S373: Python Ban Moves Foreward Despite Questionable Science


New Member
Miami, FL
I probably shoulda put this in Rants & Raves, since i'm SO mad right now.

The Bill S373 was agreeded upon and moved foward this morning to include the 9constrictors from the USGS report only and already moved foward. Talk was said about allowing breeders time to come up with an exit plan to lession the impact. :main_huh::main_huh::main_huh:

This is the HSUS Press Release. In the hearing, they pretty much suggested giving us time to skin our animals so we could then continue to trade in skins. Skin our beloved pets. PETA and the HSUS would be up in arms had they suggested that for dogs and cats.

HSUS press release. This is it, you guys. :main_no:


December 10, 2009
Senate Panel Approves Large Constrictor Snake Trade Ban

The Humane Society of the United States and the Humane Society Legislative Fund applaud the U.S. Senate Environment and Public Works Committee for approving S. 373, a bill to add certain constrictor snakes to the list of injurious species that cannot be imported or moved in interstate commerce as pets. The committee amended the bill to cover nine species of large constrictor snakes identified by the U.S. Geological Survey as posing high or medium risk to the environment. The amendment was supported by Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, Sen. Bill Nelson and The HSUS. The bill now moves to the full Senate for consideration.

"The Humane Society of the United States is grateful to lawmakers and Interior Department officials for working to prohibit the trade in all nine species of large constrictor snakes, getting ahead of this problem and not facing the next new fad in the exotic pet trade," said Michael Markarian, chief operating officer for The HSUS. "Congress must swiftly pass this important bill to prevent further threats to public safety, animal welfare and our natural resources."

The HSUS and HSLF express their thanks to bill sponsor Sen. Bill Nelson, D-Fla., Committee Chair Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., and Subcommittee Chair Ben Cardin, D-Md., for their leadership on this measure.

"As stewards of our country's vast public lands and natural resources, we have to deal with the threats posed by invasive species," Sen. Nelson said, adding that more still needs to be done to better regulate all kinds of foreign plants and animals coming into the United States.

If large constrictor snakes escape or are released outdoors, they can multiply rapidly and prey on native wildlife, depleting vulnerable species. Burmese pythons are already widely established in the Everglades, making it difficult if not impossible to remove them, and boa constrictors and Northern African pythons have been found in a smaller area of Florida. Action is needed now to prevent these snakes from spreading further and to prevent other species from becoming established. If only a few species are included, the trade will simply shift from one giant snake to another.


* A 2-year-old Florida girl killed by a python this year was the fourth person killed by a pet python in the United States since 2006. The others were adults with experience handling reptiles, two of them killed by reticulated pythons.
* S. 373 targets the exotic pet trade. These snakes could still be imported and moved in interstate commerce for zoological, educational, medical and scientific purposes with a permit.
* The bill would not affect possession or sales within a state. People would keep and retain responsibility for existing animals.
* The nine species included in the amended bill are: Burmese/Indian pythons, Northern African pythons, Southern African pythons, reticulated pythons, boa constrictors and four species of anacondas.
* Related legislation (H.R. 2811) was approved by the House Judiciary Committee, which held a hearing on Nov. 6 where HSUS testified in support of the bill and urged an amendment to cover nine species.


Uroplatus Fanatic
Buffalo, NY
Holy S**t, the sobs actually pulled it off...
This changes the reptile world as we know it. At least it doesn't affect inside state ownership and sales. But....wow....thats all I can say...

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
It isn't law yet, but it did pass the committee, and the next step is consideration by the whole Senate. At that time it is debated and amended, and if passed it is delivered to the House of Representatives. The House may then amend the bill, after a final version is approved by both the House and Senate the President must sign it into law or Veto it. The fight is far from over, but today was a major setback.


New Member
Miami, FL
Holy S**t, the sobs actually pulled it off...
This changes the reptile world as we know it. At least it doesn't affect inside state ownership and sales. But....wow....thats all I can say...

Right NOW it doesn't. If these turds keep getting more fuel to add to their fire, like alot of the inexperianced ones that live here in South Florida, we can count out interstate ownership and possibly our beloved ball pythons. The storm ain't over yet, unfortunately...we just hit the eye.


