is great! Star could be the new Taco Bell Spokes-gecko! :)
Aug 31, 2009 #21 7 77gecko what's one more.... Messages 175 Too cute, the sombrero pic is great! Star could be the new Taco Bell Spokes-gecko!
Aug 31, 2009 #23 JordanAng420 New Member Messages 3,280 Location Miami, FL That one with the glasses needs to be in the next GeckoForums calendar
Aug 31, 2009 #24 A AMYCUS Guest OMG HOW COULD YOU!!!!! I CANT BELEIVE U DIDNT DRESS ONE UP AS A COWBOY. those little gettups look awesome and funny as hell. lolololol
OMG HOW COULD YOU!!!!! I CANT BELEIVE U DIDNT DRESS ONE UP AS A COWBOY. those little gettups look awesome and funny as hell. lolololol
Aug 31, 2009 #25 Haligren is behind you. Messages 1,380 Location Prince George, BC Gecko + Accessories = WIN!
Aug 31, 2009 #26 Leopardgeckosunlimited New Member Messages 412 Location Cincinnati, Ohio Great pics!!!!
Sep 1, 2009 #27 Stitchex New Member Messages 1,301 Location Earth Wow, great pics! I also just noticed something too....Star looks a lot like Dusty! His yellow is more washed out, though.
Wow, great pics! I also just noticed something too....Star looks a lot like Dusty! His yellow is more washed out, though.