The more I look at these the more amazed I am. Unreal! The talk of Daytona this year I bet! "Morph of the year"
Good goin Albey.
Good goin Albey.
I have been working on this project since the day I purchased my first Enigma. I knew that that Enigma gene and the Tangerine gene were going to be a match made in heaven. Each breeding season I have produced better looking Tangerine Enigmas and this season I added my Torrid Tangerine Line into the mix. This is my fifth season into the project and they are finally starting to look like I envisioned them. With out further ado here are the pictures of my newest project - The Torrid Tangerine Enigma.
These next two pictures are of a holdback breeder male. I think with the incredible head markings he has he will be a perfect candidate for a Halloween Mask project among other things.
Here are some more really nice ones.
If you are going to be in Daytona for the National Reptile Breeders Expo next weekend please stop by my table (#80) as I will have some of them on display. I hope you enjoy the pictures.
I'll say this, I saw a lot of geckos in Daytona that weren't as good as advertised. These definetly weren't one of them. The pictures don't do them justice, they were so much better in person its unreal!