Dreamsickle is a mack snow raptor enigma.
For pictures and more info, look up Leopard Gecko Wiki and on that website, look through the list of morphs. The morphs are alphabetically ordered and have pictures and info on em.
to add a creamcilce normally needs to be line bred for a few generations at least to produce anything of quality, a frist gen snowXtang is not a quality cream.
This is a project that takes a LOT of time and years of refinement to produce anything substantial. I have seen bigger breeders posting them and I personally think they are releasing them as Creamsicles WAY to early. Also if you are interested in creams...always ask to see the breeders because if they are browned out then they are not true Creams yet.
We will be working with these again, but will most likely start all over with a NEW line since I gave all my Creams to my brother last year and he is going a different route with them.
The babies you get from a Snow x Tangerine are simply either tangerines or hypo influenced snows. All of which will most likely be low to medium quality. Almost all the snows from that pairing will brown out and be unpleasant to the eyes at 30+g. Keep the best back and go at it for 3 more years and you will have Creams worth calling a Cream.
Thanks for the help and pics.It seems like you could say creams are snows that got covered up with tanggerine.Do most of them keep the white neck band into adulthood?Also do have to use mack or could it be done with TUG and GEM too?
They do not always get covered in Tangerine. This was an example of my direction on the project. Jeff has his with more white but less tangerine color. Also the neck band is not a MUST for them, but with all mine I found it to be a very big identifier and prevalent in my Creams. They can be done with other lines of snows (gem, tug, lbs, etc.) but they would technically not be called Creams. Different line of snow is no different than different lines of Albinos. There are a select few who are crossing them with other snows and are having decent success. Just a project that requires lots of time.
They will make SS and some may have hypo influence or maybe a VERY little tangerine influence. Most of the SS from that pairing will look relatively normal. I am sure if you put in the work you can then refine those SS though.