One more jerk selling sick animals!!!!!

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Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
So we always wonder why some people don't post pictures with their ads on Kingsnake. There's usually a reason and I'm always curious to know what it is. This ad (I'm sure some of you saw it) said "R.A.P.T.O.R. YOU name the price"...
"Here's you chance to get in to RAPTORS..." or something incredibly fishy like that. SO when Keith emailed him to ask for for pictures here's the response we got. (this ad has been removed since yesterday)

"Here's photos (the male Raptor wouldn't stay still). I haven't been
much attention to them as I should be, that's why they're on the skinny
side. But I just offered them food (roaches) and they chowed down. Just
or 4 months ago they were fat, so they're not sick or anything. Anyway,
let me know if you're still interested. Thanks.

P.S. I'm a snake guy, so my attention goes to there. But these geckos
easily gain their weight back as they eat very well.


What do you guys think? Do they look like maybe they've only missed a couple meals here and there?

I don't think so!

Here's the Aptor het Raptor -


and the Raptor - (I wonder if it really is)




Fatty Fatty Boomballaty
Western PA
That is sad... If you aren't going to care for the animal properly in the first place then why get them to begin with...


I'm the owner

OK people. I can understand being upset over seeing animals in poor shape. However, calling someone a jerk without knowing all the facts, or completely ignoring them altogether, doesn't make you much of a better person. Thank you Rami for making me aware of this forum. You're a good person.

Now, for the facts, my Kingsnake ad was deleted by the administrator because I didn't have a price included; not by me. I clearly stated in my ad that they were indeed in poor shape and DID NOT try to hide the fact. I was simply trying to find a good home for them (the right thing to do) before it was too late. They ARE NOT sick at all.

I take full responsibility for letting them get to their current state and I feel bad enough about it on my own. Though, they ate like champs last night and I guarantee they will be up to breeding weight in just a few months. I never claimed that they've only missed a couple meals here and there. You should not lie and/or make things up like that.

I've got MANY other animals and they all couldn't be any healthier. Unfortunately, being geckos and not snakes, these animals need more attention, which I couldn't give. And before you begin judging and saying things like, "how long does it take to feed a couple geckos?"... know that not everyone does have the time. Plain and simple.

I have a very good reputation for providing highend/healthy animals. Therefore, I'm not at all worried about this posting affecting my reputation at all. Anyone willing to look past their initial emotions will realize the opportunity here. And that is, a proven adult breeding pair of Raptors/het Raptors that need a little TLC are being offered to someone willing to pay what they're worth; worth in their current condition that is (I'm fair).

As for what's behind the tennis ball, it's his head. I placed the ball in the photo for size comparison, nothing more. He just wouldn't stay still. But like I said, I'm not hiding anything. I'll retake another photo of him tonight and post it for you all to see. He has one solid ruby eye and the other is 3/4 solid. He's an awesome breeder and once he's got his weight back he'll be making someone very proud.

I've attached two photos of them both that were taken approx. 6 months ago. THIS is what is being offered. They just need someone willing to give them some TLC.

Lastly, for the comment about, if you're not going to take care of them why get them in the first place... I agree with you 100%. However, sometimes we have no control over life's circumstances. I tried offering them 6 months ago, when they were in perfect shape, but NOBODY wanted to pay what they were worth. Everybody seems to always want to pay $200 for a $1000 animal (these numbers are just examples). What can you do?

Anyway, if you really care about these animals and have a little cash to spare, I'll let them go as a pair for only $500 shipped! Given the prices of babies, that's more than fair.

If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me.

Best regards,



Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
I just think it's unethical to try to SELL animals in that condition. Either get them healthy and then sell them or find a responsible person to GIVE them to.

I never said that you said that they only missed a few meals.

Your ad did not in anyway imply the condition of your animals, by the way. You only stated that you were selling them because you did not have enough time and were focusing on other things. Not having enough time does not equal not feeding them enough and letting them get to that deplorable state. I apologize for calling names but shame on you. I cant wait to see the new pictures that your going to post. The first ones made us want to cry!

The welfare of animals is more important than money. If you couldn't get the price you wanted six months ago, you should have lowered it rather than not caring for them! Good idea to try and sell them on here, but I doubt anyone will buy them( $500 are you kidding?!!!) There are too many reputable and caring breeders on this site to buy from that take care of their geckos.


I have a feeling I'm not alone with my opinions.
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New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
$500??? You've got to be kidding me?!?!?! Those two might not even make it through shipping in the condition they are in, and you want someone to pay for them? hahahaha


ever heard of a mealworm dish with supplements? there is absolutely no excuse that you got them but did not have time to feed them. No one is that busy. That is a horrible excuse and you really should be ashamed. In my opinion,you deserve all of the bashing that you are getting on this site.