New Member
i dont agree with this but in away i do understand and agree that some large non native species of snakes are a possible risk in some states. what scares me is the future, whos next leopard geckos

fact small child chokes on leopard gecko! oh come on.


The bird Is The Word
Birmingham, Uk
so what happens to peoples python and breeders like ralf davis because im sure he's not going to skin his pythons could this mean passinote keepers of pythons and also breeders could move here to the uk although im sure there not going to go that far.


New Member
Miami, FL
If it comes to that point Steve, I think they'd end up setting up some type of "release stations" at certain places in different areas...most likely so the animals could be carted off to some type of facility to be euthanized. The really lucky ones might be kept for educational purposes or whatever.

I imagine that if it comes to that point, the opposite of what they hoped to achieve is going to happen. I believe that most people will get scared into releasing MORE animals into the wild. I don't understand the logic behind a lot of what is going on.


The bird Is The Word
Birmingham, Uk
so basiclly there going to be sent off to some sort of concentration camp it's a fuc*ing joke once again it's been down to irrisponceable owners im just glad im in the uk i just feel so sad for the people that have put thousands of dollars in to there passion for it to be all taken away it really is a sickening situation but how is the law ment to now how's got python's in there home?


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
I don't understand it either, Maia.
All it will do is cause good, hard working people to become "criminals" in the eyes of the new laws.


New Member
Fort Worth, TX
I understand emotions are running high right now, but please, watch the language. I'm a potty mouth myself so I feel rather sheepish saying that but as owner of the site I have to.


The bird Is The Word
Birmingham, Uk
ow sorry its not even going to effect me but im very angry for all ov america. nowing that big time breeders are going to have there snakes skin lying on a table


New Member
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
:main_no: Honestly, I see why they think this way, but i completely disagree. Im in Canada, so right now this doesnt affect me, but it will probably move on up across the border. In BC i believe there are already ristrictions on larger snakes and pythons. I could say things right now, but it would not be suitable for the forum.

I agree on how much it would suck for the people that poured there lives and incom into this, and this is there job, like prehistoric pets and ralph davis. honestly, i think more bad is gunna come out of this than good.


New Member
WHAT.THE.FUDGE:main_angry: This is horrible, I can't believe it...it's irresponsible people out there that have no idea what they're doing...this is a joke!


Obsessed with Leos
New Port Richey/Hudson, FL
All i can say is that people that end up getting these snakes and have no idea how to care for them or house them then they have their mutant kids living in the same room with a half starved huge python with poorly constructed cage of course there is a chance the snake will get out of the cage and possibly go for the child that is lil bigger than their normal prey. i like kids n all but apparently these people were too brainless to really become parents much less own huge snake capable of killing a human. though there is many other animals that more deaths every year that no one says anything about. i agree for stricter regulations on them with licensing and stuff like that but not totally outlawing them. i don't know this country is going to the pooper, literally. im ashamed of it to be honest. Every day i see the most igornant i have ever seen in my life, maybe its due to the financial difficulties most have but still i see no reason to be sour all the time. sorry for my rant there i just believe in southern hosiptality or however its spelt. LOL


New Member
I swear a majority of society doesn't understand us and our love for our animals. I'm not into snakes but I'm sorry for all of you that are and have made snakes a business and a passion, it is so unfair.

I don't understand how people can discriminate and how the HSUS that's suppose to be all for animal rights is up for this, it's a shame.

If we're banning them because their were 4 deaths since 2006. I say we ban alcohol, guns, knives, cars, etc. because they take a hell of a lot more lives each day then snakes ever did. People are so backwards i swear instead of focusing on a bill that keeps rapist, child molesters, abusers and murders in jail and off our streets to recommit crimes or a bill that strives towards rehabilitation they're worried about freaking snakes because they're such a threat to society. What's next on the agenda pit bulls, killer goldfish, the roaches in my closet? Can anyone tell i'm annoyed.

got spots?

leo lover
foglesville PA
But for real what is going to happen? I heard 2 things. One we have to give up our snakes which the man will kill. 2: we just cant bring them across state borders anymore

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