Ok this post is really funny cause on the afternoon radio talk show in cleveland they were talking about this Twitter thing. I hear that it's pretty much just people posting about their life.
Isn't that what myspace is for? Too many people out there think that everyone wants to read about their lives or wants to share their lives for people. My thing is 14 year old girl post on there how many pediphiles are on Twitter looking for their next victom.
Society being ok with everyone sharing everything is actually a very very bad thing. There are more nut jobs out there now more then ever. Let's see how international/federal/state laws come into play when someone is either raped or kills someone or commits suicide because they didn't get responses to their Twitter.
All and all just everyone that's on here that is on Twitter please be safe and don't give out personal information for the world to see that could come back to bite you in the butt.
Twitter has been getting lots of press lately. My family was on vacation last week (in other words, I needed distraction), so I thought I'd check it out. It's kinda silly, but pretty fun! Of course, Ryan's right - remember to always be safe online. Mostly I follow other reptile or science people. Although I do follow Sockington the cat, Ellen, and Martha - Ellen's adventures in twitter were entertaining and got me to check it out. I've gotten some cool science related links already and it's always fun to hear what friends are up to!
I'm twittering same name as here and am fallowing all of you that posted here lol nothing new to post from me but look forward to reading some of yours Maybe I will eventually find something interesting to say on mine LOL