This is the best photo I have of her full length lol. Shes about 6 years old and ive never been told her morph or any information about her before, even when I went to get her from the breeder.
Hi. This baby was born a month ago. He was very dark at birth and I thought he was normal pattern, but then I noticed he had a little light line on his back, although his tail is banded. The pattern on the flanks reminds me of granite or monsoon ball pythons.
(I apologize for the poop on the...
Hello everyone.
Im confused about morphs and i need help.I have female Tremper Super Snow and Tremper Sunglow.I've paired about 2 weeks ago and i couldn't figure it out what the possible breeds i can get.
I'd appreciate it if someone tell.
Alright so we got my daughters leopard gecko, Cherry Blossom, in August. She was labeled as a hypo bell albino. I’m not going to lie I’m a little confused by what each morph means… I assume albino bell is the coloration of her, and hypo is the pattern or lack thereof.
but I’m also not sure how...
I’m looking to figure out what type of morph this gecko is. I know it’s a leopard gecko. Believe it’s a marble hypo morph or super hypo.
Can any1 help me figure out what type of this morph is?
I can provide more photos if needed
Photos don’t seem to be super high quality of the actual photo...
I’m looking to figure out what type of morph this gecko is. I know it’s a leopard gecko. Believe it’s a marble hypo morph or super hypo.
Can any1 help me figure out what type of this morph is?
I can provide more photos if needed
Photos don’t seem to be super high quality of the actual photo...
Hi everyone!
So, recently I bought myself this beauty here. He/she is very young but I’m really wondering what morph she/he may be?
It said „Mandarin” on the box but I wouldn’t be so sure… any ideas??
I just got this little one for free from someone who didn’t want him. I was told he is a crested gecko, but upon further inspection, something doesn’t seem right. Is my baby a crested gecko or a gargoyle gecko? Also what morph does he look like?
So at my animal care job, we recently created a bioactive vivarium (~200 gallons) that was home to a tangerine male (very stereotypical tangerine) who unfortunately is afflicted with stargazing, as well as a female (I don’t know her morph but she’s grey with black freckles). I unfortunately...
This is a gorgeous male I've reserved from Gecko Element! He is a stunner, the grandchild of "Lava" from the original Lava Firewater line created by Bryan Jett! His parents are Ingenous (Lava Firewater) x Roxi (Atomic Rainwater).
I'm super excited to see the incredible babies he helps to produce!
I have this sweet boy that I rescued a couple years back, and he's doing great now. But since he was a rescue, I don't really know his genes and whatnot.
I know that he's a hypo, since he only has one spot on his body, but someone asked me recently if he was a hypo mack snow and I...
Hey all! I wanted to ask you guys your opinions on my hatchlings morphs. I’ve had leos for years but this was my very first year producing hatchlings. Right now I just have 5 TSM and a lot more females due in the next couple of months
First pairing was my Mack snow tremper boy with my white and...
Hi everyone! This is Jawa, my about 6 (??) month old leopard gecko and I'm definitely a bit confused on her color as the morph lists with pictures and all of that don't really have any that look exactly like her lol. I know her color still has a bit of changing to do, but she was almost entirely...
Hello. I’m Cole and I’m new to this forum and relatively new to crested geckos. About 3 months ago I picked up my second crested gecko from my local pet store, but they were not sorted by any type of morph, all mixed cresties in one tank. Anyways, I picked up this guy and was wondering what...