raptor from your gecko guy

gecko breeder

New Member
this is the raptor he sent me he realy cares about his costomers happiness and has great communication, with leos at great prices thanks
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Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
I personally don't ship under 15 grams... babies smaller than that tend to have a hard time handling shipping as well.


New Member
Oregon, IL
Beautiful animal. I hope the shipping didn't freak him out too much. I don't ship until they reach 15g either. 8 seems way too small for me.
Hi we dont usually ship geckos this small. This was a gift to him for a mix up on an order. This was a free order shipping and all. This is what he wanted, and this is all we had at the time. We have ordered a fair amount of geckos before that are smaller than this,and they have done well. The gecko will be fine and he went to a good home as well. The gecko breeder is an experienced gecko owner and knows what he is doing. I have faith that it was a good choice for him.


New Member
Just my opinion, but I don't think that the experience of the receiver should be a "reasonable" excuse to ship any living animal early if the animal is at a more vulnerable lifestage or increased risk of stress. Personally, I have held and fed animals already paid in full for up to several weeks to ensure that they are in a "hardier" stage of life prior to shipping.

A younger/smaller animal is more likely to exhibit autotomy (tail drop), the decreased surface area of a smaller animal also makes them more sensitive to dehydration, abrupt changes in temperature and other environmental factors related to shipping stress. Luckily in this situation, the animal arrived safely- BUT if the gecko had dropped its tail or arrived DOA then the shipper would be at fault and future potential clients would think twice about purchasing (loss of future business). Just not worth the risk if you ask me, I'ld rather spend an extra $5 for another 2-3 weeks of feeders to decrease the likelihood of any shipping mishaps! Some shipping errors we can not control, such as weather, shipping carrier mistakes etc, but others we CAN. Good luck and I'm glad everything went well this time.

Lol just relax this is not to be a negtive thing here.The gecko is fine. I SHIPPED HIM A GECKO FOR FREE. I order 10 and 20 lots of babies all the time every breeder has whole sale stuff . We can what if all day here. just let him show off his gecko and dont try to make him feel bad by telling him( Its too small or that guy should have not shipped it). It was a show off your gecko thread not a make some one feel bad or weird thread. We ship a few hundred pks a year in 100 plus weather and do fine all year and still no d.o.a.. Just postive things need to come from this site this is for information and fun and to talk to others about our stuff not a bashing playground for people. Just let it be.
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Just my opinion, but I don't think that the experience of the receiver should be a "reasonable" excuse to ship any living animal early if the animal is at a more vulnerable lifestage or increased risk of stress. Personally, I have held and fed animals already paid in full for up to several weeks to ensure that they are in a "hardier" stage of life prior to shipping.

A younger/smaller animal is more likely to exhibit autotomy (tail drop), the decreased surface area of a smaller animal also makes them more sensitive to dehydration, abrupt changes in temperature and other environmental factors related to shipping stress. Luckily in this situation, the animal arrived safely- BUT if the gecko had dropped its tail or arrived DOA then the shipper would be at fault and future potential clients would think twice about purchasing (loss of future business). Just not worth the risk if you ask me, I'ld rather spend an extra $5 for another 2-3 weeks of feeders to decrease the likelihood of any shipping mishaps! Some shipping errors we can not control, such as weather, shipping carrier mistakes etc, but others we CAN. Good luck and I'm glad everything went well this time.


I don't see any bashing here, just concern for the welfare of the gecko in question. Just because something bad *hasn't* happened yet, doesn't mean it won't in the future. Why take the risk, when shipping a few weeks later means that the baby received will be at a reduced risk for stress and illness?

And yes, good on you for shipping the gecko free. Yay. Hooray. Jolly good.*** You still could have shipped the gecko for free a few weeks later.

No one is trying to make the buyer feel bad. He has no clue about the whole thing! We are all trying to point out that YOU, the SELLER have a responsibility for the well-being of an animal that YOU bred and decided to ship when it was far too young.

***Yes, that was sarcasm/negativity/bashing. Go ahead and ream me a new one.


Oh, I don't know about that. Everyone on this board who has posted stated that they would *NEVER* ship a gecko below 15 grams. So, no, not *everyone* in the hobby does it that way. Stop telling us to "leave the thread be" so that you can stop feeling uncomfortable. Just man up already and improve your shoddy business ethic, please.


In regards to your PM, no I am not going to adjust my post, because "it wasn't very nice."

As for the links you posted:

Reptmart: No mention of weight
JMG: None of the lower-weight animals are listed as being "SOLD"
CrestedGecko: No mention of weight

As for JMG, I believe that these lower-weighted geckos are being listed to pique the interest of potential buyers. By the time someone is lined up to by the *currently* 6 gram Enigma (smallest I could find on the sight), listed for a hefty $200, that animal will be well within shipping weight. If JMG has a history of selling underweight geckos, then I will eat my words.

I am still awaiting real proof from you that "ALL BREEDERS DO BAD BUSINESS LIKE ME"

gecko breeder

New Member
holly hell lol next time ill remember to lie, the gecko is fine every breeder has different ways of doing things iv made worse mistakes in shipping a gecko trust me, anyway shes eating good nice and plump and is house alone in a very large tube in my rack system, come on stop the arguing whats done is done and your gecko guy dose well business in deed it was my choise to purches the animal when he warned me about his size, there was a mix up in the first order and i made it clear as a buy and a costomer it was what i wanted even thoe he highly reccomended to wait as a costomer i made my choise do to other things coming in and room i can say it was a risk for the animal and if anything whent wrong it would have been MY fult


Gecko Power
So the shipper is saying its fine to ship the gecko at this size and that a lot of breeders do this. Now the shippie.....if you will, is saying that he was warned about his size and was highly recommended to wait? I would think that if that was the case you would have waited a couple of weeks to show off your leo. I don't think you were warned but just trying to cover as the stuff has hit the fan. Cute little guy by the way gonna be really nice.

Imperial Geckos

Miami, Fl
Guys this doesnt belong on GF. YouGeckoGuy is correct, many breeders ship hatchling geckos. Before when i use to keep leopard geckos, i would get tons of hatchling geckos from LLL reptile because they were cheaper. All of them thrived and did well.

Time to put on my Hater Blockers :main_cool3:... The 15 gram "rule"..is a guideline. It is not set in stone.

If you dont feel comforatbale shipping a gecko under 15 grams, dont do it, and dont buy one that will be shipped under 15 grams. If you dont mind, and know the "risks" then go for it!!

We dont need to hackle YourGeckoGuy's shipping tactics, that belongs on another Forum.

However, back to "shipping geckos under 15 grams", the practice is common within the trade, as much as some of you dont want to believe it.
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