I have two crested geckos, one with a tail and one with out. My one with a tail I was gradually helping get left over shed off everyday so one day when I went to take him out my other gecko bit his tail and left a fleshy tip. I had to separate them to avoid any more damage being done and I got in contact with JBs cresties who told me there wasn't much I could do but let it heal on its own. I'm not sure what to do though it looks bad now after a week I have no vet to take them to for such a emergency because I dont own a car. Please help me
I have two crested geckos, one with a tail and one with out. My one with a tail I was gradually helping get left over shed off everyday so one day when I went to take him out my other gecko bit his tail and left a fleshy tip. I had to separate them to avoid any more damage being done and I got in contact with JBs cresties who told me there wasn't much I could do but let it heal on its own. I'm not sure what to do though it looks bad now after a week I have no vet to take them to for such a emergency because I dont own a car. Please help me