RIP Khatool (cat)


Staff member
Somerville, MA
About 8 years ago, a feral cat from the neighborhood started coming through our cat door and eating some of the cat food. He was very shy and would crowch and run if he even saw us. After awhile, when he became a little calmer, my brother, who's a vet, came over --we trapped him, knocked him out and he neutered him and did bloodwork to check for diseases. He continued to come around and about 6 months later I caught him using the litter box. Since then, he has been almost exclusively indoors, sleeping on our pillow every night, sitting in our laps, coming to the door when we come home from work.

"Khatool" is Hebrew for "cat". The kids wanted to name him "Osama" but we didn't think that was OK.

Last Thursday, my husband found him under our back porch, unable to move his back legs. My brother thought he may have a blood clot which was not only paralyzing him but also causing a lot of pain. He treated him for 2 days and he didn't get better. We decided to go get him, bring him home for a day and then let my brother put him down. By the time we got to the clinic, he was hemorrhaging and bleeding from the mouth. We spent about an hour with him and then let my brother give him the injection. It was really hard, but it was clear that he was done. We really miss him, but we got to have him for 7 years.



New Member
i am so very sorry! i lost my stinky a few weeks back, we got to spend 15 years with her. no matter how long though it still hurts the same.


New Member
Aliza I am so sorry for your loss. Khatool was very lucky to have come across such a loving family to spend the last 7 years with.

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