What goes on outside the Forum???


New Member
Outside of the forum ... I'm on another forum :p hahahaha joking !!

I'm a senior technician at my internet service provider

And I play with my 3 geckos !

Playing video games and watching TV!


frustrated mom
Brooklyn, New York
lets see im a housewife, i talso walk my neighbors dog once a day, go with my father-in-law to his drs appts. take care of the dog, my sick cat and the leopard geckos ,my husband has a job doing computers pt and my son is afreshman in h.s.and that is my boring life


New Member
moved from texas to italy
i'm fromitaly and i hope to enjoy the time in texas for some others moths more..after that i will go back to italy..
i'm a dog breeder ( www.wallawanda.com ) and hadworking like a dog bheavourist for a vet clinic in italy...i personally working my dogs in obedience, agility, flyball and herding, and problably, when i will go back to italy, i will take dogs from others kennel for working them for others owners (nice job..animals...animals...and no people...the better way to have a healthy and funny life!)
i like draw...
and i had working like a bheaviourist in a center in italy with chimpanzee...and others kind of small monkey...
...and...mmm...my boyfriend working like a trainer for a big barn here in dallas so i have horses in my life too ;)
that's it...


New Member
I wake up at 6, go to school, go to track , till 6, get home at 6:30 eat do h/w and sleep, every day cept for weekends where i sit on the computer or hang out with friends. Im a sophomore and i rock

Sunrise Reptile

New Haven, IN
I think I posted some of this on my intro, but no problem. I have been in telecommunications for the past 20 plus years. And for the past 5 and a half years I have worked for a regional wireless service provider (cellular phone company) where I work as a Network Engineer. It's a very fast paced and exciting job, and I can't imagine doing anything else.

Away from work I enjoy my main hobby of invert, snake, and (soon) crested gecko keeping. I also enjoy watching and participating in just about every sport imaginable. And last but not least, I enjoy spending time with my wife and our 3 very bright and beautiful children.
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Fatty Fatty Boomballaty
Western PA
I guess I didn't really list my hobbies, I was pretty tired and what not...

Aside from art and reptiles I read alot. Mainly scifi and fantasy stuff and my books shelves are predominatnly covered with manga comic books :D. I make some money in designing tattoos and clothing designs for the various people who ask. I also sell a few geckos that I do hatch out to friends and neighbors. I live with my family and my mother is quite tolerant of all my pets :).


New Member
moved from texas to italy
Scott&Nikki said:
Marula, I think you should start breeding Siberian Huskies and Shar-Peis so I can buy them from you in about 2-3 years. What ya think? :main_yes:

:main_laugh: :main_laugh: :main_laugh: i fall in love with herding group ;) ..so probably if i will have time (or money) i will buy a corgie or an australian cettledog :main_yes:


Staff member
Somerville, MA
I am a home care speech therapist. I work for about 12 agencies and provide services to adults who have had strokes, motor vehicle accidents, neurological diseases among other things.
In my "free" time I drive my 13 year old twin boys around (20 miles each way to school) and chase after them to do their homework, help my college age daughter negotiate life (only a cell phone call away), make gecko furniture at the pottery studio, practice aikido, help run my Jewish community and my son's trampoline team, and take care of my beloved reptiles.



I'm a 23 year old 1st year vet student at Kansas State University with a bachelors in animal sciences....currently working on building up ~$100,000 in debt... I'm seeing our very own SteveB who can post stuff on himself should he so desire...lol I breed my leopard geckos as well as mice (for feeders and pets...yeah yeah...wierd I know...lol), I collect breyer model horses (when I can afford them or people give them to me...lol), I love reading anything Stephen King or Patricia Cornwell (when I have the time....lol), and I spend WAY too much time on the computer..........lol ...oh yeah I also like to take photos and draw.


New Member
Central California
I seem to spend most of my time driving around. (Aliza - my kids' school is 20+ miles away, too). I teach biology (marine biology, ecology, zoology) at two local community colleges (more driving) which I enjoy very much. I'll be taking one class to visit the tide pools today! :) I also spend quite a bit of time caring for all of our critters and looking at pictures of all of your beautiful animals! I love spending time with my kids & husband and I also really enjoy gardening, although that is something I haven't had much time for lately.


