I have a huge octagonal tank that I've used for multiple sticky-feet geckos. I have a male Henkel's and a mossy female. They were raised together and are both about 2 years old. I tended to them every day- kept humidity from 80%-90% fluctuating with day/night and timers. They ate a variety of large crickets, mealworms, etc which were sprayed with some mineral supplements. All food was live. I made sure they both ate. 2 days ago, the male Henkel's dropped his tail. I was like "ok that blows"- I kept an eye on them the next day to make sure no attacks were happening. I come back from the store and I find him dead on his bamboo pole with his little toepads clinging to it. I was inconsolably hysterical for about 3 hours. I've checked and checked and checked and I didn't do anything to make a stressful environment or do anything wrong. I feel very terrible because they are amazing as well as borderline endangered. I feel like I've helped in the eradication of a species. I view them as my children. I'm still very upset and possibly overreacting. Can anyone give me any possible reason for him to just drop dead after dropping his tail? Thanks a lot.