New Owner-Totally Messed This One Up



Boy did I mess this one up...It's quite the story and I'm not quite sure hnow it should end or continue.

We bought our gecko, Gordon (a female, we believe) and gave her the space she needed for a full week on her 20 gallon tank. We took her out and played with her for about five minutes and put her back. The next day, we took her into the bathroom since it appeared to be a nice, small contained area. This way, if she jumped out of our hands somehow she couldn't get far. My 8 year old decided to put her down for one minute. She immediately found a small hole that lead to a space between the sink cabinet and the wall.

We couldn't get her to come out. In fact, due to the angle of this small hole, we couldn't see her at all. Since she was new to the home she was barely eating as it was.

Seven days passed and we finally gave up. The kids were sad and we finally decided to get another one yesterday. Blackjack, a male (we think), seems happy there. This morning, in the garage and downstairs from the bathroom, my 3 year old held up Gordon and said, "Look!" We were freaking out. She seems skinny, but she is alive without any marks on her body.

Can I put the two geckos in the same tank together? Should/Can I give one back? For now, I put Gordon in the humid hide in the tank because she had to be cold in that garage. I'll take her out if you say it would be dangerous to leave the two together. Remember that this tank is new to both of them right now.

Crazy story. I know I'm a horrbile owner. Thanks in advance.


New Member
Elgin, Tx
I wouldn't put them together due to health reasons. Either one could have something the other doesn't and you should always go thru a quarantine process with new additions. Different cages for sure and different ends of the room at least since most can't do separate rooms. 30 days at least of this and a vet visit at least once in that time frame.

And not knowing their sexes, you could have them breeding when it's not good for either of them or you since you are new to this. From what I've read, geckos can mate very quickly. Or you can have a fight happen overnight with one loosing possibly badly.

I'm new as well, got my gecko in June and my daughter got hers last month. Boy & girl, one in one room the other in another. We cleaned hands/skin tween handling them and even our shirts when doing the tanks.

Congrats on the new additions and good thing you found your first one. Geckos move fast when yer not expecting it is what we've learned.


New Member
Miami, FL
I'm glad you found Gordon! If you plan on keeping both geckos, I would definately keep them separate...not only because Gordon is most likely extremely stressed out from being out and about, and Blackjack is new to the family as well so he is most likely going through some stress of his own. Since you are unsure of their sexes, you should keep them separate until you know for sure. Also, unless you intend on breeding these two (which causes MORE stress) they should be kept separate.

If you don't feel like you are capable of taking care of one or both geckos right now, the responsible thing to do would be to find a new home for one or both of them. There are plenty of folks on this forum in the LA area, i'm sure someone would be willing to help out.

I think they will both be fine, as long as they are kept in separate enclosures.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Even experienced gecko keepers have had their geckos get out or come to some harm accidentally. It happens. I'm glad you found your gecko. Don't beat yourself up too much. I've got some doozies I could tell you about my own stupid mistakes as well.



New Member
Sheffield, UK
glad he was found.

However there are many reasons why they shouldnt be kept together.
- Quarantine, whenever you get a new gecko it must be quaratined as it may be carrying diseases.
- Size, im presuming theyre the same size but if not the bigger one can really hurt or kill the small one.
- sex, if theyre both males, they will very likely fight until one is seriously injured.
also if its one male one female in which case they could mate, whcih could be bad for many reasons too. especially if their too young.

They need to be seperated, until youve confirmed sex, they are the same size, free of disease, and you know what you want from them like mating or something.


Thank you all. I'm at work and will separate them when I get home later. Hopefully, I can get a hold of my wife so she can do it sooner though. I need to figure out where to put the one that doesn't get the tank. I only am set up for one at the moment. I just didn't want either one to suffer. It had to be 50 degrees in the garage.


New Member
Bay Area, CA
Don't feel bad, it happens. When I was a teen I had a hamster get loose, after about two weeks we thought for sure she had to be dead. If I remember right it was week 3, I was in the kitchen and out waddles the hamster apparently happy and healthy. I have no idea what she ate, but she found something (my siblings were not the cleanest so maybe their crumbs). We put her back in the cage and life moved on. I have had a few escape artist pets as well, we had one rat that spent more time out of a cage than in it. She ended up killing and eating a different pet hamster as well. I felt pretty bad after that. I didn't think she could get in his cage. I am a bit more careful now.


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
What a stroke of luck that you found the runaway so soon :) You might also consider getting some metal tank clips to secure the screen top. It's a good idea to have a plastic tote (with air holes) or kritter keeper around in case an animal needs a temporary spot.

Dog Shrink

Lost in the Lizard World
If they've already been in the tank together doesn't that kinda make the point of quarantine moot at this juncture? Can't he just keep them together now since they've already been exposed to eachother until he gets another tank set up?


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
If they've already been in the tank together doesn't that kinda make the point of quarantine moot at this juncture? Can't he just keep them together now since they've already been exposed to eachother until he gets another tank set up?

