Put The Blame On Mother?


Troubles, I say troubles in River City.

I had 5 good seasons with the hovabator including a phenomenal season in '09 with over 75 leopard gecko babies and an 85% hatch rate. There are many people who have done really well with the hobovator and others who don't like it. I don't know what the variables are, possibly the quality of the thermostat and the incubation medium, as well as the ambient temperature (I would have to put my hobovator in the basement in the summer because once the indoor temp got above 85 it was too hot for my preferred incubation temperatures).

Hi Aliza.
Again thanks for your input on this.
I can see not many females when the temp.
got over 85. But along with that I see a plus
by the incubator being in the basement.
I have a information tag on mine that reads
operate in a room with constant temp.
of 65 to 72 degrees F.
This is still speculation but I do believe humidity
is a problem in them out of this range.
Now I am certainly not running down producing
75 geckos. But just think you had 93 eggs laid.
And I figure Mother Nature still has her nose
in our business, even though we have the geckos
out of her elements and dangers. But was there
something fixable :main_huh: that would have given you
the other 18 babies?
That's what I would like to find out.:main_yes:
Take care & much success the rest of the way.


Luxurious Leopards
We have had the season to forget here at Luxuriousleopards. We feed crickets and supers, and havent changed anything at all from previous years. We have had tons of eggs but a good number of embryos die mid incubation. We have had some incubator issues, but now seem to be picking up. We have had a banner year for fattails but leos have been lacking in production for some reason. I wonder if this new disease in crickets is taking a toll??????????


2010 problems, food for thought.

Sorry to hear about your troubles. My season started out kind of bad. I bred one female and she laid 4 oversized infertiles. Not to mention my bell enigma prolapsed a hemipen. I had an enigma female start to lay infertiles that had not been exposed to any males. The infertile eggs took alot out of her. Which in turn flipped the switch on the engima gene and she has basically been off feed for over a month. Will only drink water and when you pick her up she does barrel rolls and she does turns in circles when shes awake quite often. I may have to put her down. On the other hand the last 2 months have been pretty good. I have my first clutch hatch this week with 4 clutches from 2 females. That I can almost guarantee will hatch. Eggs are fat and looking perfect. Its been a up and down season for me.. Your not alone in your season. Wish you much luck!

Wow Justin, hate to hear
about the prolapse and enigma reverting.
That's serious add ons to the other
problems at hand.
I have 2 excellent females I was looking
forward to babies from.
After 2 clutches each, all going bad, weight has dropped from 72 & 75 down to
42 and 51 with very minimum food intake.
Worry enough with them that I hope they
don't try to lay any more.
Went through the not eating last season on the
72 G. To 42 one but, after laying 4 good clutches.
So it's not as scary this time around.
Another Big girl (92) did 2 clutches...3 of 4 bad.
That egg would now be the first chance for a hatch.
And that might just help a bit, since it's a
large egg from 106 and 92 gram parents.
*******21 days left and counting********
Thanks for input.
I would appreciate knowing what incubator you

Hoping for a lot more of the good stuff for you.
Take care. HJ


Staff member
Somerville, MA
Hi Aliza.
Again thanks for your input on this.
I can see not many females when the temp.
got over 85. But along with that I see a plus
by the incubator being in the basement.
I have a information tag on mine that reads
operate in a room with constant temp.
of 65 to 72 degrees F.
This is still speculation but I do believe humidity
is a problem in them out of this range.
Now I am certainly not running down producing
75 geckos. But just think you had 93 eggs laid.
And I figure Mother Nature still has her nose
in our business, even though we have the geckos
out of her elements and dangers. But was there
something fixable :main_huh: that would have given you
the other 18 babies?
That's what I would like to find out.:main_yes:
Take care & much success the rest of the way.

I would have to do some research to figure out about the eggs that didn't hatch. Off-hand, some were infertile eggs laid by first-timers. There were at least 2 where the baby hatched either very tiny or with a major deformity. To be honest, I'm kind of grateful that I didn't have 100% hatch rate because it took a lot out of me caring for the ones that did hatch, not to mention selling them. Although I did have 2 days where the temp spiked in the incubator at 86, I was generally incubating at 82 and only hatched one male out of all the leos. I actually felt that my hatch rate lowered when I moved the hobovator to the basement. I don't really like the air down there, but I don't know if that's my imagination or not.



World Of Wonder

We have had the season to forget here at Luxuriousleopards. We feed crickets and supers, and havent changed anything at all from previous years. We have had tons of eggs but a good number of embryos die mid incubation. We have had some incubator issues, but now seem to be picking up. We have had a banner year for fattails but leos have been lacking in production for some reason. I wonder if this new disease in crickets is taking a toll??????????

Some interesting input. Thanks.
I'll take this first:
(We have had the season to forget.)
Certainly hate hearing this.
(I wonder if this new disease in crickets is taking a toll??????????)
Not feeding crickets here. Meal, wax, & just introduced
super worms. Got about half eating them.
(We have had a banner year for fat tails)
I'm not schooled on fat tails. What, if any, differences
would there be from the leopards in feeding, breeding,
or incubation?

(We have had some incubator issues, but now seem to be picking up.)
Would you mind getting deeper into this?
Type incubator or incubation method?
Hoping things smooth out for all.
Take care. Hj



Eggs, hatches, success, what now?

I would have to do some research to figure out about the eggs that didn't hatch. Off-hand, some were infertile eggs laid by first-timers. There were at least 2 where the baby hatched either very tiny or with a major deformity. To be honest, I'm kind of grateful that I didn't have 100% hatch rate because it took a lot out of me caring for the ones that did hatch, not to mention selling them. Although I did have 2 days where the temp spiked in the incubator at 86, I was generally incubating at 82 and only hatched one male out of all the leos. I actually felt that my hatch rate lowered when I moved the hobovator to the basement. I don't really like the air down there, but I don't know if that's my imagination or not.


Hi Aliza.
I can certainly relate to your comment of,

"To be honest, I'm kind of grateful that I didn't have 100% hatch rate because it took a lot out of me caring for the ones that did hatch, not to mention selling them."
and I have not had near your numbers.
My Geckoing is pretty much a Learning
Experience Hobby.
I have a couple sources for my non
hold backs so it is a little stress relief from
that area of selling.
But I end up with a lot of gecko
face friends due to the mystery question
of, "what's in the egg?"

Much of my interest is spent testing.
On foods for prey food ...
Raising prey food...
Understanding the gecko...
Enhancing captivity life...
and understanding the problems
and capability of the reproduction process.
Your comments, as always, are appreciated.
Take care, Hj

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