HELP!!!!I found millions of these tiny bugs (that are so small they look like specks of dirt in photos but I swear they crawl) all over my Leos enclosure today while changing the substrate and I have no clue what they are or how to get rid of them. I have currently got all his hides, rocks, driftwood, water bowl etc in a separate container they all have these little things all over them and i thought I was rid of them until i realised they actually burrowed in the wood of my geckos enclosure and I am actually panicking I have nowhere else to put him so I have him in there with nothing but water, paper towels on the floor and 3 makeshift hides but obviously I can’t have him in that for more than like a couple hours so I need help asap!! ( I have inspected my leos scales, eyes, mouth etc and have found absolutely nothing unusual on him and he is three years old )