Why I haven't been around


New Member
Fort Worth, TX
Jeanne, hang in there girlfriend, it's going to get better. I know how scary a full blown panic attack is, as I have had quite a few. You may want to ask your doc for xanax, that drug helped me a great deal after Hayden's death when I was experiencing major anxiety and panic. Maybe it would help you with that too. I love ya Jeanne, and remember I'm only a phone call away if you ever need anything at all.


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
I Love Ya too Kelli! I honestly THANK GOD that I have all of you! You all have gotten me through a few ups and downs already. I am sure you will all get me through this one too!

I will talk to you tonight!


New Member
Central California
I wish we could all be right there with you right now, Jeanne!!

Panic attacks are so scary! I had one a few days before the Anaheim show last year. It was very frightening. My husband was out of town, so I was alone with the kids. I ended up calling neighbors in the middle of the night to stay with the kids & drive me to the ER. I was so thankful to have the support of Marcia & Glenn a few days later at Anaheim!!

Add me to your list of people you can to talk to - ANYTIME!! :iloveyou:


Resident PITA
Winston Salem, NC
robin said:
wendy most times the meds will work for a certain amount of years and then stop working. the doctors dont know why but it happens quite frequently. sometimes if they only work for a couple months the dosages need to go up or down, weird things these meds are. i have constantly been taking meds since i was 20, so almost 14 years. if i go off them i go ummm crazy. aint fun

They are about to up my celexa from 20 to 40 in 2 weeks, its doing OK , most of the time but Ive still had a few bad nights.

Ive tried miserably to go off of them over and over and it alwatys comes back to bite me in the ass quite wuickly so Ive just had to realize that I will be on meds forever and it is what it is. At least Im down to three, after Emily was born I was on 5 to 6 at a time til they got my head fixed.

Grinning Geckos

Tegan onboard.
(((((((HUGS)))))))) It's like one big crazy family (that loves each other)! Reading the responces makes me happy ... I didn't have the time to get to the keyboard. Don't let my anti-social looney-ness fool you ... any of you guys can call me anytime and I'd be happy to talk. Getting ahold of me might be tricky ... but I'm usually up til at least 11PM.


New Member
dragonflyreptiles said:
They are about to up my celexa from 20 to 40 in 2 weeks, its doing OK , most of the time but Ive still had a few bad nights.

Ive tried miserably to go off of them over and over and it alwatys comes back to bite me in the ass quite wuickly so Ive just had to realize that I will be on meds forever and it is what it is. At least Im down to three, after Emily was born I was on 5 to 6 at a time til they got my head fixed.

then meds wont fix everything wendy.... you got to do stuff to help it was well


Abbie's Human
Tyngsboro, MA
I had my first therpist appointment today, and it went great! It's almost like he could read my thoughts. I only cried once during the appointment, but it was because he said things that made so much sense, that I knew he was going to be able to help me. So, it was a happy cry.

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