Personally, as long as no nudes of me show up here, I'm a-ok!
Kelli you could make a show off your balls forum...
yeah, jess i was going to but that but i only use those words when i really want to hurt someones feelings, its like n****, or s***, f** i like using them to manipulate people into getting really pissed. they are just words i dont use unless i need to
and again! thanks!!
And as long as its not exposing another member or without someones consent then I don't see the problem with it.
Actually, I think this is a good idea... I don't see a lot of 'fights' here in this club. Maybe it should be the "Anything Goes" forum? At least that would be a disclaimer for anyone coming in here and seeing this stuff.It seems to me that if we just changed the name of "Fight Club," then there wouldn't be so much of a problem.. what's in a name? I guess everything *shrugs*
Actually, I think this is a good idea... I don't see a lot of 'fights' here in this club. Maybe it should be the "Anything Goes" forum? At least that would be a disclaimer for anyone coming in here and seeing this stuff.
I'm sorry you feel this way, Kelli. Maybe I'm the only one here that feels that how we conduct ourselves publicly has a direct impact on our personal and professional integrity. We can cuss and be ourselves on a personal level (and even show our scrotums to each other if need be), but I feel everything we say and do on this forum is a reflection on who we really are. When this forum first went up, I posted, "Well, I guess we will now be able to see each other's TRUE colors". I can say in all personal honesty, that some of the stuff I've seen and read here has shown a lot of true colors that have made a serious mental impression on me that will never go away.And guess what? I'm not really worried about it being discussed at expos nationwide. My business ethics have nothing to do with what's posted in this forum, and anyone that thinks otherwise can fuck off and take their business elsewhere.
No problem, Gregg! See 'ya!Marcia, why kill the fun for people who actually want to be here??? If you dont like it, bail out of the "Fight Club", but dont bring everyone else down because you dont like it...
lets really think about it, if you never pissed me off then why did you even look at my thread?
Nev, I looked at your thread hoping to see your sack... LOL