Know the feeling, we had a 10 month old die on Thanksgiving. Sorry for your losses. Surely the jailbreaker will turn up. He/she has a good chance, this being Florida and all!
My rainwaters are rebelling against me. The missing one is a RRS het Typhoon and the one that died was my Typhoon male. I still have hope that I will find the missing one.
I lost a baby crestie on friday, and I found him last night! He came back from the unfinished part of my basement, back to his tank and was sitting on it! Dont give up!
So sorry. ): May I ask how the RSS het Typhoon escaped? I almost lost Charlie. I was spot cleaning his tub, and refilling his worm dish. I heard a thump, and he had crawled up the side of his 32 QT tub, and landed on top of my Rhino Raxx. Luckily, I was able to get to him in time.
I once found a lost leo on top of my curtain! They are really good climbers. Good luck finding the houdini gecko!! Why do always the best morphs cause trouble....