Yet another Introduction thread

Trevy the Gret

New Member
Hey 'hi,' 'hello,' '*waves*,' and all that, I'm sure you've seen it before and know the drill better than anyone. That's why I won't make any presumptions with the title of this thread, because that's what it is, another introduction thread.
But this is a very special introductory thread.
It's my introductory thread!

So hi, hello, *waves*, and all that to you all. I am Trevy, or Trevy the Great (whoopsies on the username, typing fast is not always the most efficient answer) for long. I primarily deal in Guinea Pigs (those cute, loud, sociable little tribbles), but a couple of months ago decided to get myself a leo to replace some other, house geckos that I had acquired entirely unintentionally and, unbeknownst to me, most likely illegally (funny story...). The poor dears didn't last long away from their chosen habitat of eastern China (!) but I felt horrible when they died, so I got a leo and here I am today!


New Member
Welcome to GF!

I love guinea pigs.. ok who I am kidding I love everything!

Hope your enjoying your leopard gecko. :D

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