Sick of the people that live in our neighborhood


Obsessed with Leos
New Port Richey/Hudson, FL
Well a few months ago we had animal control called on us for the dogs barking and not being taken care of. Yes I have one barker in the group of 4 beagles I have they all have bark collars but it doesn't faze him. Hes the sweetest dog but loves to bark for some reason and the girls they rarely bark they are afraid of the bark collars. Well today the cops came saying our dogs were barking at all hours of the night its like okay well our dogs were not even outside until a hour ago and they are inside every night so I don't know how they are barking all night when they are sleeping. I know there are some terriers on the street behind us that bark 24/7 and no one says anything to them well until today they are getting AC called and cops called I am sick of our dogs being the center of people they always bark and thinking those annoying barkers are our dogs barking when its clearly 2 very different types of barking from a terrier to a hound. Hounds have a much louder bark and it sounds weird especially a beagles lol. I can't see how much i am sick of living here I never seen more igornant a**es in my lifetime about barking dogs, I grew up where dogs were able to be dogs, dogs bark big deal just make sure they reasonably quiet at night. I can't wait to move away from this crappy place. I am so not happy right now. Well soon we will probably have to de-bark Mason since hes the barker, I don't have the heart to rehome him i am too attached to him and hes so sweet I don't want him to be mistreated, I didn't want it to come to us de-barking him but i am guessing it has to be done. I am done ranting now

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New Member
Sorry to hear about the issues. We have a house beagle. Lucky or unlucky ( according to how you look at it,lol) he has severe allergies and can't live outside. He loves to bark at all the neighbors dogs barking. Noone complains too much around where I live. I have gotten so used to doggy noises I don't hear them anymore. Maybe the animal control people should try coming out when the dogs are actually barking and find out who the real offenders are! I know it's at night but it would save alot of people alot of trouble if they would take the time.


Senior Member
One of my dogs used to bark constantly for no reason. I started walking her for 45-60 minutes a day, and now don’t have the problem.

Have you tried walking? It might be a better option than de-barking him.


New Member
I would talk to an experienced dog trainer about his barking or even your vet before you go as far as to de-bark him. My dog likes to bark a lot and it can get annoying but if you distract her and put her attention into playing or doing something constructive she stops and it just focuses on whatevers at hand.

North Shore Animal Leagues website has an alternative to the electric bark collar, instead of shock it sprays water or some type of liquid, lol


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
I believe the above mentioned collar dispenses a puff of citronella when the dogs bark. Stops barking and mosquito bites in one shot! LOL

My mom had a Beagle rescue with brain damage from a puppyhood accident. She would start Beagle screaming in the middle of the pet store for no reason and people would give us dirty looks. She was an extreme case to say the least but you're right, most people just don't understand the difference from a Beagle alerting to something and a non-hound bark. If it were a little dog yapping people let it slide more easily.

I would suggest contacting some Beagle rescues and asking them how they deal with dogs like that. Let them know that the last thing you want to do is re-home your dog and I'm sure they'd be happy to give you advice. I would guess that the loud baying is probably one of the most common reasons for surrendering a Beagle to a rescue group so they should be experienced with it.


Obsessed with Leos
New Port Richey/Hudson, FL
well we bought a spray collar and see how that works. When we are home we bring him inside if he doesn't stop within 5 minutes now if we are not home we are unable to do that but now we are going to buy more crates and bring them all inside and crate them while we are gone all the time, that way if AC or the cops are called and they come to see if there are dogs barking they are not going to see dogs outside, so therefore their complaint would be unfound. I hate to crate since they use most of their energy outside during the day so they can come in at night to sleep but if thats what it takes then so be it we can take them to the dog park or walk them for a bit. We are also going to make an appointment monday to get him altered to see if that will help the situation. Sucks that people here are like that but oh well we can't do nothing about we have tried nearly everything for his barking. I am glad the girls took to the shock collar well and don't bark now. its just very annoying when people accuse you of things that are not true like when animal control came out before the complaint was the dogs had no shelter, outside 24/7 rain or shine, no water, no food and its like okay look at my dogs do they look unfed, you can't feel their ribs, yeah if you have food they want it but thats a dogs nature especially beagles. i am done for now i just hope he stops barking for the most part hes just very hardheaded like his daddy and his breed lol.

60 miles south of Chicago
Are you leaving your dogs outside while you are gone?

I couldn't do that. I am not against tethering or allowing dogs outside freely in fenced in yards, but if your dogs are being a nuisance to the neighbors, you might consider crating them while you're away.

I couldn't leave mine outside in my backyard because, well, my dog is supervised whenever she's outside even though our yard is fenced in. I don't trust people, and I don't trust my dog without my supervision.
She could jump the fence (though I don't think she would, I'd never risk it, EVER.), dig under it, or get into some other kind of trouble.
Recently, I've noticed people throwing food into our backyard. I believe it's teenagers in our neighborhood, but twice now I've found food in my backyard.
I about FLIPPED.
Both times it was loaves of bread. If my dog gets poisoned, I'll kill someone. I swear on it.
Poisoned food thrown in backyards is an old and effective way to KILL a dog.

If your dogs are nuisance enough that one of your neighbors would call AC on you, I wouldn't leave them out there while you're away. God only knows what kind of little nasty things annoyed neighbors can toss into your yard.
Not to mention, people could STEAL your dogs.

Yeah, so my dog is NEVER outside without me. I'm always right there. I am a very, very, very careful dog owner. I'm paranoid about my dog. If any of those two things ever happened to my dog, I'd have a TERRIBLE time dealing with it. I love her so much.


