Vick talks to low-income youth

Sunrise Reptile
New Haven, IN
What he did was wrong, but show me one individual that suffered for the same crimes as much as he did. On second thought, don't bother looking. You won't be able to find anyone.


Geck'd Out
Anyone who thinks in any way that he got more than was coming to him probably has to wear a helmet when leaving the house!!! He was a high profile celeb. for his amazing talents, and was doing very malicious and discusting actions with other lives. Any retard that can stop drooling long enough to think can put the puzzle together and see that he needed to be made an example!!! If I had my way he would be in the pit with all the dogs he tortured!!!


New Member
I am so disgusted to hear that vick is coming back into the NFL,with everything he did to those poor dogs and anything he does will not be good enough for me to forgive him of his actions,the dogs were abused and suffered at his fingertips and they never had a chance at a normal happy life that all dogs and animals should have.

Sunrise Reptile
New Haven, IN
Drunk drivers kill innocent people with their carelessness and don't suffer for their actions as much a Michael Vick did for his. Let's be realistic. It's over, he was made an example of, and now it's time to move on.


New Member
Vick is a disgusting person and I don't think he was punished enough! He was in prison for less than two years! It upsets me that the NFL reinstated him, but I hope, hope, hope that no team will touch him.
Celebrities, especially athletes, want to be praised a thousand times more for their good deeds than "normal" people, so I believe they should be punished a thousand times more when they do something illegal. There are a lot of people that looked up and for some reason may still look up to him and if he makes the evil "sport" of dog fighting seem even a little bit cool, that will just encourage people to try it which will inevitably lead to the ban of pit bulls and responsible loving pit bull owners, like me, along with the innocent dogs will be the ones to suffer. Dog fighters will just move to their next breed of choice. If it takes Vick being humiliated, dragged and beaten through the dirt to start saving these dogs, it is a sacrifice I am more than willing to make!
I have a hard time believing that he is the least bit remorseful about the dogs and is more upset that he got caught and put his precious career in jeopardy. I think he is only doing these conferences and making "apologies" to try and save his career, I don't think he really cares about anything else.

Sunrise Reptile
New Haven, IN
It upsets me that the NFL reinstated him, but I hope, hope, hope that no team will touch him.

It's apparent that you don't follow the NFL. There are at least half-a-dozen teams already interested in him. He'll play again. :main_yes:


Sin City Gecko
Las Vegas NV
Everyone, and I mean everyone deserves a second chance. What Vick did was monstrously evil but as long as he is alive he has the power to move forward and try to correct his wrong doings through new actions. Only time will tell if he can make a positive difference in the future. Maybe, some of the children he talks to today, become inspired to help animals for a living down the road. Those children make real differences as Vets and Animal Cops, ect.


New Member
It's apparent that you don't follow the NFL. There are at least half-a-dozen teams already interested in him. He'll play again.

You're right, I don't give a crap about football. I do know that even though some teams may have shown some interest in him, there are just as many that have said that don't want anything to do with him such as the Falcons, Cowboys and Cardinals. Also, just because a team has shown interest in him does not mean they will sign him. He is not very well liked anymore and a team may not want to deal with public backlash over him. Just the mention of his name on a late night show last week sent the audience booing. What team wants a player that will be booed??

Sunrise Reptile
New Haven, IN
Everything you describe reminds me of Randy Moss. When Minnesota took him in, everybody said it was a mistake. Nobody wanted anything to do with him, and the Vikings were the only team that would give him a chance. Yet after he left Minnesota, he went on to play for Oakland and New England. At the peak of his carreer, he was clearly the biggest deep ball threat in football. Makes no difference if you liked him or not. He earned his reputation on the field.

The point is this. He did the crime, he did the time, and he's entitled to live his life in peace so long as he's learned from his mistakes and walks the straight and narrow. I'd say it's more likely than not that he'll never even consider entering dog fighting again.


New Member
Drunk Driving while stupid it was not the intent to kill people, it was his intent to kill animals who could not fight back, period. He deserves to still be in jail IMO.

Pro Athletes get away with so much and are still allowed in the league. Should they have a higher standard ? Yes. They should.

Sunrise Reptile
New Haven, IN
pkrtech said:
Drunk Driving while stupid it was not the intent to kill people

Tell ya what... Why don't you go try to sell that to the families that lost their loved ones. :main_rolleyes:

And what makes you think someone that fights dogs is out to get their dog killed? For them, that's a huge loss on investment. Think about it.


New Member
Tell ya what... Why don't you go try to sell that to the families that lost their loved ones. :main_rolleyes:

And what makes you think someone that fights dogs is out to get their dog killed? For them, that's a huge loss on investment. Think about it.

Its terrible that it happens however it was not the intent and while horrible you have to look at intent.

2nd if a dog vick owned lost he killed them via gun, strangulation and/or drowning.

How can you defend him when it was his INTENT. He did not care for the animals he thought he was untouchable and could do anything he wanted.

He should not be allowed in the NFL. IMO.


New Member
Vick is just like the others that go to jail for may it be drugs or dogfighting or even being a pedaphile,they will just go out and do it again and thats the bottom line,they don't care if its wrong or imoral,and also I can say whatever I like as it is a freedom of speech.

Sunrise Reptile
New Haven, IN
I'm not defending anybody. I said at the beginning that what he did was bad. But he does deserve a second chance, in my opinion. Just because you say he doesn't, does not mean I have to agree with you. And quite frankly, I don't.

The one thing we can agree on, is that we simply don't agree on this topic. ;)


New Member
I'm not defending anybody. I said at the beginning that what he did was bad. But he does deserve a second chance, in my opinion. Just because you say he doesn't, does not mean I have to agree with you. And quite frankly, I don't.

The one thing we can agree on, is that we simply don't agree on this topic. ;)

What do you not agree with ?

Do You think someone who put dogs into a situation where they have to fight for the right to live and if they do not fight or lose be put to death, via gun, drowning, and/or strangulation. Then only serve a couple years in prison and then be allowed to be part of the NFL where he will make millions of dollars and be put in front on the national stage to be seen as a role model for kids ?

You know what they will see, this guy killed dogs and made them suffer, now is making millions.

I think Athletes that are making Millions do have a responsibility to conduct themselves as such. Without the fans they are nothing. I would not hire him.

Would you ?

I guess so.
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