Got some new tires

Gecko Ranch said:I was expecting to roll my eyes at a glorified econoboxand here is one of my favorite Trans-Ams! Congrats, that is a rare and good one to have! I owned an '89 Formula 350 brand new, my first Firebird, and have own one or more ever since. Right now I have four, three 4th gens (two street cars and one race car) and one 3rd gen, a '91 Formula that is destined to get a Superrammed stroker and T-56.
Check 'em out here:
KelliH said:Sweet!:main_yes:
Echostatic said:ah very nice. i see you broke into the 13s there. maybe im not looking at it right but all i can see is the 97. are the others there somewhere?
what kind of 1/4 times are you shooting for? i would love to get into the 10s but i think low 11s is where mine will be once im done... if it isnt there already.
Aha, Kelli is a hot rodder, kewl!!
KelliH said:Yes I am, I'm more of a Ford girl though... :main_evilgrin:
Echostatic said:
Euphoric said:Well I have been in three accidents, two where I was close to almost death.
The first was me and my ex where driving up in feb on Valentines in northern AZ where there was still snow on the ground.
We were in his ford camry. well we hit black ice and almost went off an embankment...like crazy fall. But thankfully some rocks caught us.
The car was lifte up..you could crouch underneath the back end (Well he was 6'3..I was too scared to do it so you can imagine how high that is)
The second time was with him AGAIN. We were making a left turn on a intersection on a yellow light. This girl that was no where near the intersection was too much in hurry to stop so she sped all the was up and hit us in MY door. I saw her coming so I instinctively moved my body to the drivers side to kinda get away from the car. Well, to say the least I got caught in between the smashed in door and the steering wheel/center consul. The firemen got me out and they told me if I didn't move, Id be paralyzed or dead.
I was 16 at the time and I decided I didnt want to drive and kept my fears with me. At 17 I decided i needed to drive, but LOL FAILED two of the written tests and just kept with my fears. Now I am actually behind the wheel practicing to get my license again. Its not so bad.
I used to be afraid of all sorts of things, but now I am doing so much better.
Like I was even able to drive with oncoming traffic on a curve on a residential street that was really narrow. My mom screamed because she though I was going to freak out..but I kept my calm and just drove.
Now I just need to get a car, really lol