Put The Blame On Mother?



Hey Gecko Guys and Gals.
I'm really curious and wondering how many
of you are experiencing hatching and egg
production problems as I.
I know a couple gecko friends going through
much of the same problems I have been having.
And I've seen comments on the G-forum a few times also.
Eggs going bad, 2nd year females
stopping after 2 clutches, friendly romance but
no commitment to enlarge the family......
Needless to say.....
"I can't put the blame on Mame boys.".....So:
Anyone else think Mother Nature is involved?
Chicken egg Incubation?
Global warming?
Help me out here guys and gals....
I've had 16 eggs so far...11 bad, and no
hatches yet.
Talk about wanting to see a gecko head
pop through.....Wow, and the first chance
is still not until about June 8th.
I was 27 for 27 before using my chicken egg
incubator ....or any incubator....
This year I'm using the incubator.
That is until today...
When in doubt change the procedures..
I'm back to my man made area near the gas
water heater where the 27
for 27 took place. Temp is constant at 80 to 84.
OK....Complained enough.
Back to scrubbing gecko poo.:D
Appreciate any comments to keep me from
going into a state of "gecko depression."
Take care. HJ :D



Staff member
Somerville, MA
I have seen similar comments. If you recall, the 2008 season was quite a bad one for many people, possibly connected to the mealworm shortage. I had some of the problems that other people did that year: babies with deformities, single egg clutches, death in the egg. In all, I produced 41 live babies from about 6 females. My first hatch wasn't till mid-May.
Then in 2009, with most of the same breeders and the same equipment, I had a staggering season. My first leo hatch was early April and I produced about 79 leos (from the same number of females) with an 85% hatch rate!

This year is more similar to '08 (without the deformities, yet). I have hatched 3 AFT's and am waiting for my first leo hatch any minute now. I don't know if last season was the exception or this season.



New Member
Pilot Grove, Missouri
I have to say that the season started out pretty rough for me. It seemed no body wanted to lay fertile eggs. I'd say that out of the first 20 eggs a dozen was infertile. Out of the eggs that have hatched I have had 4 healthy, 1 deformity, and 1 DOA.

I now have 10 good eggs in the incubator and all females seemed to be producing alot better. I had another lock up tonight too so hopefully that goes well. Another first year female. It took a little bit but the season is looking a whole lot better then it did a month ago.

I hope that things start to get better your way and you have some successful hatchings.


New Member
I seem to be running about 30% eggs dieing about half way thru incubation. Though it could be from some APS I was using since I couldn't find vermiculite....


Ghoulish Geckos
I'm off to a rough start, too. My eggs that are fertile are hatching fine, but I've been getting quite a few infertile eggs. I also have breedings that I've witnessed multiple times with no egg laying. I'm hoping things get better for everyone soon.


New Member
I am only breeding 3 females this year and it has taken forever for anyone to decide that they want to breed. The only one that has lain so far laid 1 slug and one candled fertile but stopped forming and went bad after only a few days. Her and the male are both first time breeders so I am hoping clutch #2 will be fertile.


-sssSpyker ExoticSsss-
What is the main diet of your geckos for those of you having problems? I have one first time layer who is three years old, who has thrown 4 infertile clutches and working on another clutch (which hopefully is fertile) but the rest of the eggs layed seem to be doing great.

Though I shouldn't count my geckos before they hatch. I haven't had any hatchlings this season expecting my first any day now.

I feed a diet mainly of roaches

I am wondering.....
Last couple years it was most likely the mealworms
could this year be the crickets ???


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Most of my adults have been eating superworms, though they have recently switched themselves to crickets (but breeding issues started before that).



Mother Nature Over Supply?

Most of my adults have been eating superworms, though they have recently switched themselves to crickets (but breeding issues started before that).

Aliza, that's a very good comment.
I just started using super worms for mine...
only half of my adults will eat them.
And checking back on each I find that
most of the animals involved in the
non hatches are NOT eating super worms.
The cricket part is something I need
to give some thought to.
I quit feeding crickets on a large scale.
(except for occasional watching the hunt)
Main prey food has been well fed meal worms and
wax worms until the recent super worms.
Got a call from a gecko raising,
opinionated, Senator, :D he blamed "global warming." :main_yes:
Thanks for the input.
Appreciate all comments from everyone so far.
I think we may have many more tell
about 2010 problems.
Hoping it squares up for all or we find a
correctable solution, if one.
Take care. Hj



New Member
I have owned leo's for about 8 years now and just recently decided to breed. This is my official first season and it had been really crappy up until recently. Everyone was laying infertiles for awhile but now I have 11 eggs in the incubator and another female getting ready to lay her first clutch with another appearing gravid again. I was ready to throw in the towel at the beginning but it seems to me (including several others comments) that the season seems to be getting better further into it.


Mother Nature? Global Warming? Huh?

I have owned leo's for about 8 years now and just recently decided to breed. This is my official first season and it had been really crappy up until recently. Everyone was laying infertiles for awhile but now I have 11 eggs in the incubator and another female getting ready to lay her first clutch with another appearing gravid again. I was ready to throw in the towel at the beginning but it seems to me (including several others comments) that the season seems to be getting better further into it.

