you'll see black spotted leo's with red eye vaining being sold as Abyssinian.
Weird. I posted in this thread, and can`t find the post now. :main_thumbsdown:
Or maybe its a way to sell off Possible Hets since every single Eclipse/Abyssinian on that page is 50% Pos. Het Tremper![]()
good answer, good answerAs a morph I think it has as much merit as any other out there... It is reproducable and different from wild types/normals...
I would never buy a gecko that has that many "possible hets"... I mean come on, seriously...?!?! 50% het this, 50% het that... blah blah blah... Ok, so then what...?!?! You buy it, breed it out, and it proves to be NONE of those possible hets. So then What? You call the guy back up and say "Hey man.. i bred this out, and it proved that it was not het for anything it was listed as..." to which that person replies, "well, it was posted that all the hets said were only 50%..."
...So now you've just spent a rediculous amount of money on pretty much a "suped up" eclipse. Thats why i don't buy an animal with that many different "hets". It almost sounds too good to be true, yanno?!?! I mean, an animal being possible het for 1 thing is different than one with like 5 possible hets, lmao. I mean what the heck was this thing bred to, to have that many hets!?!?! It's all part of the risk, buying a gecko that is possible het for something, but buying something that is priced that high for it being so many different possible hets is just, well, stupid. Thats why you buy from reputable, well known breeders that know their genetics, and that try to pair geckos that will either make a homozygous trait, or a 100% het trait, to eliminate all that guess work and fuss, instead of someone that just throws some geckos together in a tank to see what comes out. Personally, i think it would be bad business to try and sell an animal to someone as an animal that had something like 4 or 5 "possible hets"... Cuz then if most of em turn ou to not be the case, then you have a bunch of pissed off customers that think that all you do is lie about what genes your animals carry... and then once word gets out about that, it spreads like wildfire, and no1 will want to do business with you. Yanno what i mean?
and charging a buttload for em?![]()
Sorry to get off topic, I just wanted to state that this pic is awesome.