We need more stickies


JK Herp
Personally I don't think we should have any more stickies. Maybe a link to things but in my opinion stickies kind of get annoying if there are to much, seeing the same thing over and having to scroll down to read new messages. Right now it is perfect. Not to much stickies with great information.

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
Civil debate and disagreement are welcome, personal attacks against other members and staff are not. Take it down a notch.


New Member
Acpart- I know you do alot here on the forum and I totally respect you, you are a good person and have helped me out before. I wasn't just talking about myself tho when I said I post a thread and get no responses. I have seen numerous other threads like that. It just makes me mad to see if you post a pic everyone and their mom comes in and says oh how cute or what ever but if I post a thread asking how often a Leo sheds I can't even get a avg time cycle that would be a one line response.

Once again acpart thank you for what you have done. There are some really good people on this site but at the same time there are some power trippers. They know who they are lol. It's ok I know I'm not the only person who sees it.

I have talked to alot of newer members that have posted threads got no responses and have been severely frustrated. I tried to help and if I couldn't I tried to point them in the right direction. I know how it feels I've been in that situation and it sucks.

Your a new owner trying to learn stuff but the caresheets all say different things and it's confusing. You can print up 5 different caresheets look at them all at the same time and have to connect the common things and hope they are right. As a owner you care for your little lizard and want to provide it a good healthy life. In all reality owning a Leo and properly caring for it is hard unless you have a breeder or other really experienced person that keeps leos to help you.

I think a big problem is that the breeders keep the leos in tubs and us the small consumers keep them in a tank. It is alot different in keeping in a tank vs a tub. I think that's why the leos have such a hard time adjusting to a tank and the breeders I've talked to only use tubs so they can't relate to keeping one in a tank..


New Member
Oh look out here comes the troll with the ban hammer grow up man and atleast admit that you were wrong for threatning me with a suspension. I did nothing wrong in that thread. You even stated I did nothing wrong but you banned a member and you threatened me with a suspension.

Imperial Geckos

Miami, Fl
Oh look out here comes the troll with the ban hammer grow up man and atleast admit that you were wrong for threatning me with a suspension. I did nothing wrong in that thread. You even stated I did nothing wrong but you banned a member and you threatened me with a suspension.

honestly, if people arent answering your threads, grow up and stop whining. I have posted many times and have had no answers, so i try my own things and i find what works for me. This is a public forum. Not "you post and you must get an answer". Honestly, i have seen many of your post an ignore them because it is the same question everyone asks..and they are answered all the time in other threads.


New Member
Civil debate and disagreement are welcome, personal attacks against other members and staff are not. Take it down a notch.

Ok if that's the way it is please tell me if it's ok for you to discriminate against me and another member? You know who it is I think your the ownthat banned them..

At least admit that you discriminated us and had it out for both of us, only because we aren't scared to point out what you did wrong. A ban is a ban I don't care about that, this forum means nothing to me. I'm more then fine enough not coming back, I can't appreciate talking to half of you wackos anyways.. It's a shame when grown people can't communicate, how can someone ask you a question and you respond without even answering that question but you sure enough say something totally different.. Alot of people here need to work on their communication skills, that's at least something a grown up should be able to do sucessfully.. Lmao


New Member
Lol I'm far from whining.. You wackos just don't understand how life works, disrespect me and I'm coming back at you.

Go ahead and sit behind your powerful keyboard and ban me I don't give a crap. Your not even man enough to admit you were wrong. If I do something wrong I will man up and apologize, I guess that's the difference between the men and the boys in this world. Don't give me a vacation. Slam that f'ing ban hammer down and boot me off the site.. Use your power, you know you want too.. Come on and do it already, don't lie you want to do it. I don't care if I have enough infraction points or not I'm telling you right here right now ban me off this site for good. It's a bunch of wacko people on here anyway.


New Member
It's a crying shame that a mod can be in the wrong and not act like a grown up and admit it. I guess that's how you get to act when your name is in yellow huh??


New Member
Laredo, Texas
Well, I dont know I'm one of those people who are scared to answer back because I use to always be on a hedgehog forum and was banned because one of the moderators was being rude, and I answered back and they said I was to rude.

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
Well, I dont know I'm one of those people who are scared to answer back because I use to always be on a hedgehog forum and was banned because one of the moderators was being rude, and I answered back and they said I was to rude.

There is no need to be afraid. Treat your fellow members with respect and voice your disagreements (with anyone, staff included) in a civil manner and you'll be just fine. :main_thumbsup:


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I'm sorry things are getting to this point. As far as I can see, either everyone has to resist the temptation to have the last word (so we can get back to discussing geckos) or the thread will be closed and there will no longer be any temptation. Try to resist. I'd much rather have open threads.



New Member
Laredo, Texas
Okay thanks, and umm i know this sounds silly but is bmans account going to be reactivated or something? or is he banned for good? Hes one of my friends on the fourms haha

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
Okay thanks, and umm i know this sounds silly but is bmans account going to be reactivated or something? or is he banned for good? Hes one of my friends on the fourms haha

That's not really a matter for public discussion. You'll find plenty of friendly people here though, don't be shy. :D


New Member
Stepping aside the whole drama of this thread...

I actually would love to see more stickies or possibly one caresheet that covers everything together and possible differences in ways to do things. When I first started researching and came to this forum and saw more than one caresheet on the same subject it just seemed like anyone could throw one together and there you go. To me it would be easier/nicer looking if there were a one-stop place for the majority of the info rather than multiples on the same forum, if that makes any sense.

The thing about stickies is that you can go into A LOT of depth in one sticky for that subject. Like one large sticky about feeders in the feeder section, one large sticky about housing in the housing section. That's just my two cents.


New Member
Fort Worth, TX
I don't have time to go through all the posts etc. but if someone want to take on that task and then send me links to threads that they feel would make good stickies, I will be glad to stick them. If they merit being stuck. ;-)

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