one of my first geckos ever i hatched out named Dice, and i noticed it and thought it would go away and the more and more dice sheds it shows....There is a tint of blue, its becoming more and more noticeable?! am i going Nuts? :main_huh:
It's hard to tell with that pic's lighting. Can you take a pic on a solid white or black background. I do see where it looks more greyish blue towards the bottom though.
ehh err maybe I guess. rrrmmm I guess all I can make is noises and cant make a real response! lol
That is pretty neat if it is really there and not craziness. I cannot say one way or the other because my sanity was lost long ago and the search teams have all but given up on recovering it...:main_evilgrin:
Even if the first photo there is a bit of a washout when it comes to the Flash and on the white background it washes it out almost completely... but you can still see it mid Tail or tip? in person its much more noticeable like in the last photo i just took, like i said with every shed it seems to get more "blue" so if this keeps up i wonder what she will become in the next few months?? :main_huh:
That looks unique. How old is that gecko? Did it hatch with any blue color.
Your not crazy but I wouldn't lable it a blue tail just yet. It could just be that individual animal's unique coloring as it's aged. Very cool non the less.
I have seen another leo that has a very blue/grey tail. It's the whole tail and I believe it hatched blue though. I'm anxiously awaiting the blue colors.
About 6 months old, born Aug 31 when born it just looked like a Normal tail for a gecko,i remember though dice grew really fast but then slowed down, but i noticed the change a few months later, and now more and more as it sheds, not going to label it, but it will be Unique to see when dice is older..
I guess what I see in these pictures is probably more apparent to me after seeing another leo with a clearly blue/grey tail in person. The blue/grey color is hard to capture in a pic, I can see the blue influence on the tail that has heather confused. Heather I don't think your crazy. I think it's a line bred trait/influence, I know there are others more extreme than that out there. It's just a matter of time before we have another color to play with. Good luck....
It looks Blue on my screen! I have seen this before. There is a breeder in Europe that is breeding for blue tails. I would definately breed Dice to see if you have something there...
i know what i see is a hint of blue, Who knows maybe it ends here or just starts. just something i wanted to share. I will be seeing what i can get out of Dice and her "Hint" of blue tail when she is older or what it looks like when she is older.