Boy did I mess this one up...It's quite the story and I'm not quite sure hnow it should end or continue.
We bought our gecko, Gordon (a female, we believe) and gave her the space she needed for a full week on her 20 gallon tank. We took her out and played with her for about five minutes and put her back. The next day, we took her into the bathroom since it appeared to be a nice, small contained area. This way, if she jumped out of our hands somehow she couldn't get far. My 8 year old decided to put her down for one minute. She immediately found a small hole that lead to a space between the sink cabinet and the wall.
We couldn't get her to come out. In fact, due to the angle of this small hole, we couldn't see her at all. Since she was new to the home she was barely eating as it was.
Seven days passed and we finally gave up. The kids were sad and we finally decided to get another one yesterday. Blackjack, a male (we think), seems happy there. This morning, in the garage and downstairs from the bathroom, my 3 year old held up Gordon and said, "Look!" We were freaking out. She seems skinny, but she is alive without any marks on her body.
Can I put the two geckos in the same tank together? Should/Can I give one back? For now, I put Gordon in the humid hide in the tank because she had to be cold in that garage. I'll take her out if you say it would be dangerous to leave the two together. Remember that this tank is new to both of them right now.
Crazy story. I know I'm a horrbile owner. Thanks in advance.
We bought our gecko, Gordon (a female, we believe) and gave her the space she needed for a full week on her 20 gallon tank. We took her out and played with her for about five minutes and put her back. The next day, we took her into the bathroom since it appeared to be a nice, small contained area. This way, if she jumped out of our hands somehow she couldn't get far. My 8 year old decided to put her down for one minute. She immediately found a small hole that lead to a space between the sink cabinet and the wall.
We couldn't get her to come out. In fact, due to the angle of this small hole, we couldn't see her at all. Since she was new to the home she was barely eating as it was.
Seven days passed and we finally gave up. The kids were sad and we finally decided to get another one yesterday. Blackjack, a male (we think), seems happy there. This morning, in the garage and downstairs from the bathroom, my 3 year old held up Gordon and said, "Look!" We were freaking out. She seems skinny, but she is alive without any marks on her body.
Can I put the two geckos in the same tank together? Should/Can I give one back? For now, I put Gordon in the humid hide in the tank because she had to be cold in that garage. I'll take her out if you say it would be dangerous to leave the two together. Remember that this tank is new to both of them right now.
Crazy story. I know I'm a horrbile owner. Thanks in advance.