That doesn't necessarily mean they still can't transfer diseases or parasites to each other. There are diseases and parasites that are only transfered via things like contact with fecal matter, and some are contracted through long term contact. It also doesn't change the fact that he doesn't know the sexes of the geckos and if a) they are both male it will end in a blood bath and b) if they are a male/female pair they will breed, neither things are a good thing in this situation.

No, seperation is the best way to go. If you can't get another setup immediately, I would return one to the source or find a different home.


New Member
Toronto ,Canada
Even experienced gecko keepers have had their geckos get out or come to some harm accidentally. It happens. I'm glad you found your gecko. Don't beat yourself up too much. I've got some doozies I could tell you about my own stupid mistakes as well.


your right we all make mistakes.Unfortunately ive made them too but the important thing is to learn from them


New Member
Sheffield, UK
That doesn't necessarily mean they still can't transfer diseases or parasites to each other. There are diseases and parasites that are only transfered via things like contact with fecal matter, and some are contracted through long term contact. It also doesn't change the fact that he doesn't know the sexes of the geckos and if a) they are both male it will end in a blood bath and b) if they are a male/female pair they will breed, neither things are a good thing in this situation.

No, seperation is the best way to go. If you can't get another setup immediately, I would return one to the source or find a different home.

Well said. took the words right out of my mouth :) lol


Can you believe the phones been out all day? Of all days! And my wife misplaced her cell yesterday. Meanwhile, the two are in the same tank together and I'm nervous. When my wife checked on them, prior to the start of this thread, Gordon (the lost gecko) was still in her humid hide tupperware and Blackjack was hanging out in his warm hide. I put a few worms in the humid hide for Gordon when I put her in there prior to placing her in the tank. So between being lethargic and possibly hungry she may not leave that box. She could get thirsty though and head for the water bowl, but is probably too stressed to do it.

If anybody lives in the San Fernando Valley, you are welcomed to a baby Leopard Gecko. Other than hanging out in my wall for a week, she should be pretty healthy. Otherwise, I'll see about giving her back. I don't think I'm up to getting a new tank set up right now.


New Member
Sheffield, UK
well im sorry to hear you might not be keeping it.
But with the right care and feeding it should be back to perfect health soon.
And dont worry it will drink if it needs too, as long as the water is clean.


Happy Gecko Family
Since you have a 20G, you might also consider putting a divider to separate the 2 geckos.


My wife and I brought him/her back to Kahootz, a well respected small pet store chain around here, last night. They took Gordon back. They said she looked perfectly fine and that her purple color was coming in nicely. I pointed out that her tail and body seemed to be quite skinny, but they didn't seem to think it was anything to worry about.

I did inquire about having two geckos together, and they told me that if you put two in together at the same time when they are new then it shouldn't be a problem. They keep multiple geckos in a tank at the store. If they see any hostility then they separate them of course. They went on to say that one will typically become the alpha male or female because one may get a little bigger than the other, but they usually aren't agressive. Do you all agree with this assessment?


New Member
Sheffield, UK
My wife and I brought him/her back to Kahootz, a well respected small pet store chain around here, last night. They took Gordon back. They said she looked perfectly fine and that her purple color was coming in nicely. I pointed out that her tail and body seemed to be quite skinny, but they didn't seem to think it was anything to worry about.

I did inquire about having two geckos together, and they told me that if you put two in together at the same time when they are new then it shouldn't be a problem. They keep multiple geckos in a tank at the store. If they see any hostility then they separate them of course. They went on to say that one will typically become the alpha male or female because one may get a little bigger than the other, but they usually aren't agressive. Do you all agree with this assessment?

.... one WILL become the alpha male... through bullying and often stop the others from eating as much. yes hatchling males can be housed together when theyre young but when a size difference is visible in them then size sorting is needed.
and he doesnt need to worry about quarantining his geckos as he knows they are all fine, being his and from his parents and stuff. but when you buy two geckos its important to quarantine them.


What's the purpose of the quarantine? If they are by themselves for 30 days, would any disease just dissipate? What if they were housed together by the breeder? Still better to not take a chance? Sorry for the questions...


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
What's the purpose of the quarantine? If they are by themselves for 30 days, would any disease just dissipate? What if they were housed together by the breeder? Still better to not take a chance? Sorry for the questions...

The reason for quarantine is to observe the animal and look for signs of disease and parasites. This way, if the animal has something it isn't transmitted to other animals that you own.

If the animals are purchased at the same time from the same source and where housed together previously then they can be quarantined together. Otherwise, they should be kept singly.


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Going back to the original story - to make you feel better, I left the top up on my juvenile AFT cage 2 days ago and only noticed this morning that he was missing. After a thorough search around the entire perimeter of the living room and dining room, I found him behind the cushions on the couch. Have to be more careful . . .


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