Sudden EXTREME 'enigma' syndrome


New Member
Washington, DC
One of my girls is as bad as you describe. I have to hand feed her (and have since I got her). The trick is to get them interested, and then sort of tap the side of the face with the roach. Usually at that range they will at least grab some part of the roach and then the swallowing instinct should take over. Another of my enigmas had hemi-neglect for a while and would only know if you tapped one side versus the other, so try both sides of the mouth. If the gecko gets you finger, do an Indiana Jones-style bait and switch.

If you can get her to eat, then give her a shot. The symptoms seem to wax and wane. My enigma that used to be the worst now is one of the most functional, and another got cured when she got egg-bound, which is, yes, counter-intuitive. Hopefully she'll pull out of it.

I took all mine to a boarded neurologist, who thought it was the coolest thing ever, but he had no idea either. So don't feel bad that you can't figure anything out.

Also- yes, that's a big drop in weight, but remember that geckos have a fat pad that is internal, as well. Laurel lost about as much (and she started at 40-something) but still had a nice fat pad when she got spayed. I wouldn't give up on her yet.


New Member
Miami, FL
Well, I got her to eat today! She ate 10 waxworms...which yes, I know, are FULL of fat, but she really needs it right now. And to tell you the truth, if that's what she wants every day for the next month or so, then that's what she shall get :main_laugh: She seemed to be much more focused and a lot better at nabbing the moving waxies. I think I solved the mystery as to what was stressing her out...drum roll please....her cage was too cold. The UTH wasn't giving off enough heat and needed to be replaced. That's all. :main_rolleyes:

She's still obviously uncoordinated and very thin, but she seems to be doing better. Even some of her colors are coming back.

Thank you to everyone that has responded and helped me through this ordeal. Alusdra, I tried your technique with tapping the insect next to her mouth, and it seemed to work. After a while, she caught on...she seemed to know where to strike so that she could get it.

I'm super super super relieved. :main_thumbsup:


New Member
Miami, FL
Well, things don't look as good as I hoped. Here's what I found in her cage this morning.

I don't think she's going to make it thru this you guys. I'm really trying to stay positive, but how can I by the looks of that???


New Member
Washington, DC
Oh goodness. Well it looks like there is something very wrong that caused the stress and thus the enigma symptoms. That definitely does not look good at all. :(


New Member
Miami, FL
Well, today she's 49 grams.
And today she started ovulating. At the end of August. :main_rolleyes:
I'm gonna go have a few drinks and maybe go play in traffic after that. :bomb:


New Member
Miami, FL
Well, maybe some of you are tired of my updates, but it makes ME feel better so that's what counts, right? :D

For some reason, Nef decided to spontaniously ovulate only once, back when I last posted. She stopped, and hasn't started again since then. Strange little reproductive system she has...

For the past few weeks, i've had good luck with getting her to eat on her own. She now eats out of her mealie bowl by herself nightly while I sleep. I've recently started to cycle her lights (as she was covered before) and she's brightened up drastically. She's still way off balance, but she's looking MUCH much better and her tail is thicker too! For a while there, it was really touch and go with her. I'll get some good pics of her when I can.

Today she's 59 grams and feeds on mealies daily. :banana:


New Member
That's great news! I really hope she gets better. It must have been hard on you and especially on little Nef!


New Member
Hey Maia that sounds great! Really.. I think the lights might have something to do with this small little turn around (i mean the brightness and such) . Although I could be crazy y'know? Please get some pics. :)


K, the Crazy Snake Lady
Maia, thats wonderful! Shes such a beautiful little girl. I hope she continues to make a good recovery for you.

Golden Gate Geckos

Mean Old Gecko Lady
SF Bay Area
WOW. What a story! I have had a few Enigmas develop the 'syndrome' literally overnight, and in every case the gecko was either subjected to extreme stress or began ovulating and/or smelled females that were ovulating.

Until we can get the full results of the clinical testing that is still going on, all we can do is accept that some of these beautiful creatures will develop symptoms, and some will not. Regardless, all of my Enigmas are eating well and are as sweet and gentle as can be. I love them no matter what.


Geck'd Out
Yea I have my pride and joy holdback nova female just out of nowhere go nuts with some extreme enigma issues, I just walked in one day and she was on her back, so I flipped her over and she started curcling real bad and arking her neck till she was almost doing a back hand spring, its an adventure to get her to eat now.


A Bright Reptile
I think that if you breed an enigma to an enigma you will activate the genetics. And by time to time they get those "syndromes" Maybe it's better to not breed them? I have an enigma my self, (currently not eating :C) and i will keep an close eye on her.

I would like to know more about the "syndrome" as well..


Enigma syndrome opinions

I am currently working on the enigma morphs i have a few it is best to keep them in a smaller enclosure than you normal would this way they dont have to move everywhere as much which has a less effect on thier stress levels making the enigma more comfortable and the syndrome doesnt work as much me personally i think that the way they were brought to us was done wrong really we need to know the history of the enigmas like were they originally came form and that so we know if we knew where they originally came from eg morph-where did it come from who discovered it then maybe we could start again and take the syndrome out of them then test breed a fully non syndrome enigma with a syndrome enigma see if it brings it out in the babies or not if it does then we can move forward.

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