
New Member
DeKalb/Wheeling IL
Marula, it looks fantastic! I don't know if you just haven't gotten it on yet, but do you know that Journal, Morph Guide, and Merchandise have no links? I am guessing you just haven't done that. It really is very impressive, though!

o0 Ryan 0o

Staff member
York, PA
It looks good, however I'm a little upset that you jacked Paul Allens collection layout and the popup code I wrote. I know a lot of the sites in this hobby are similar, but Paul and I put a lot of thought into his collection page design. I don't know if you contacted him about this or not, but we would have appreciated an email asking permission. I'm pretty anal about creating every site different, and it's frustrating to see something you spent all that time on used elsewhere without permission.

Also, I'm not talking about the java/animated popup code on his available pages. I didn't write that, I found it. While I'm ranting, I've seen that code being used everywhere now like on Kingsnake and Alex Hue's site. I know people could have found and used the code on their own, but it just pisses me off when people lack originality and jack other peoples ideas. Pauls site is one of my favorite sites, it's so unique. I knew as soon as I used that for Paul it would get used everywhere....sigh.

If you already talked to Paul, ignore my first paragraph and just read my second. It looks good otherwise, I like what is done so far.
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New Member
moved from texas to italy
yes, me and my web master has take a look at others geckos web site (i love paul web site! is the web site of my dream!..nice colours,nice graphic..) and we take ispiration at paul's gallery for put the pics in our breeders page fast for put as soon is possible the web site on line.
but is not the definitive "pagination/graphics"
we put on line in this way because i need to be on line for the end of the month, but in a cople of week the pics will be put in different way (probably under the writings for each project..we are in the process to study the better composition ;) )
so forgive me for that and be patient...i will change the pics graphic soon (just the time to set the definitive impagination)
and like you probably know ryan, thare are only few way to put pics and text togheter: lines or colums...
we change the journal term too in diary too...like what i say before we put on line the web site for try too see the graphic, so we "copy" some terms and impagination from different web site (and from were we take the design) for see colours and written composition.regarding the pop up code is a common way for share pics when pics are smal...i don't know any other way..

i know that you feel frustrating to see your creation cloned! and yes, i apologize if i don't ask for the permission to use a fast way for testing the new site ;)
i only whant inform you that this is ONLY for see the effect of colours and impagination! if was different i never share the web site with you!
..like you know geckos web site are very similar..
if you whant an armonic composition you need to working with lines and columns...so..i have almost ready the definitive breder page, look different, but with lines and columns.....
another problem will be the available page...
all available page look identical...any solution?

others comments? do you think there are others page too much similar to others gecko web site?

this is a work in progress. so take this like what it is: a way for discuss any different solutions

i hope you can understand what i mean (the leanguage is a big problem when i need to explain myself)
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o0 Ryan 0o

Staff member
York, PA
Its cool Marula, we just would have appreciated a heads up. It's much nicer to see a similar layout when a person asked ahead of time, versus something that you find when they didn't ask. I wasn't trying to sound rude or anything either. I am however a little frustrated with the other popup code I'm seeing everywhere haha, but I saw that coming. I knew everyone would want it.

The available pages are harder to be original with. If you need any help/ideas on anything let me know.


New Member
moved from texas to italy
i'm so glad that you have understand my intentions ;)
i write an e mail to paul for explain to him the situation ;)
like you probably has see pages look different
this is one of the solution
with pics in columns (left and right)
another solution will be put under each paragraph a lines with 4-5 small pics...

regarding available page ...
seem to be only 2 solution: your solution or tug solution...
is really difficult found a different but intellingent solution...

o0 Ryan 0o

Staff member
York, PA
Yeah, it's either a few per row, or a list view with one per row. Our gecko site is pretty original I think. We have a thumbnail page, and then each gecko has their own page on our available.

Select Gex

New Member
Boston, MA
The lightbox code on Paul's available page and kingsnake are suggested as new web 2.0 standards if I recall correctly, so anyone using that is just evolving to meet the new demand of working well and looking clean at the same time.

Is that what you're referring to as the popup code, Ryan?

Nice site, Marula!

o0 Ryan 0o

Staff member
York, PA
Select Gex said:
Is that what you're referring to as the popup code, Ryan?
No, I wrote another code for his collection pages that creates a new page in a window with a photo and description under it. The original available popup codes were the same way, just no description underneath...I named that function "popup." On the collection page it was modified to put a description underneath...I named that "popupcol" short for collection. You can see it in her code. I was just a little frustrated since it the layout and code was clearly taken.

As for the Lightbox JS, I was just ranting about that. I knew as I used it everyone would want it. I didn't make that code, I was referring to the other code.


New Member
ryan i have seen the popup code you are speaking of on other sites. not necessarily reptiles sites but other sites. i think it's kind of selfish to say it's your code you made up and then rant on about how you cant believe someone stole or used it without asking. i think you are over reacting and i am sure you are not the first person to use that pop up code or "invent" it.
sorry pal but i think you are wrong on this one and owe marula a huge apology for pitching a sh*t fit.

o0 Ryan 0o

Staff member
York, PA
Hey Robin. I'm not taking any credit for the Lightbox JS animated popups. It is used on other many other sites yes, on a lot of design and portfolio sites. I thought I would give it whirl in the reptile world and I knew as soon as it was used, everyone would want it. I'm wasn't talking about her using the Lightbox JS animated popups though, she's not.

If you would have read, I'm upset about the clone of Pauls layout and a different popup code I made. Call me crazy, but I think it's more flattering when someone says hey I like this, can I use this on mine. It's a lot more upsetting/frustrating to find something you made used without permission.

Also, if you would have read a little more thoroughly I just said I was upset, and later said everything was cool after she posted. I offered to help her out if she needed any ideas too. I don't think I was out of line at all. I think you need to do a better job reading because everything is fine. Marula and I are cool. I was merely ranting about the use of the other animated popup, but like I said I knew people would want to use it and they have every right to.


New Member
moved from texas to italy
thanks guys for nice comments!!!!
and yes kelli...there is your "frog" in my banner ;)
first of all i give my best thanks to paul (allen) that was the most kind person that i has know in geckocommunity ;-). i ask for the permission to use his pics before (the same for kelli pics) and i explaint to him the attual situation. she say is not a problem! but like i said before we are in the process to do some different composition..we only need to found a way that working well (probably like cat page or with pics of all similar size...)..this site is an infinite work in progress..my web master hate me ;)
i understand ryan frustation and if his tone was rude i understand why. after i explain the situation he propose himself for help me and found a solution for my available page (if not i simply copy is page ahahahahahahh ;) )
regarding popup i noticed that thare are s ton of dogs site with this kind of popup. certly he use a own code (but like he made a "new one" ohters do the same, so is not really "new"..simply have a different name).


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
it looks great Marula!

I guess Im missing something, I don't see where it looks like brightalbino.com's site except for that one thing and when codes are free and templates are for sale they are for all to use.

tons of sites look alike, similar etc. Some even made by the same creator for multiple breeders look the same except for color and minor details.

Its a site for Italy for Christ sake, who cares if one little page has a similar layout.

Good job Marula, it looks great!

Select Gex

New Member
Boston, MA
I sort of disagree with you thinking that your use of LightBox would make everyone else want it, it wasn't you that made me want it at all. More so the use of it on many web designer websites. If you wrote a js code and it was taken that may be reason to be upset.. maybe add a comment line or two next time asking for credit where credit is due. Honestly I would have thought it'd be from javascript site in which case it would be fine to copy. Oh well, I guess I just have a different opinion, I don't want to start a rant thread here. Sorry if I took away from the original thread, Marula.

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