Vick talks to low-income youth


Moyer's Monsters
bethlehem PA
One question for you. what is it telling the kids if we dont forgive someone when they do something wrong?

was his punishment just? I dont know its not for me to say. Hopefully he learned something and will make better choices.

dude, my idea of a second chance is letting him out of jail. letting him be a functioning part of society. allowing him to get a job just like the rest of us.


Houston, texas
I dont understand how so many people slam vick for the dog fighting. He lost nearly everything and I believe it was near 2 yrs in jail. What he did was wrong but he manned up and paid his dues. This summer I believe it was another NFL player killed someone while driving drunk and got 21 days in jail. Anyone else see something wrong with the court system? No one talks about all the greyhounds that are put to sleep every year by kennels because they dont perform well.


Moyer's Monsters
bethlehem PA
charlie, did you get anythign i said? my problem isnt with the dues he had to pay. it was the fact that he was aloud back in the spot light to yet again be a roll modle for billions of kids around the world


New Member
I dont understand how so many people slam vick for the dog fighting. He lost nearly everything and I believe it was near 2 yrs in jail. What he did was wrong but he manned up and paid his dues. This summer I believe it was another NFL player killed someone while driving drunk and got 21 days in jail. Anyone else see something wrong with the court system? No one talks about all the greyhounds that are put to sleep every year by kennels because they dont perform well.

I really don't think that the greyhounds that are humanely euthanized compare by any means to dog fighting.. Sorry...

It doesn't matter what he had taken away, it's the crime that he did.

I agree with Nevinm... I agree with a second chance, but did he really need to be put back in the spotlight as a role model figure?

His talks to youth basically say, 'I know I did wrong because I got caught, so if you do something illegal, don't get caught, you'll go bankrupt and lose a lot of stuff.' Really? Is that the message we need to tell people?

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
dude, my idea of a second chance is letting him out of jail. letting him be a functioning part of society. allowing him to get a job just like the rest of us.

His job is playing football, are you saying that people should only be allowed to hold certain occupations after prison? Either he paid his dues and should be allowed to continue his life without further consequence, or he hasn't and should still be in jail, it's not fair or just for someone to serve their sentence and then continue to be punished and forced to be a second class citizen. :main_thumbsdown:


Moyer's Monsters
bethlehem PA
my god thank you whitney. thats exactly what im trying to say.

His job is playing football, are you saying that people should only be allowed to hold certain occupations after prison? Either he paid his dues and should be allowed to continue his life without further consequence, or he hasn't and should still be in jail, it's not fair or just for someone to serve their sentence and then continue to be punished and forced to be a second class citizen. :main_thumbsdown:

YES tony i am saying that! do you want me to repeat what i said before? I am a teacher. if i committed the very same crime he has committed even at the young age of 18, not 10, not 20, not even 30 or 40 years from now would i ever be aloud to be a teacher again. he committed a crime that injured and killed hundreds of animals. its not about being a second class citizen, he should just not be aloud to be a roll model. as whitney said... he was only sorry because he got caught. anyone arguing in favor of him does not have a leg to stand on. somethine else i already said and ill repeat... there are certain jobs and carreers in life that weither you like it or not, YOU ARE A ROLL MODEL. including athleats. i mean dont you get what this is telling the youth of this world, as if they need to hear it any more????

"dont worry children, if you have enough money you can commit any crime you want, thow a lil bit of money at it, spend a year in prison, and guess what you can go right back to making millions every year and still keep the spot light on you"


Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
YES tony i am saying that! do you want me to repeat what i said before?

No need to repeat it. I just think that setting limits on what a person may or may not do for a living after serving their time is way too open to abuse, and is an unjust way to continue punishing them after they have paid their dues. The purpose of prison time is not only punishment, but also rehabilitation, and placing such restrictions on a person after they are released only serves to prevent rehabilitation and subsequent reintegration into society. What do you think will happen then? More crime perhaps?

In the end you have your opinion and I have mine, and we'll probably just have to agree to disagree.

Sunrise Reptile
New Haven, IN
Direct your frustrations at the laws, and not at someone that's served their sentence. :main_rolleyes:

Since we're all about repeating lines in this thread, I'll do the same, so see above.

I've NEVER defended this guys actions even from the first post I made, so feel free to go back and check. None the less, he's served his time. Let's all just move on.

And for the record, he did far more than "thow a lil bit of money at it". This guy lost EVERYTHING he previously had. Think about that, and put yourself in his place. We are so pathetic as a society sometimes, it makes me ill. Seriously!


New Member
Off topic somewhat, but has anyone seen the show Dogtown: Rehabbing the Micheal Vick dogs on National Geographic? I watched the first shows and felt so bad for those poor doggies! :(

Sunrise Reptile
New Haven, IN
Yep, I've watched it. And I agree, very sad. Those folks are doing the best they can with the situation though, for sure. Hats off to them! :main_thumbsup:


Moyer's Monsters
bethlehem PA
I just think that setting limits on what a person may or may not do for a living after serving their time is way too open to abuse, and is an unjust way to continue punishing them after they have paid their dues.

In the end you have your opinion and I have mine, and we'll probably just have to agree to disagree.

he's served his time. Let's all just move on.

And for the record, he did far more than "thow a lil bit of money at it". This guy lost EVERYTHING he previously had. Think about that, and put yourself in his place. We are so pathetic as a society sometimes, it makes me ill. Seriously!

i have put my self in his place! thats what im trying to get at! thats what you dont get! when i was a 19 yrs old i got a traffic violation resulting in a mistimener. because that was on my record i had 2 schools question if they wanted to hire me or not because i have a "record". after committing a crime like that no normal person, no you 2 nore me would be aloud to get a job where we are roll models. this man should NOT be thrust back into the spot light for millions of children around the world to look up to. you guys keep trying to deffend your opion against me, but you arent even arguing about the same thing. i uderstand he paid his dues, im happy with what he had to do. he on the other hand did not lose everything by any means maurice. if he lost his football skills than he would have lost everything. he KNEW full well, and ill bet my life on it, that when they took everything from him, the first thought through his mind was

"its ok, i can still play ball, ill just get everything i lost back when i get outta here."

vick didnt care about those dogs, he was only sorry because he got caught. if he wasnt caught he would still be doing it today.

Sunrise Reptile
New Haven, IN
It's OK, we disagree and I'm fine with that. It's all good.

Heck, OJ got away with murder. And if he wasn't stupid enough to screw up a second time, he still wouldn't be in jail.

At least Michael served his time. And referring to your comment "if he lost his football skills than he would have lost everything", I'm not sure how you can take someone's tallent away from them, short of causing them irreparable bodily harm.


Moyer's Monsters
bethlehem PA
im aright with the fact that we disagree as well. and you read into statement too much. tha twas aimed at you telling me he lost everything. he didnt lose sh!t.

oj wasnt convicted of it. even if he did do it. but if he was still playing and was convicted of murder and he got out, im sure they wouldnt have let him play.

maurice, you kept saying look at it from his point of view that he deserves a second chance. your right he does. but im asking you to look at it from MY point of view as a teacher who is a roll model for kids who almost couldnt be just cause i ran a stop sign 7 years ago. but this when you have money and your knows like him or oj of T.I. you can be put in the spot like for... again... every child in the world to look up to them and say man if i can play foot ball or basket ball or baseball, i can do what ever i want and just get right back in there. try, please just try to see it from my point instead of his

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