this thread sort of makes me chuckle...
What morph do I hate? the answer is ... none. why? because I can appreciate the unique beauty of each and every pattern/color mutation that these animals are capable of producing, I simply enjoy them all.
They are all leopard geckos. . . it's like 'hating' someone because of the color of their skin, it just doesn't quite make sense to me. Keeping an open mind to beauty seems to be key when working with leopard geckos, or reptiles in general. they are all living art in whatever shape or form they come in.
i don't hate any morphs, i agree with some of the previous posters of responses,
-what i DO dislike greatly is misrepresentation by breeders which involves color shifting through the RAW conversion process, and marketing ploys which really makes some of the 'selling' seem a bit.....deceptive..
sometimes this amounts to taking photos on black backgrounds
to make animals look darker
sometimes it amounts to taking flash pictures of geckos...period.
sometimes it amounts to taking flash photos on black backgrounds to blow out the contrast
maybe it is just some pshopping?
do any of you view your geckos under flash lighting when you take them out?
I know i don't.
i'll probably get flamed for this, but w/e,
most experienced gecko buyers are aware of these mild deceptive practices already, my concern is for those who are new to the hobby and buy something that doesn't look like what it did online color-wise.
it is a huge disappointment.
the reason i am saying this is i was going to say i hate a certain morph-
but really,the morph is ok... i just don' t like the way they are represented,
and maybe a post like this was really just started by someone who felt the same way i do about the marketing rather than the gecko...
misdirected anger...
just a thought.
well, I do not dislike any morph. HATE is a strong word.............