What are your "pet peeves"


New Member
This kind of thread is always fun and interesting :D

List your pet peeves, those little annoying things in life
that make you miserable and want to strangle someone :D

Here are mine:

The Post Office. :main_thumbsdown:
Bad drivers. :main_thumbsdown:
Those "security" stickers on music CD's. :main_thumbsdown:


Mod Squad Member
Sterling Ohio
Oh easy one....

Talking while chewing food...
Abnoxious gum chewing....
People inconsiderate of others around them....
Victim mentality....


Ooohh I have sooo many haha

these are my top

1. People standing RIGHT next to me when I'm sitting down. Quit crawling all over my bubble!

2. People that make slurping or smacking noises when they eat

3. People that judge me because of my tattoos and piercings

4. People that WILL NOT let you over when you're trying to change lanes

5. People that tell fake stories for the sake of being in the conversation


Breeder in the making
PEI Canada
My pet peeves would have to be
when eating something that has a stck in it and you bite the stick and it gives this weird feeling, sends shivers down my back

bugs, paranoid they are always escaping and crawling on my at night

and when someone underestimates me because Im a kid, for instense
I work at a bike shop in the summer and people see me as the kid in the repair shop and they will ask for some help and I will get up and ask them what they need and they reply "oh no I was looking for someone smart and a bit older" this really turns my guts along with when Im at the fish store and Im getting a fish and they will be like this fish will kill everything in your tank, when it is actually a very peaceful speices or the you have at least 3 oscars in a ten gallon all you need is a good filter


-Screeching children
-People that don't hold the door open OR don't say thank you when I hold it
-Opening the cresent roll can (why is it so hard?)
-The way my kids will travel through the entire house to ask for something when I'm sleeping even though their dad was sitting next to them.


Excellent Geckos
in my thoughts
Oh do I!
. People who suck at lying and think your actually buying their story!!!
. People who talk, but dont do anything.
. little annoying kids.
. people who talk so much its annoying!!
. People who don't care about themselves and others.
. Wannabe Emos who give a new sob story everyday ( literally).
. people who cant find words in a dictionary or just too lazy and want you to give them the def after like 5 seconds of attempting it.
.There is just to many LOL


New Member
People who mistreat animals
People who use huge words that don't even mean what their describing and then look at you like your stupid.
People who smack when they eat
People who say they do things, and then you find out they didn't do them
Telemarketers on my CELLPHONE
Gosh I could go on forever


Mod Squad Member
Pasadena, TX
Oh, I could do this all day! LOL

- When people go the wrong way on stairs. Don't people know that you always use the stairs on the right side?!


caffeine zombie
goldfish bowls
taking a shower with freezing cold soap
eye rolling
scene kid hair (sorry kiddies, the donald trump comb-forward looks good on no one EVER)
people who pronounce "bro" as "bra" and "yo" as "yow"
people who text message constantly and don't bother actually talking
being told i can't do something because i'm a girl
people assuming i'm a secretary and not tech support because i'm a girl
screaming children (especially when the parents act like nothing is happening)

and something i don't have to deal with any more lol... the way my dog used to always have to "have the last word" after i told her to stop barking.


Aussie Reptile Keeper
Screaming kids(especially in shopping centers).

Abuse of peoples kindness.


unprofessionalism, I Hate it when i email a company to inquire about something and they either don't bother to reply or leave it a week or to before doing so. that bugs me.

People that moan and complain about every little thing. jeez build a bridge.

People that buy pets and then abandon them as soon as they get bored or tired with them.

People having kids for the wrong reasons (over here you get baby bonus of $5000 AUD sometimes more for having a kid. BAD idea.)

Clients not following my recommended diet and training routine and then complaining to me when they havnt lost weight. (im a personal trainer)

Hackers that create viruses and hack computers. I HATE VIRUSES. Its got to the point where I no longer download anything unless its from a trusted website and i have 3 different antivirus programs and no longer use internet explorer as its full of holes that hackers can use to gain accses to your pc. I know becouse it happend to me.

Ahh that feels better :D


New Member
Central Florida
1- famly members who think just caues my son has adhd he should not have to follow the same rules as the other kids because he is "special".

2- People who think anyone who does not share their opinon or beliefs is wrong.

3- people who argue just to prove they are right.

4- tailgaters ( I will slow down to 10 miles per hour just to make them mad)

5- people who have kids and then dont want to take care of them.

6- people who take their infants out in public in just a diaper (hello do you go out in just your underware)

7- people who think they are better then other people ( I may live in a moble home and drive a 2004 suv but they are MINE)

8- people who let their dogs poop in my front yard and dont clean it. ( I dont use your yard as a bathroom so dont use mine)

9-the fact that I cant even take a crap without a family meeting in the bathroom. (seems like all heck breaks loose when moms on the pot)

10- People who speed thru my neghbor hood when there are kids every where playing.

Ok I could go on and on but wont.


scene kid hair (sorry kiddies, the donald trump comb-forward looks good on no one EVER)

HAHAHAHA!!!! Right there with you on that!!:main_yes:

I wanna scream everytime I see them do the hair flip/smooth thing. UGH!


New Member
western PA
wow i have so many lol but the bigs ones:

ignorant people
repeating myself a million times
when guys never want to talk on the phone but insist on talking on AIM for hours or texting

...i really could go on but i will control myself


Aussie Reptile Keeper
Someone said ignorant people, i agree on many levels.
One thing i hear allot is the hatred for the countries and country men who fought against their country during WW2. Give it a rest and let go of this stupid hatred.

I was born and raised in London and we were taught about WW2 in high school. later on i found out that where i lived was one of the places that was bombed by the nazis. heck even my school was damaged and there were historical pictures to prove it. I have no ill feelings towards Germans. In war you either fight or die. Any who tried to surrender were either shot by the enemy or executed by their own.

Yet i hear hatred all the time. My ex gf who is chinese hated that i had japanese tattoos and that i watched old japanese movies(ive been fascinated and drawn to japan since i was a kid, don't know why really) She couldn't let go and always brought it up. it was one of the reasons we broke up. hatred turns inwards and makes people cold and sour.

Just my 2 cents.

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