You really think Singers and Professional Athletes keep up with their own blogs? :main_lipsrsealed:
u really think they have no idea what is going on ? that's what lil assistants r for.
You really think Singers and Professional Athletes keep up with their own blogs? :main_lipsrsealed:
Not everyone has time to be an active member of the Internet community, others choose not to be and there is nothing wrong with that.
I know that kelli is not the founder but she has been doing alot of work with the enigmas, and she shares all of her discoveries right here with everyone, im sure she gets tired of responding to every new person here who wants to learn about enigmas. All you have to do is a little research to find these things out, and the raptor has been explained in full on a bunch of different sites, people these days are just to lazy to look it up, they would rather ask others to do it for them.
actually i did look it up and heard kelli on LNL, I Merely WANTED 2 know why those guys weren't on gf but everyone says there too busy so i guess that is the census, and i guess i should ask them myself. thanks
Tremper has a website that is updated constantly. He also has twitter. If I was a big breeder I wouldn't come here either because there are a lot of people that would trash you. EVERY breeder i have ever wanted to talk to has talked to me when I called or emailed them...
.... i think this thread is just making people angry. I dont see the point. I have also noticed a lot of passive aggressive behavior on here, i dont see the point in that either.
Let me see if I understand... are you wanting to know why Mark Bell and Ron Tremper don't post here?
*edit* if that is the case then the answer is simple: they don't have to. Think about it.![]()
I get that they make enough money and that they wouldn't have too but thought maybe there were other reasons that is why i posted the thread. but i guess doug made sense with his comment. Looking at a few of the threads that were closed there are quite a few tremper haters????
Well, with success comes jealousy and with jealousy comes "haters". I know this first hand. As far as "Tremper Haters" go... that has nothing to do with why he doesn't post here. He doesn't and never has posted on any of the forums (at least not in the last 10 years).