What are the negative effects of inbreeding?


New Member
Absolutely, but this does not mean do not consider the possible negative effects on the geckos we are breeding. IMO we can not do inbreeding well if we do not well understand the risks, related to this process. Because even a gecko is very pretty, we can not fully enjoy it if the individual suffers from a genetic disease.
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New Member
Fort Worth, TX
My point is that they are ALL inbred to a certain extent. If you own a morph leopard gecko, it's the result of several years of inbreeding.


New Member
Bay Area, CA
Most pets of any sort have inbreeding, but if it's done smartly then it doesn't really matter. Inbreeding happens in the wild and in human populations, often without problems. The massive deformations you see in sci fi and whatnot often are simply.. sci fi. There have been a few human lines with massive inbreeding over many generations that developed some mental quirks, but very few cases compaired to the number of humans that have been born as far as I know.

Some inbreeding is not a big deal. It really comes down to the responsiblity of the breeder to keep track of their lines and to take note if anything odd does pop up so that they can figure out if its related to their inbreeding or not... and if so to stop it before it turns into somethign serious (depending on what it is).

I agree completely with the notion to not demonize it. Immunity has a huge role in life, humans, reptiles, etc. Its all based on how well you can fight off infection, of any kind. Though to say that all inbreeding would lower immunity would be generalizing. If you were smart with it you could even inbreed to create reptiles with stronger immune systems.. breeding only those who see especially strong (though that would be a serious project and time consuming). They have been able to take lab rats (purposly breed to be prone to tumors, cancer, etc) and reversed the process to make rats who can sometimes live up to 7 years and one has even made it to 9. That is a lot for a animal who at one time was only expected to live 3 to 4.

Its all on what you are aiming for and how much effort you are willing to put into the process. (I think I'm getting off topic now).


New Member
What are the negative effects of inbreeding?

The worst, IMO, would be when two offspring are released and simultaneously play dueling banjos with their skinny tails...out of key.

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