Oh my, the upstairs neighbors again...(humor)


New Member
Miami, FL
I didn't write this, and the author is unknown...but if this isn't my upstairs neighbor, then I don't know what is...

First off, I must say that I admire your courage. It must be hard living in the world today as a lady-beast. Society judges, oh lord do they ever.

With that said, let’s get down to business. Over the past year, we've had a funny sort of relationship, you and I. When I first moved into the place, it was rather peaceful. It was an exciting time in my life, as it was the first time I would be living by myself. Then came the day that I first heard it. What did I hear you ask? It was sound of your hooves galloping across the hardwood floors of your living room. At the time I thought, “No big deal, surely it can’t always be like this.” Oh was I wrong. It turned out that every time I was at home, you would be up there, stomping around, like the wild lady-beast that you are.

After a few weeks, I determined through a process of elimination, that you are in fact, a Minotaur. It only makes sense.

FACT. Minotaurs have hooves, and that’s sure as hell what it sounds like is hitting the floor when you gallop around.

FACT. A Minotaur posses great strength, the kind of strength that can be felt by a guy laying on his couch, trying to get into a good book. The kind of strength that shakes the dishes in his cupboards. The kind of strength that can wake a guy out of a dead sleep, EVERY FRICKIN MORNING. I didn’t even need to set an alarm clock to wake up in the morning. Instead I wake up to THUMP THUMP THUMP. THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP. THUMP THUMP THUMP. I’m not a light sleeper by any means; I sleep right through the viscously loud police, fire truck, and ambulance sirens every night. I was lying there one morning, frustrated, counting the trips you took between your bedroom and your bathroom. 17. 17 god forsaken trips between the bedroom and the bathroom. Really? Are you kidding me? What could you possibly be doing?

FACT. Minotaurs are half bull. Bulls are aggressive when taunted. Apparently, the time I went upstairs, politely introduced myself, and asked you rather nicely to please quit stomping around, was a taunt. That’s when you got aggressive. You called the landlord and told him that I was complaining about your noise. When he told me about this, he said his response to your complaint was, “Quit making so much noise then.” Brilliant. Go Mr. Landlord! I tried keeping him out of this, but you felt it important to drag him into it.

After a few more weeks of you recklessly stomping around, I made another attempt at a civil confrontation. It failed. It failed because you stomped your way to the door, and you didn’t open it when you saw who was standing there. I know this because I heard your hooves clippity-clop their way to the door. Way to avoid confrontation.

To my surprise, the stomping ceased the next day, and I awoke to peace. “Amazing,” I thought, “It must be a midsummer miracle!!” A few days passed, and I ran into my landlord in the entry way. He mentioned that he received another angry phone call from you. Said that you felt threatened by my confrontations, said I scared you. Strange, since not once did I ever raise my voice or try to be anything but civil. He then mentioned that he told you to buy some slippers to wear around your apartment. Genius! It freakin worked!! Heck yea, Mr Landlord! High five!

Fast forward 11 months. The stomping has returned. No doubt in my mind the hooves have worn through the delicate fabrics of the slippers and are now, once again, banging against your hardwood floors.

Please, for the love of sweet baby jesus, run down to the local Target and purchase yourself another pair of hoof mufflers. I know you can run with those strong legs of yours, probably real fast like! Target downtown is all of 10 blocks away. Go Minotaur, go! Overcome the odds, society is watching! (and judging)


Pet Human
Indianapolis, IN
Hahaha..that's my upstairs neighbors too..except there is more than one. *rubs face and gets ear plugs* Gotta love apartment living!


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
That's so funny! I always insisted on a downstairs apartment because I'm totally a 5'0" Minotaur!! LMAO I didn't want to torture anyone with my loud walking.


Sounds like our upstairs neighbors too! I swear the kids do backflips off the couch...


New Member
Sounds like our upstairs neighbors too! I swear the kids do backflips off the couch...

i feel your pain! The lady that lived upstairs had 3 little kids under that age of like 7 or 8 I would hear them running around, balls bouncing, things breaking and even when she had "intimate moments" with her boyfriend :main_laugh: imagine waking up to that one christmas!? I was traumatized! They moved out a few months ago and a new couple moved in with a little boy and it seems they just bought a puppy. I don't have problems with her hooves but with that damn mouth of hers, she so LOUD! I don't know what she looks like but if she opened her mouth I would know exactly who she is, :main_laugh:


Haha! I havent heard any "intimate sounds" yet, thankfully. Although the kids like to drag their scooters down the stairs...SLOWLY. All you hear is PANG, THUNK, PANG, THUNK, PANG, THUNK, as it hits the metal handrail and concrete stairs... :main_rolleyes:

I'm thinking about going to the manager. They start at 6 am and it goes on until about 11 pm EVERY DAY


is behind you.
Prince George, BC
That reminds me when I was very little and we lived in some low-cost apartments. There was a family above us that stomped around like minotaurs ALL THE FREAKIN' TIME. But...eventually I got used to it and it didn't really bother me any more. The stomping never went above a certain decible anyway, although it did make me more conscious of how I must sound to those living below us....


New Member
Miami, FL
Haha! I havent heard any "intimate sounds" yet, thankfully. Although the kids like to drag their scooters down the stairs...SLOWLY. All you hear is PANG, THUNK, PANG, THUNK, PANG, THUNK, as it hits the metal handrail and concrete stairs... :main_rolleyes:

I'm thinking about going to the manager. They start at 6 am and it goes on until about 11 pm EVERY DAY

I HATE those scooters. I wanna take each and every one of them and dismember them. It's 2:00 in the freakin' morning and it's like recess outside right now....I know my mom would've left my butt nice & sore if she caught me out this late.


Aussie Reptile Keeper
Lol, neighbors, gotta love em.

I live in a couldersack, my neighbors drive me round the bend.

To my left, an old couple with a dog. The dog is outside nearly 24/7 and barks and howls all frickin day. Sometimes i feel like shouting out "For god sake give that dog some love"

To my right i have another couple in the lte 50s , the husband has the loudest sneeze i have ever heard in my life. you can here it a couple of blocks away. Then there is his wife, i call the loud mouth of the east. she is the loudest talker ever in my books. shes in to the footy and every time she watches that i have to hear her comments as if screamed thru a megaphone.

Then there is the neighbors across the street, their son has played a different instrument every year, PAINFUL. He could not play to save his life, and now he has DRUMS.

Across the main road behind my house is middle aged couple with about 6 kids, kids they have zero control over that run around screaming, fighting and crying at all hours. the mother dose nothing, the father screams at them the kids scream back. school holidays are the worst. The days its peaceful and quiet are bliss.

Then there is the sound of Garden work, I do lawn mowing every second sunday(if i dont the landlord dose her nut) but i do it at a reasonable time. Every body else dose it in the morning when most people are still in bed. Nice ha lol

The other neighbors in the couldersack are pretty quit so its not all bad. lol feels better to vent though hey

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