Yes it kind of seems getting a bit better for many Bari.
Here, I've had as many as 13 in the incubator
but still not a hatch. After 2 laid this morning
I'm currently back up to 7 eggs...........But:
I have quit using the incubator.:main_huh:
I have some doubts about humidity using those
chicken egg incubators with a coil above.
Mine hatched really well in 2008 when others
were having problems. (27 for 27)
They were put in the 80 - 84 degree area
I now have my eggs in.
(no incubator or cost)
We will see if anything here changes
for the better.
All the best on yours Bari, others responding, and
those not responding that are having problems.
I'm pretty sure there are many.
Take care. HJ


Nature's Way?

I have to say that the season started out pretty rough for me. It seemed no body wanted to lay fertile eggs. I'd say that out of the first 20 eggs a dozen was infertile. Out of the eggs that have hatched I have had 4 healthy, 1 deformity, and 1 DOA.

I now have 10 good eggs in the incubator and all females seemed to be producing alot better. I had another lock up tonight too so hopefully that goes well. Another first year female. It took a little bit but the season is looking a whole lot better then it did a month ago.

I hope that things start to get better your way and you have some successful hatchings.

Thanks Justin.
I hope that things continue in a good way
and you have some great lookers
peeking through.
Take care. HJ


Acid Rain?

I'm off to a rough start, too. My eggs that are fertile are hatching fine, but I've been getting quite a few infertile eggs. I also have breedings that I've witnessed multiple times with no egg laying. I'm hoping things get better for everyone soon.

Hi Kristi.
I've also witnessed multiple breeding times.
My way of mating is to bring the female to the
male and breed her every two days til she says no.
My males have been used to breed friends
females that have hatched babies, so I'm
doubting lack of male fertility by now.
I'm hoping things get better for everyone soon.
Take care. Thanks everyone for commenting.
It's giving me thoughts for a solution,
if there is a human one available.
Kristi, I see you got a "beautiful hatch."
Sure helps the discouraged moments.


Egg Problem Beware

What is the main diet of your geckos for those of you having problems? I have one first time layer who is three years old, who has thrown 4 infertile clutches and working on another clutch (which hopefully is fertile) but the rest of the eggs layed seem to be doing great.

Though I shouldn't count my geckos before they hatch. I haven't had any hatchlings this season expecting my first any day now.

I feed a diet mainly of roaches

I am wondering.....
Last couple years it was most likely the mealworms
could this year be the crickets ???

Hey Zach.
My prey food consists of well nourished
meal worms and wax worms. Just recently I
added super worms which are eaten by near
half of my geckos. No roaches but plans are
to add to the diet. Rarely crickets.
I too have had what appeared to be good
eggs (est. 20) with now 7 left with a chance
to hatch. No hatches to date.
All the best to you and thanks for the
Take care. HJ
Last edited:


Eggs Hatching 2010?

A gecko buddy, also having problems as we have
been discussing here.......
Was running about 13 eggs of which 8 went bad.
He was using the above element incubator.
He built a bator from a small fridge.
After using it he got his first 3 hatches.
I also changed from the same type bator
to my heated area. Although I have still no
hatches....a couple eggs appearing to be
going bad now have a better appearance.
Soft spot dented one seems to be repaired.
Dent gone, no soft spot.
I'm really curious how many with problems
are using the foam type, top element,
chicken incubator?(about $40 bucks)
Mine is a "Little Giant" still air.
Comparable to what most on forum refer to as Hova.
Come on June 5. Anxious.....(now first chance for a hatch)
Take care. Hj


New Member
Hopefully you get some lil babies soon :) Keep us informed if this method of incubation works better for you, would be a good study.


Eggs Hatching 2010?

Hopefully you get some lil babies soon :) Keep us informed if this method of incubation works better for you, would be a good study.

Hey Bari.
Are you using a Hova Bator?
I think that is the name.
Yeah, 2008 was an excellent hatch %.
Only started using the incubator
for a few males and then the area
got cluttered up with stuff I kept
putting off moving.
Take care and thanks again. HJ


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I had 5 good seasons with the hovabator including a phenomenal season in '09 with over 75 leopard gecko babies and an 85% hatch rate. There are many people who have done really well with the hobovator and others who don't like it. I don't know what the variables are, possibly the quality of the thermostat and the incubation medium, as well as the ambient temperature (I would have to put my hobovator in the basement in the summer because once the indoor temp got above 85 it was too hot for my preferred incubation temperatures).



New Member
Shawnee, Oklahoma
Sorry to hear about your troubles. My season started out kind of bad. I bred one female and she laid 4 oversized infertiles. Not to mention my bell enigma prolapsed a hemipen. I had an enigma female start to lay infertiles that had not been exposed to any males. The infertile eggs took alot out of her. Which in turn flipped the switch on the engima gene and she has basically been off feed for over a month. Will only drink water and when you pick her up she does barrel rolls and she does turns in circles when shes awake quite often. I may have to put her down. On the other hand the last 2 months have been pretty good. I have my first clutch hatch this week with 4 clutches from 2 females. That I can almost guarantee will hatch. Eggs are fat and looking perfect. Its been a up and down season for me.. Your not alone in your season. Wish you much luck!

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