Tips to getting Kenyans to eat


Ghoulish Geckos
Also i found out that water bowls are useless they never go near them and it makes the tub too humid i keep mine on play sand and i soak my FT mice for awhile and keep them dripping wet when i feed in a smaller size tub that i sit in the main en-closer so when she is done eating she craws out and goes in the sand on the hot side.

I've actually seen mine come out and drink from the bowl. I offer water twice a week. I haven't seen any problems with humidity here.


New Member
I have a small water bowl. Doesn't cause any humidity concerns. They love it. The anery, when alive, would swim in it every time I'd fill it up.

The male still hasn't eaten. tuna juice didn't work.

Breeder said to try using a credit card and forcing the mouth open. I'm trying that tonight.


New Member
Didn't work... I got his mouth open, but he would not take the F/T. I left in him a deli cup with the F/T overnight. I haven't had a chance to check on him. The F/T pink was cute at the neck from trying to force feed him. I think I was stressing him out more by trying that than letting him boycott food. I could feel him once in a while just give up and go limp, but as soon as I'd stop, he started wiggling around like crazy trying to get away.

I'm so confused. I was sure it would click once the F/T was in his mouth, and he'd start eating it.

Oh and the other day, I tried tuna juice on a live pinkie, and that didn't work either.


Just Kelli's Husband
St. Louis, MO
I know that it may be a little late in the game, but have you used any kind of lizard scent on the pink that you are offering? I used to breed Kenyans years ago and very seldom would I have a problem feeder. One thing that would work would be leopard geckos scent. You could take a live pink, wash it off and then rub the pink in fresh leopard gecko poo or even along the belly and vent of a live leopard gecko. If this does not work then you could take some leo shed and put it on the head of the washed pink.

Sorry you are having some many problems with the snakes.

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