Stolen Identity

Well today was just a wonderful day.

It all started this afternoon when I took my dogs to the vet.
My golden retriever has not been eating so I took him in and also had the shots done on my lab. When I went to use my debit card it was declined. I maybe my card was bad, because my wifes card stopped working in Feb. and she had to get a new card. Anyways, I left the vet and went to an ATM and checked my balance, only to find it was over three hundred dollars overdrawn. So when my wife got home we check our online banking to find a western union transaction pending for tomorrow. Now I was really p!$$*@ off, so we called western union. They also told us there had been 5 other denied transactions from my card on Sat. from a city close by that I had used my card at that day!!! The good thing is I only used it at one store and I still have the receipt. We also got a name and a phone number that they use for the money transfer.

I really think I could beat this person to within an inch of their life right now!!!
I am going to stop into this store after work tomorrow to see if I remember the person who checked me out. The name he sent it to matches someone from my city, with a pretty long record, so I think there are two people in on this. We called the store and they said that this person doesn't work there. But with the record and the fact that this was the only place I used my card, I believe that it was the cashier.

Oh well I have a hold on the card now and will be getting a new one. And western cancelled the transfer. I just have to check with my bank to make sure it doesn't go through. I also have to get the overdraft charges dropped and also talk with the police from that city tomorrow.

Again I do think I could string this person up and beat the living crap out of them!!!!!!!!!!

Just had to vent thanks

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Gregg M

Registered Member
The Rotten Apple NYC
Scott, do it the right way... Get the law involved... These people can get over a beating, even a really good one... One thing I am sure they wont get over is being put in jail... Especially if they are in there with real hardened criminals... Imagine having to be careful about not dropping the soap in the shower... LOL


New Member
Weymouth MA
Check very carefully & get everything in writing from your bank. We went through this 2 days before Christmas with one of our cards. I know your anger!!!! I don't think most people realize just how often this is happening now. Anytime a bartender or cashier says "it didnt' go through, let me run it again." Get both of your receipts!

Good luck with getting everything sorted out. Be careful when checking out the store--police exist for a reason.


New Member
York, PA
Wow Scott, that really sucks. I don't blame you for wanting to beat them, but like Gregg said let the law take care of them. I hope you can get everything squared away quickly.


frustrated mom
Brooklyn, New York
listen scott let the law do their job and put them in jail im sure after one night in jail they will think twice about doing it again and im sorry you had to go through it we had it happen on a charge card and it didnt have a big enough limit for what they wanted


New Member
I'm going through the SAME thing right now. It sucks I know. Just put in a report, take that to the bank. Let them handle it. The woman working on my case has put in an order to get all my money back. The guys are in jail right now, so it's not like they can run. All three of them. I'm not sure which REALLY charged over 500 to my account, but the police are going to pull records and add one more charge to that person (their charges are adding up quickly). Sadly, I either knew or knew of all the guys. Whatever.. Not my problem anymore. I did my part. All you can do is let them do their jobs and hope they catch the guy(s) that did this to you. Good luck!
Found some more info this morning:

It actually was someone working locally, (I don't want to get into to many details), but we have alot of evidence against this person. So I have the name, address, and phone #. I will not be going after them!! But, I will be keeping an eye out just in case! If the person and the person who he tried to forward the money to get out of this there will be a good chance I might find them. But for now I will let the police take care of it. I would hate to do something to cause them to not get what they have coming to them!!!

Thanks for you concerns but I am old enough to know better!! :main_evilgrin:



New Member
I get so b****y upset when I read about things like this!
I hate that some (many) people don´t have any respect for others property or money!
Most of us must work hard to get both money and things we wish for...

And in your case Scott...all that trouble and extra work that it have caused you!
I would have been completly furious!!!


New Member
moved from texas to italy
i has got the same problem at wall mart...
some casher do that with me (3 times) because they understand that i'm not from here and think i'm a i was go back for have my money back i think some of them has got some problems...
some bad people rules...(fortunatly not too much ;) )


Active Member
Lake Worth, FL
Gregg M said:
Scott, do it the right way... Get the law involved... These people can get over a beating, even a really good one... One thing I am sure they wont get over is being put in jail... Especially if they are in there with real {{{{{{{hardened criminals...}}}}}}} Imagine having to be careful about not dropping the soap in the shower... LOL
Ahhh ... they caught the Viagra thieves ?? When some scumbags charged $900 in toys on my wife's card last year, even though the credit card company (aka we the public) ate the charge I'd still like to se a serious pounding in one form or another. You've GOT to go see Grindhouse after that, especially the ending of the second feature.
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