Painting the roses red...
Orange County, CA
Right now I am preoccupied with law school . . . :bigcry: :book: I am also a legislative ambassador/volunteer with the American Cancer Society and hope to actually help people when I am a lawyer. :)
My hobbies include hiking, gardening (I love growing orchids), and reading in my favorite chair. Aside from reptiles, I love keeping inverts, particularly tarantulas. I do not breed geckos, but instead enjoy rescuing and rehabilitating them when I can.


Happy Gecko Family
I used to be an assistant architect, but quit working after I got married. I hated my previous job so much that I decided I'll just be a housewife, well, at least for now. If I get too bored, I'll go find another job. To spend my unlimited free time, I'm learning Japanese and Yoga at the moment, and recently, I'm into short-term investment in the stock market too (I'm actually making more money than my previous job!).

Other than all those above, I spend a lot of time on my 9 geckos; my husband being an online-game addict, I talk to my geckos more than I talk to him (I'm not joking)!


I'm I freshman at edison Highschool. I'm from pontypridd wales, but currently living in northern ohio

I work for crtperformance as an auto-performance engineer. I spend alot of time with cars.

I have a lovely girlfriend named courtney that ive been seeing for the last two years, I adore spending time with her.

:-/ that covers most of it

Milwaukee Reptiles

Gecko Addict
Milwaukee, WI
Let's see... I'm a Senior at the Milwaukee School of Engineering (degree: Software Engineering), and I currently do intern work for a major company here in Milwaukee and plan on sticking around after graduation.

In my spare time it's all about the bar scene, movies, and hanging out with friends. Also spend a lot of time doing web design, building computers, playing video games, hacking my cell phone (Sony k790a), bowling (I wish I could afford just two lanes in the basement...), taking pictures, and watching some tv shows. In the summer I love riding my bike, rollerblading, and fishing.

Yup... I'm way too busy and it's all my fault :)


New Member
Grand Blanc, MI
nwheat said:
I seem to spend most of my time driving around. (Aliza - my kids' school is 20+ miles away, too). I teach biology (marine biology, ecology, zoology) at two local community colleges (more driving) which I enjoy very much. I'll be taking one class to visit the tide pools today! :) I also spend quite a bit of time caring for all of our critters and looking at pictures of all of your beautiful animals! I love spending time with my kids & husband and I also really enjoy gardening, although that is something I haven't had much time for lately.

Nancy, would I love your job. In HS I wanted to become a Marine Biologist, the problem came when I discovered I hated hated every biology teacher at the school. Lost a lot of interest due to that, but never lost my love of marine animals. I wanna be in your class!!!!


New Member
Outside of the internet...

I attend Troy State ecampus. I'm a sophomore. Trying to get my Business Administration Associate's Degree. Then I'm going straight into getting my Bachelor's... Then maybe my masters.

I'm currently working at TSYS, ESC Loyalty call center. It's sucks butt!! I've got 8 more days till my two weeks are up! Then I'll start on March 4, at Petco. I'm starting off as a small animal sales assoc. Then once the general manager has figured out all he needs to about dog training and having me certified properly, I'll start that. CAN'T WAIT! I'll still be in the small animal department once I've started training in between classes.

Besides reptiles. I, not own, but care for, 3 male chinchillas (Cheech, Chong, Chiko), 2 female rats (Zoe and Lexi), and 1 female hamster (Roxy). I'm owned by a yorkie named Codie. My heart still belongs to my stolen pit puppy, Chance.

My room is not mine. It's there's. They just allow me to sleep in it. It's rather sad... I have cages all over the floor. No where to walk. My parents are putting on an addition, so I get to have my OWN room! I'm moving my bed in their computer room, who's contents will be moved to the new room. The animals will keep this room. I'm excited! A ROOM OF MY OWN! ha.. well not quite. Codie will still share it with me....

Anyway that's probably more than you wanted to know.

Oh. I LOVE piercings. Plan on getting my tongue pierced once my two weeks are up before I start my new job. But, SHH my parents don't know yet. Not that they can say anything though. I mean come on they don't know my bottom belly button is pierced, that I took out my surface piercings. My industrial's gone so is my third lobe hole, which I do want back soon! I unfortunately can't redo my industrial AGAIN, because we found out the second time we pierced it that my cartlidge is too thin and will never heal properly with the bar. oh well... Anyway again, I've written too much.

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