Our Collection of Herps.....


Lake Effect Leos
Traverse City, MI
Wow. Just.....WOW.

Well, Fe, it must at least make you feel good that you have such a happy life together that it's worthy of that level of jealousy. ;)

It cracks me up that it's very specifically stated that the reptiles are kept in the basement, and then later brought up that the reptiles make for an unsafe place for the minor child as they are throughout the house.....:main_rolleyes:

My goodness! We had better make sure children no longer visit zoos! It could be very dangerous and detrimental to their health! :main_rolleyes:

Fe, good for you for seeing the humorous side of this and trying to keep your head up. It's very difficult to go through things like this and that's the best thing you can do....that and have all your ducks in a row for court, that is. ;)

Our thoughts are with you and Ken.......hoping that you guys being able to physically be together will make him feel a little stronger and more confident. I'm so sorry that you have to deal with spiteful, vindictive, ignorant crap like this while trying to celebrate a new marriage and baby on the way.


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
Thank you Mari.

The funny thing is most of the info she got was from stalking us here and on another forum. Like total counts and what we have in our collection, which is not correct either. The fact of the matter is some of it was not posted correctly for the fact that we knew what she was doing. I'm still trying to figure out how my geckos eat rats, I know I never said that even when feeding her misinformation on here. We may have joked they eat jelly beans on another forum and that's how they get great color. :main_rolleyes:

Oh a better note, (eat your heart out Amanda here's more info you can take to court, but if you do it will only help us)..... We paid the down payment so they can start building our new house in Grand Blanc, MI, will be done in 90 working days. #2 schools in the state!!! 2700 square foot house, 4 bdrms, 2.5 bath, 1400 square foot basement (one big reptile room). Master bedroom is 17' x 23'.... yay for big bedrooms!! OH, one of the best features is all the bedrooms are on the second floor, guess where the laundry room is? Yep on the second floor!!! No going up and down stairs to do laundry!! I'm going to try to get a pic of the floor plans to post, it's so nice, I can't wait!!! (the other house fell through due to it going into foreclosure, long story... but worked out for the best)

As Ken and I have stated this past year, this is our time. We started dating a year ago this month starting planning our wedding just a few months later, got pregnant just before the wedding (ooops lol) moving to a new house, our kids are happy, we are happy, work is busy, breeding season has started off well for the snakes (took the second year off of breeding my geckos) all is perfect. Not sure it could get better than this. :D


Can't you have people on all these forums give "character letters" that say what great and responsible herp owners and breeders you guys are, also from other parents who own herps with no problems or harm to the child? Ask your lawyer if so I will be the first to jump on that bandwagon.


New Member
Central California
BalloonzForU said:
As Ken and I have stated this past year, this is our time. We started dating a year ago this month starting planning our wedding just a few months later, got pregnant just before the wedding (ooops lol) moving to a new house, our kids are happy, we are happy, work is busy, breeding season has started off well for the snakes (took the second year off of breeding my geckos) all is perfect. Not sure it could get better than this. :D

Now this is what you should be focusing on!! :main_yes:

She'll try to throw up roadblocks, but you two will just have to go around. You're right - this is your time!

The new house sounds awesome! Giant herp room ..... droooool! :D


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
Thank you!!

Nancy, I can't wait to get it all done. The basement will have all the plumbing needed for a bathroom so we'll be able to put a toilet in and some sinks for cleaning, etc. Once it's mostly done, I'll go in the basement and walk out how I'd like it split up. We are going to need it split into a few rooms. One room for reptiles that like it cooler, those that need a little more humidity, those who like it hot and arid and of course our quarantine room.

Almost forgot!! Floor Plans!!! http://attiagroup.com/pdffiles/Victoria.pdf
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New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
Thank you Nancy!

Just got off the phone with Ken. He just left his new lawyer's office which laughed at this whole thing and told Ken, "You just gave this office something to talk and laugh about for the next few months". She picked the wrong time to try to bring this to the courts because all ex-wives tend to do this crap as soon as the ex husband get's remarried it's all about being vindictive and the court systems knows it. :D She's got a few surprises coming her way with a counter suit. :main_laugh:


New Member
Wow Fe.. This has been an interesting read.. Not for the hassel this woman has put on you, but for what she's claiming.

Please keep us updated. I wish you and Ken luck... But, I kind of doubt you need it. All the allegations are erroneous and hilarious at best. She has no leg to stand on, especially since Ken had reptiles while living with her. What makes that situation any worse than the current one? What, you and a few more repitles? Ha.

I'd love to be a fly on the wall in the lawyer's office after Ken left.

By the way great floorplans.


Lake Effect Leos
Traverse City, MI
Love the house plans, Fe! That will be very nice! Our laundry room is also on the upper level of our house......I couldn't love it more!! It's sooo convenient!

Glad that the new lawyer seems to have put Ken at ease a little so that you can enjoy your time!

The best of luck with you with the whole 'ex-situation' and with the new house and baby! How very exciting! :main_yes:

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