Brian, sorry you had to go through some hardships. I do believe it sucks that you've had problems in terms of illegal immigrants stealing your SS.
I am Mexican American and I do feel insulted when people say illegal immigrants should go back to their country. I don't have a problem with members on this forum since this is a rants and raves column. It's just that when you're out in the real world instead of on a computer, other people with exactly your same thoughts on immigration can't tell the difference and just blurt out obscene things to whomever THEY think looks like an illegal immigrant to them. This thread just reminds me of some issues I've had outside that's all.
I have family in Mexico and visit whenever I can. I wasn't born over there but I do feel like it could be my second home. When someone bashes the country or its people, why wouldn't I feel offended?
Like I have said in my earlier post, it's a crap shoot on the immigration issue in general. If they should stay, drug dealers, rapists, gang members and murderers will give the hard working immigrants a bad name. If they should leave, I doubt any of you will want their minimum wage jobs.
There are far worse things in this world than to worry about something like this. I'd rather worry about global warming, dwindling rainforests, air polution or conservation in general than worrying about money and politcs, but that's just me.
That's what this is really all about.
I am Mexican American and I do feel insulted when people say illegal immigrants should go back to their country. I don't have a problem with members on this forum since this is a rants and raves column. It's just that when you're out in the real world instead of on a computer, other people with exactly your same thoughts on immigration can't tell the difference and just blurt out obscene things to whomever THEY think looks like an illegal immigrant to them. This thread just reminds me of some issues I've had outside that's all.
I have family in Mexico and visit whenever I can. I wasn't born over there but I do feel like it could be my second home. When someone bashes the country or its people, why wouldn't I feel offended?
Like I have said in my earlier post, it's a crap shoot on the immigration issue in general. If they should stay, drug dealers, rapists, gang members and murderers will give the hard working immigrants a bad name. If they should leave, I doubt any of you will want their minimum wage jobs.
There are far worse things in this world than to worry about something like this. I'd rather worry about global warming, dwindling rainforests, air polution or conservation in general than worrying about money and politcs, but that's just me.