Obsessed with Leos
New Port Richey/Hudson, FL
I know what your saying i just have to purchase more crates which are not that cheap i am looking at 200 dollars for 3 more crates. Yeah are outside when we are not here but left inside without a crate we would come back to no room, I think i would have to pay someone to take our dogs they mainly only know us and with anyone else they flip out and don't like it i have seen it when i have left them here with my husbands family they are very very very bad and when i left one with my parents to go out to eat with friends they flip out without us being around because no one but us have really spent time with them and stuff like that all my husbands parents do is yell at them cuz they dont like dogs. so far the spray collar works which is good but he is coming with us to work now for a while. I have tried to look at craigslist for the crates they are the same price at the store for brand new ones and the ones on craigslist are rusty. I have always had any dog i owned outside and these are outside/inside and i am paranoid too about things just with 4 beagles they are destruction masters and i dont want them getting into things in our room. I have been a victim before of a dog being poisioned when i was 14 I had a bloodhound mix which teens would tease and then he became mean towards people on bikes so one day a dude threatened to poison him and he did a few weeks later with antifreeze and unfortunately we didnt catch it in time to get him to survive. I know there are alot of shady characters here and it don't help that my husbands dad works at the sheriffs office and my husband used to work there as well. now we are going to play around if i hear other dogs barking at night we will be calling the cops to say noise ordiance we can't sleep.

it sucks to need to probably keep them inside now because they have loads of energy and thats what makes them mostly tired so we can sleep at night and they sleep at night otherwise if they are not tired you aint sleeping.

well so far too the lil nasty terriers aren't barking or trying to attack our dogs through the fence.


New Member

Have you tried Craigslist for crates? People tend to give them away when the dog gets trained, is given away, etc. I was lucky one day to walk downstairs and saw that someone had thrown away a new dog crate. I bought it upstairs cleaned it out with some bleach, threw out some tray it had and replaced it with a pillow all for $7 bc that's how much the doggie pillow cost, lol


Obsessed with Leos
New Port Richey/Hudson, FL
yeah i have looked at craigslist most are about the same price as the store and if they are not they are all rusted out which can't be safe for a dog if they start chewing on them. if i find any on there that are in good shape i will buy them lol.

60 miles south of Chicago
Do you give your dogs any kind of treat toys?

If/when you crate them, and if you don't do this already, if you get some kongs and freeze either peanut butter in them, treats, or (like me) frozen raw meats, it really does mentally stimulate dogs.
My dog is exhausted after working on a frozen kong.

I also get Canine Genius Leos. They're puzzle, rubber toys that you can also freeze, and they're even more complicated than a kong.

I crate my dog when I'm away, I was lucky enough to adopt a dog that is very well behaved in her crate (and came to me crate trained), but she won't eat in her crate. I also crate her when I go to bed at night.
She has about 5 blankets in there and 2 dog beds, and we put a black blanket over the top and sides of her crate. It's just like a little den, and she views it as her bed. Dogs are den-type animals, if you make it comfy in there, and maybe put a blanket over it so that they cannot see out, maybe they'd end up liking the crates?


I don't understand how anyone could mistake a beagle for a terrier. My sister has a terrier. He goes 'Yap!' I have a beagle. She goes '*whine whine* Brrrr...BrrHOWLLLLLL!' Fortunately she is a comparitively quiet beagle, and doesn't howl as much as other dogs. I wouldn't de-bark them, though. Howling is an important beagle function and I'd worry about stress issues in a de-barked dog. If it helps, I think crates would be a great investment. Maya was crate-trained from puppyhood, and it's made a huge difference in her behavior. However, expect them to howl even in crates, mostly because they want attention or to be let out. After letting her out every time she howled, I learned to try and ignore it, because if I kept giving her what she wanted she would have NEVER stopped howling...


New Member
My friend's neighbor's corgi has a citronella collar and it works really well. She's still noisy, but not loud. Now she just makes pig noises, lol. Corgis are barkers just like beagles, though obviously the bark is very different.


I would try crating first. It's cheaper than a surgery to de-bark your dog. And a lot less painful...

Good luck


Obsessed with Leos
New Port Richey/Hudson, FL
well so far the spray collar is working for Mason. I am glad it is just when it runs out of its spray stuff then he just barks and barks but if it sprays he stops lol. i would like to crate them when we are gone but that won't work out because we live with my inlaws and they dont like the dogs as it is and they said if they hear them whining while crated they would take them to animal services so i was like okay then they will stay outside and mason will come with us to work most of the time. if we lived on our own we could do it but unfortunately we can't afford on our own at the moment. its not fun living with inlaws that hate animals.


we had the same problem with our dogs barking, and our male doesnt even care about the bark collar like yours. Then we switched to a bark controller that makes a sonic sound when they barked and it worked!! Not only on our dogs but the neighbors to because it has like a 50 foot radius. Maybe you can try the sonic thing instead, they may respond to it a little more


New Member
Miami, FL
they said if they hear them whining while crated they would take them to animal services

That's what dogs do! I guess they don't know that? Why do they hate animals so much? It's gotta be awfully frusterating for you...I say just keep like, a TON of those citronella refills, so you can catch it right when it runs out. Citronella collars don't essentially "cure" the problem, it's more like a band-aid...behavior modification takes so much time, esp. if it's a behavior that's been practiced for so many years. But right now that's what does work, so I would keep using it too if I were you.

As far as them taking the dogs to the pound while you're gone, if they actually DO and you have proof they're your dogs not only will you get your animals back immediatly, but it's also against the law to do that. If it isn't going to cost you your job to bring him to work with you, i'd agree that's your best bet. Stay positive, hope things get better for you!

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