Aggressive male leopard gecko

Alex G

New Member
Phoenix, AZ
Not only that, but are you aware that deserts are not all the same? Bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps) come from Australia, and Leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius) come from Pakistan. They are wildly different sizes with different needs and behaviors and even if they don't kill each other, the presence of each other will cause undue stress and one or both animals will suffer for it. What you are doing is bad by your animals and I don't care if it's been "fine" for a year or ten years, it is not the proper way to keep these animals and they are living in terrible conditions. A 20gal tank is barely enough for two LEOS, let alone three leos and two beardies. Separate everyone now or I guarantee your animals will, one by one, get sick or get killed.


New Member
Austin, Texas
Not only that, but are you aware that deserts are not all the same? Bearded dragons (Pogona vitticeps) come from Australia, and Leopard geckos (Eublepharis macularius) come from Pakistan. They are wildly different sizes with different needs and behaviors and even if they don't kill each other, the presence of each other will cause undue stress and one or both animals will suffer for it. What you are doing is bad by your animals and I don't care if it's been "fine" for a year or ten years, it is not the proper way to keep these animals and they are living in terrible conditions. A 20gal tank is barely enough for two LEOS, let alone three leos and two beardies. Separate everyone now or I guarantee your animals will, one by one, get sick or get killed.

Very well stated:main_thumbsup:, I forgot to add that.


New Member
I'd be curious as to know how your handling heating with them as beardies need UVB lights and basking lights and like it HOT where as leos like a nice spot of 90F. Ive seen leos go blind for extensive UVB/basking lights...sure hope your 3 werent affected by that. Oviously the others are all right about the beardies will eat the leos in a blink. Im lost tho as to you say theyve been living int ehre for almost a year? They should be ALOT bigger then what im assuming yours are. A beardie at that age should be 10 inchs easy(correct me if im wrong) and leos should be 6-9 inchs at a year... a 20 LONG is only 29 inchs long. assuming everyones a decent size and not stunted there is just no way everyone has a nice spot to chill away from one another... Thats my 2 cnets

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
A beardie at that age should be 10 inchs easy(correct me if im wrong)

Here is one of mine, he just had his first birthday about a week ago. He is about 9 inches snout-to-vent and about 19 including tail. A yearling beardie who has grown properly would not be able to easily turn around in a 20 gallon, and creating a proper thermal gradient would be impossible.

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New Member
Orange County, NewYork
I have the one that got it's tail bitten off in a hospital tank already. And the one who is aggressive I already told you I isolated him. So what else do u want! Maybe if you actually fed your lizards till they were full and stop listening to the people who tell u that they eat till their stomachs explode, maybe the bigger ones won't eat the little ones. I feed each of my lizards about 5-7 super worms every 1-2 days and several wax worms. They seem content with each other! They don't eat each other and if you fed yours the proper amount, I'm sure you'll find the same result!


New Member
I have the one that got it's tail bitten off in a hospital tank already. And the one who is aggressive I already told you I isolated him. So what else do u want! Maybe if you actually fed your lizards till they were full and stop listening to the people who tell u that they eat till their stomachs explode, maybe the bigger ones won't eat the little ones. I feed each of my lizards about 5-7 super worms every 1-2 days and several wax worms. They seem content with each other! They don't eat each other and if you fed yours the proper amount, I'm sure you'll find the same result!

Supers and waxxies, both are super fatty, as the staple? Well ill let someone else touch on that one. But Adult beardies do need greens more then worms


New Member
I added measurements after you quoted me. He is about 9 inches snout-to-vent and about 19 overall.

HA! i knew i was seeing things! one second theres no messurements then there were!XD I took that off (the atleast a foot and a half) so i didnt feel stupid ^^ BUT thats off topic. Original poster, thats what a healthy well taken care of beardie looks like. If yours are that age thats the proper size give or take. If there not that big not only are you housing wrong but are feeding wrong and supplimating wrong...

Alex G

New Member
Phoenix, AZ
I have the one that got it's tail bitten off in a hospital tank already. And the one who is aggressive I already told you I isolated him. So what else do u want! Maybe if you actually fed your lizards till they were full and stop listening to the people who tell u that they eat till their stomachs explode, maybe the bigger ones won't eat the little ones. I feed each of my lizards about 5-7 super worms every 1-2 days and several wax worms. They seem content with each other! They don't eat each other and if you fed yours the proper amount, I'm sure you'll find the same result!

My beardie is definatley not that big!
Wow! We're trying to help you get your animals in proper situations! Who the hell is telling you that they eat until their stomachs explode? You were right to ignore that little gem, but it's apparently the only thing you're right about! You cannot keep these animals together, and even if on some bass-ackwards planet you could, you certainly can't do so in the size tank that you have! You definitely do not know even the most basic of husbandry for these animals and you're choosing to be willfully ignorant in the face of people with more knowledge of these animals than you! People who act like this shouldn't be allowed to have animals at all, I mean christ you obviously have internet, it's not as if you can't look these things up yourself! ARGH :main_angry:


New Member
Austin, Texas
Priscilla, no one is yelling at you...we are trying to help. But please don't start telling people they don't know how to care for their animals. Or you're going to start steping on some toes.

Bearded Dragons and Leopard Geckos have COMPLETLY different care. Let's just put the fact that they can eat each other out of the question, they have different care...

Second I read your post too fast (again to put the bearded dragons out of the question) and was explaining to you what you should do with the male leos and I stated that you should seperate them. Again, I was trying to help you.

Reborn- yes, bearded dragons eat mostly greens when they get older. Waxies are to fatten them up. But you can feed supers as I feed my boy them.

As for Tony's pic that's the size of a nice full grown male. (AND SUPER CUTE I MUST SAY :p ) I can take a pic of mine also if you'd like, that's full grown and the size they should be. Unless you have Rankins (did i spell that wrong?) dragons which I forget how small they are.

"It's not an adult!!! It's just a juvenile!!!"
Now I'm really confused, you stated you've had them together for a year already...did i misread?

Priscilla, like I've said 10x we're here to help you...not make you upset. We want the best for you and your reptiles.


New Member
My bigger beardie named drakos is about the size of my husbands hand and the small one named standie is about the size of my 1 year old's hand.

WOW seriously? A 13 yr old in the beardie section got told this so its only fair you do too. Rehome them because you obviously cant care for them right. at that size and age there lucky to be alive...


New Member
You definitely do not know even the most basic of husbandry for these animals and you're choosing to be willfully ignorant in the face of people with more knowledge of these animals than you! People who act like this shouldn't be allowed to have animals at all, I mean christ you obviously have internet, it's not as if you can't look these things up yourself! ARGH :main_angry:


Pinkinpink - I knew they ate more greens as adults wasnt fully sure on the supers tho. I knew waxxies were WAY to fatty for staple.;D


New Member
Orange County, NewYork
Standie I've had since september09, dikus about the same. Kiki is the female leopard. Had her since march10 and we bought her at an older age, bubbles was bought for my 24th b-day. Drakos we bought about a week later. We picked the fattest one out of the juvenile tank!! She just has been growing faster than everyone else. There does that explain the ages to everyone so u don't think I have I giant in the cage....
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