

Oregon Rainwater
Portland, OR
As a morph I think it has as much merit as any other out there... It is reproducable and different from wild types/normals...

But can the gene be isolated? Can a leopard gecko be a Abyssinian with out being an Eclipse? I don't know, I don't work with Eclipse at all, but it truely doesn't seem like it. It seems more like a variation in Eclipses, but not something that holds weight on it's own. The future will tell us more, but I personally don't see it as having much potential.


New Member
But can the gene be isolated? Can a leopard gecko be a Abyssinian with out being an Eclipse? I don't know, I don't work with Eclipse at all, but it truely doesn't seem like it. It seems more like a variation in Eclipses, but not something that holds weight on it's own. The future will tell us more, but I personally don't see it as having much potential.

i think he gave a good generalized answer like on family feud :p

see how it ended in a ...

maybe he is being a Switzerland LOL



New Member
Minneapolis, MN
I believe they are just an Eclipse variant-like a stripe is to a jungle-incubated hot, not dookie style (low temps) Maybe just a further expression of the "pattern less" component? Once you've inverted the wild tyoe pattern completely, the next logical step would be to hypo those animals out to reduce the pattern even further.


New Member
I believe they are just an Eclipse variant-like a stripe is to a jungle-incubated hot, not dookie style (low temps) Maybe just a further expression of the "pattern less" component? Once you've inverted the wild tyoe pattern completely, the next logical step would be to hypo those animals out to reduce the pattern even further.
hold up and you saying temps play a part of whether an animal is stripe or jungle? LOL

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
They are really cool, but I don't understand why they are considered a seperate morph. If an Abyssinian is the non-albino offspring of RAPTOR x Eclipse, and a RAPTOR is just an albino Eclipse, wouldn't the non-albino offspring of RAPTOR x Eclipse be Eclipse themselves and not a new morph?


Lake Worth, FL
I believe a lot of morphs were found by making multi-het animals and mixing them to see what you get then breeding out the hets to get the pure version of a particular morph/look you were going for.

Yes. I agree with you on that statement. Alot of morphs would not be here now if people didn't do that to some extent. There is a difference between breeding a bunch of genes together and knowing the genetics behind them and knowing the possible genetic outcomes and searching for something that does not exist yet by making a bunch of multi-het animals, as opposed to just dropping a whole bunch of genes into one's gene-pool, and seeing what happens with it, with no intent of doing anything with it past that point.

However, my point is, that i think it is rediculous to sell an animal like that. Because you are charging so freakin much for an animal that when it comes down to it, could be NONE of it. I just don't see why that would even humor someone's curiosity enough to go and fork out all that dough. So basically the breeder is taking a bunch of genes, breeding them together, getting a gecko with multi-hets, and charging the crap out of it just for the genes it "could" possess and creating a gecko with "muddy waters" as a few on here describe it as.


Lake Worth, FL
They are really cool, but I don't understand why they are considered a seperate morph. If an Abyssinian is the non-albino offspring of RAPTOR x Eclipse, and a RAPTOR is just an albino Eclipse, wouldn't the non-albino offspring of RAPTOR x Eclipse be Eclipse themselves and not a new morph?

I guess. But from the way i understand it as... An albyssinian is a "version" of the eclipse... kinda like a different eclipse variant....? Or a new strain of the eclipse gene? Eh who knows... Ron Tremper is prolly the only one, as he is prolly the only one that has a REAL Albyssinian.


"For the Gecko Eccentric"
No RT is not, and could not possibly be, the only one who has them. ;)

This is a better pic of mine, where you can actually see the red veining. The lack of completely black spots is also pretty obvious.

Another big difference IMO, between these, and geckos with normally dark eyes and veins... is the very light colored background of the eyes, not only the red veining. It looks a lot more like a Tremper Albino(aside from the black half of the eye), than any of my non-Albinos, thats for sure. I`m just not sure if any Eclipses have "normal"-colored eyes, so it is hard for me to say what I think, at this time.

I agree it is probably just a variant of the Eclipse, provided there are some with "normal" eyes. Those would seem to be more rare actually!
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I would never buy a gecko that has that many "possible hets"... I mean come on, seriously...?!?! 50% het this, 50% het that... blah blah blah... Ok, so then what...?!?! You buy it, breed it out, and it proves to be NONE of those possible hets. So then What? You call the guy back up and say "Hey man.. i bred this out, and it proved that it was not het for anything it was listed as..." to which that person replies, "well, it was posted that all the hets said were only 50%..."

...So now you've just spent a rediculous amount of money on pretty much a "suped up" eclipse. Thats why i don't buy an animal with that many different "hets". It almost sounds too good to be true, yanno?!?! I mean, an animal being possible het for 1 thing is different than one with like 5 possible hets, lmao. I mean what the heck was this thing bred to, to have that many hets!?!?! It's all part of the risk, buying a gecko that is possible het for something, but buying something that is priced that high for it being so many different possible hets is just, well, stupid. Thats why you buy from reputable, well known breeders that know their genetics, and that try to pair geckos that will either make a homozygous trait, or a 100% het trait, to eliminate all that guess work and fuss, instead of someone that just throws some geckos together in a tank to see what comes out. Personally, i think it would be bad business to try and sell an animal to someone as an animal that had something like 4 or 5 "possible hets"... Cuz then if most of em turn ou to not be the case, then you have a bunch of pissed off customers that think that all you do is lie about what genes your animals carry... and then once word gets out about that, it spreads like wildfire, and no1 will want to do business with you. Yanno what i mean?

I think you are very misinformed.... I cant even think of how to explain this.... I will try to get back to you...


Lake Worth, FL
what is there to be misinformed about? I'm just sayin what i think on it... That i personally would never buy a geck with that many listed possible hets, thats all. For one, it's a whole lot of test breeding to do, and two, if it turned out that none of them were there, then i'd be mad i spent so much money on something that now, quite frankly, isn't worth that much. Read my posts on page 5 (posts 46 & 47)... i explain a little bit more on what i mean by all that. I didn't mean that 1st post to be so "degrading" or harsh, lol... it can just be read that way now that i read it myself, lol


-sssSpyker ExoticSsss-
Hear is one of mine. though I don't call her one cause I think abs as a separate morph are a joke. many of the eclipses het raptors have the red eye veins and I believe its just market exploitation from one of the best. they finally realized their projects where producing another trait from the eclipse/ raptors. A descent by product. Slap a new name on it and sell it for more. Even after they had released many a gecko capable of producing more.

I bought two geckos from miami mike as eclipse het raptors and both have red vanes where their is no eclipse eye or in the normal part of the snake eye. That was right before they released the "new morph" and name after many other people where already producing them from their eclipse/raptor projects.

She's a bit dark but still not black pigment. with the red veining and peppered tail they fit the "description". Just another layer of the eclipse eye trait imo.


Even one of out eclipse hatchlings we produced this year our first and only eclipse hatchling we've hatched to date, has red vanes in her eyes and fits the other descriptions of the abs so they can't be that un common. parents of that one are a het raptor to het raptor pairing.

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