I paid $1,600 for this pair 2 years ago. Your advice is to give them away for free? Yeah, right. If any of you cared so much for them you'd fork out the measly $500 shipped and take them in. Think of it as a donation, if you will. You know dang well you'd be offering the stunning babies they produce for more than what I'm asking for the proven adult pair, when they're healthy (which would take just a couple of months).

And yes, when one does not have enough time to take care of an animal properly, they WILL be neglected, unfortunately. Anyone claiming that "there's no excuse" really hasn't been in that situation. To call me names and/or judge me simply means that you're heart isn't as warm as you think it is, and your mind isn't as open as it should be. Just because you can't think of a reason, and I'm not providing the reason, doesn't mean that a justifiable one doesn't exist. It does.

Shame on me? Please. I've probably taken in way more animals than you have; most recently a pitbull puppy running loose on the highway (to which is doing absolutely great - never thought I'd own a pit, but she's awesome! [very loveable - not like they're known to be at all]). Since then, I've spent a few hundred on her vet bills, getting her all checked out, shots, spayed, etc. But I'm such a bad person because I unintentionally let my geckos' health slide by not feeding them as much as I should. You don't know what you're talking about. Plain and simple.

And I did lower my price 6 months ago. However, not many people want to pay what an animal is "worth". People are cheap and/or can't afford it, whatever. I always pay what an animal is worth. And if I was in the market for Raptors, and didn't have the cash to spend on healthy breeders, I would be all over this pair. Not bashing the person for not taking better care of them.

Best regards,



New Member
Grand Blanc, MI

Any respectable breeder wouldn't even think of breed those two, even after getting them back up to weight!!! Who knows what damage has been done letting them get that sickly.

All that seems to matter to you is the $$$ and not their well being. What a joke!!!


Addicted To Leos
Why are you taking on more animals (especially a puppy!) if you claim to not have enough time to take care of two leopard geckos? How are you going to have time to put dog food in a bowl for the puppy, if you can't put mealies in a bowl for your leos? SAD.....VERY SAD. :main_no: :main_thumbsdown:


Robert your kidding yourself if you think not having enough time is a valid excuse. You have had time to bring in a new pit bull puppy, take her to the vet and take care of her, but can't find time to feed the geckos that you purchased? You can make all the excuses you want to, but I don't think anyone on this site is going to tell you it is ok. You have proven in the last two emails that basically you paid for them, in the hopes of making some money, but didn't take care of them and now you want to sell them. Obviously as Felicia said, money is the only thing you are concerned with. I think you have proven Mel and Keith correct in their first assumption. You are a jerk.


A mealworm dish with supplements. Thank you! I will do that right away. Just gotta go get some mealworms now. I raise my own roaches and feed them 3 different species (which they love), so never really gave them mealworms. But again, thank you for the tip. I appreciate it.

Someone actually providing advice, wow. Even though you still had to get a bash in. Oh well. Say what you will. It doesn't phase me one bit. Anybody else got any tips for me? (P.S. I'll be ready for your sarcasm. Bring it.)

It just goes to show you, not everyone knows all the tips and tricks for every animal. Of course you'll all now say, "you should properly research any animal in which you care for, blah blah blah." Well, that is something I try to do, people. But not all material out there has all the "tricks". And although a simple mealworm dish may sound "common sense" to all you gecko folk who eat, sleep, and breathe this particular animal... it's not such common knowledge for a snake person. Plus I've got many more animals that I care for; about 100, all in perfect health. I used to have 300 or so and over the past 6 months I've sold a bunch, due to me not having enough time for them all anymore. Everything I've sold, though, has been in perfect health. These are the only two animals that were negatively affected by the neglect... fortunately.

Oh yeah, I GUARANTEE these animals will safely survive shipping, AND will eat like champs, AND will quickly gain all their weight back, AND will produce stunning Raptors. That is, if they're taken care of properly, of course.

Best regards,



Again, I take full responsibility for my neglect. Yet you insist to criticize me. You people are sorry. You claim to care so much, yet care so little for a fellow human being. Typical and pathetic.

Open your eyes people. I accept responsibility, I did wrong... and now I'm trying to make right. I'm personally sorry that I let it get as far as it has, but I cannot turn back time.

Anyone wanting to continue the lashing, have at it. Hope it makes you feel better.


Ont, canada!
BalloonzForU said:
$500??? You've got to be kidding me?!?!?! Those two might not even make it through shipping in the condition they are in, and you want someone to pay for them? hahahaha

i agree, those sicken me. :main_thumbsdown: :main_thumbsdown:
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