crested gecko

  1. M

    Hot glue in crested gecko enclosure?

    Hi I created this account because I need help, I used hot glue all over a dowel and glued fake plants to it for my gecko and she’s very flighty and it scared her to put it in but after I put it in I realized that hot glue needs 24 hours to cure, it is completely dry and I finished it hours ago...
  2. D

    Crested Gecko not Sticking?

    Hi, I've had my crested gecko for a while now and I've never had this issue before, but he isn't able to stick to things anymore. He used to sleep in leaves but now he just sits at the top of the terrarium. If I take him out he'll feel really slippery and he struggles a lot. He's been like this...
  3. U

    Pores? Weird white spot?

    Hello all! I'm a new Crested gecko owner who just purchased one at PetSmart a couple weeks ago. I know PetSmart isn't a good place to get anything but after months of searching stores in my area, they're the only ones with Cresties. I have my new scaled friend in a fully bioactive converted...
  4. C102EC4A-2412-4EA1-8D83-19B1812498E8.jpeg


    Our almost 12 month crestie
  5. C

    What type of crested gecko is this?

  6. G

    Male or female

    This is my 6 month old crested gecko, 5 1/2 inches long head to tail. If you click on the picture it will be clearer. On the right of the spur is the vent. What do you all think? Male or female?
  7. G

    Geckie besties

    Hello! I joined because I have obtained 4 geckos within the past few months. (All seperate enclosures) Two leos, one crestie, and one fat tail. I would like to post pics of my crestie when I can get clear ones. He(?) Is 5 1/2 inches long and i believe 6 months? Id love if people could help...
  8. J

    Help with hinged screen, crested gecko

    Hey all, new to forum. This is long, sorry. I have my crested gecko in a 55 gallon tank sitting on its side so it’s tall rather than long. I moved gecko to this tank because the door on his converted glass cabinet tank would make a pop sound when I opened it and it freaked him out. So to get rid...
  9. P

    Black mites in repashy

    I've had two baby crested geckos for a while now, set up in a bioactive enclosure with sprngtails, a fogger, cork bark and live plants. Recently when I've been putting their food (repashy) into their tank I've noticed these small black mites in the repashy. The two cresties are in perfectly good...
  10. G

    Please help. (I.D.?)

    Hi, I just got this little one for free from someone who didn’t want him. I was told he is a crested gecko, but upon further inspection, something doesn’t seem right. Is my baby a crested gecko or a gargoyle gecko? Also what morph does he look like?
  11. K

    Crestie skin infection? Small raised bumps on sides & crest

    My friend's crested gecko (approx 2yrs old) went missing from his tank in June of this year, and they just rediscovered him still living in their house about two weeks ago. He's been in a smaller bin since then, since his tank is being occupied by a different crestie now, and they can't be...
  12. A

    Stressed or Inquisitive?

    My gecko is a 5 year old female and I am trying to decide if she was stressed or just really curious during handling tonight. Let me preface by saying she is usually a very quiet gecko as well as very social and tolerant. When I took her out tonight she didn’t run from me but did give one loud...
  13. Red patternless

    Red patternless

    13 month Female 33 gram red patternless
  14. N

    HELP stuck shed on tail?

    I hope you guys can help ;-; I'm having trouble with my little baby crestie. He isn't very thrifty and he keeps getting stuck shed on his toes. I have been helping him with his toes successfully but now I've noticed that the end of his tail is stiff and kind of crusty looking. I thought it was...
  15. N

    Trying to identify their morphs

    Hello! I've been trying to figure out my two baby cresties color morphs and I can't find anything on the internet that I think looks exactly like them so I was hoping you guys could help me! Sorry for the bad photo quality. Names are Tiki (top) and Coconut (bottom). Tiki has some dash-like marks...
  16. M

    Help! Advice needed for new, unexpected rescue gecko

    Hi everyone! I recently adopted my first juvenile crested gecko after owning leopard geckos for a few years. Shortly after I brought my new guy Zuko home, I heard through the grapevine about another crestie badly in need of a new home after being dumped by it's owner onto an... unenthusiastic...
  17. TJacks717

    New Caledonia Native Plants for Crested Geckos *Hoya* (aka "waxvine" or "waxflower")

    Hello friends, I'm entirely new to forums and geckos, but I love and know quite a lot about houseplants. I feel people like you, my fellow gecko enthusiasts, need to know about Hoyas. They are without a doubt the easiest plants to own, EVER. One variety, the "Australis" (native to Australia and...
  18. ImmortalHamster

    Can you 3D print enclosure decorations?

    I’ve just gotten my first gecko and I’m really excited about adding more features and upgrading her enclosure. Can I use pla safely for geckos? Specifically crested geckos, but I’d love to know about other geckos compatibility with different types of plastics, because I think I could sell these...
  19. ImmortalHamster

    Harlequin crested gecko

    any suggestions for names?
  20. ImmortalHamster

    How long are crested geckos gravid?

    I just got my first gecko ever and shortly after discovered that she was pregnant, or at least I believe she is. She looks a little plump, she’s a year old and although she is comfortable once she gets on your hand she makes this chirp and shakes her head whenever you touch her, which I’ve...