Aggressive male leopard gecko


New Member
Orange County, NewYork
Whatever I'm done talking... You obviously all have the wrong idea. I just have juveniles and a stunted beardie... They get everything that they need. Even if they are together in a 20 gallon tank. I was just asking help on my male leopard gecko. Not the rest of my animals.

Alex G

New Member
Phoenix, AZ
Standie I've had since september09, dikus about the same. Kiki is the female leopard. Had her since march10 and we bought her at an older age, bubbles was bought for my 24th b-day. Drakos we bought about a week later. We picked the fattest one out of the juvenile tank!! She just has been growing faster than everyone else. There does that fling explain the ages to everyone so u don't think I have I giant in the cage....
It doesn't even matter now, you obviously DON'T have adult size animals even though the beardie should be adults by now, and let me tell you why: because your husbandry is terrible! Do you even feed these animals vegetables? Yeah! Vegetables!! Bearded dragons need them! Fresh ones, and often! What about calcium supplements? Hey! Let me tell you a secret! If you don't have room for an animal... YOU DON'T HAVE TO BUY IT! Simple as that! Erica might not be yelling at you but I am and I'm completely unremorseful about it. The animals are suffering under your "care" and unless you take our advice and get them on track in the right cages with the right food and environment, they will die because of you and your husband.


New Member
Austin, Texas
Whatever I'm done talking... You obviously all have the wrong idea. I just have juveniles and a stunted beardie... They get everything that they need. Even if they are together in a 20 gallon tank. I was just asking help on my male leopard gecko. Not the rest of my animals.

Did you even read what I wrote? On my FIRST post i explained what to do.

We're TRYING to help you. You're taking it as us being rude but please understand we want the best for all the animals out there. That's what we're all here for. :(

...I was going to post a pic of my bubba but decided against it. He looks just like Tony's. But I'll be nice :D

Alex G

New Member
Phoenix, AZ
Whatever I'm done talking... You obviously all have the wrong idea. I just have juveniles and a stunted beardie... They get everything that they need. Even if they are together in a 20 gallon tank. I was just asking help on my male leopard gecko. Not the rest of my animals.
We can't even begin to solve the problem with your gecko until this is fixed! You can throw a temper tantrum, storm off, take your ball and leave but it won't change the fact that these animals are severely undernourished and stressed, they are dying slow painful deaths under your watch!


New Member
How many times do I have to state this... The beardie was stunted before we bought it!!!!

It dont matter even a stunted animal can grow when cared for corrected after. It wont ever be the same size as a adult but it in no way should be that small if it was being cared for right afterwards. I have a gecko who has MBD and was stunted. In a month its gained nearly a inch in length. thats a animal with MBD AND stunted. this is with proper care and housing. SO DONT BLAME BEING STUNTED ON POOR CARE!


New Member
YOU asked for help. YOU are the one who posted on a public site. WE are trying to help but its YOU who wont listen. You animals will die in due time because of what YOUR doing to them. The male is just the start of it all. the beardies are gonna take after your sick female as she is a weak animal and they do eat other animals. Its a ticking time bomb just you wait. I Agree 100% with what Alex G said. Its YOU who didnt listen to what experinced keepers tell you.

Seriously the way your acting you sound like a 12 year old who just got told no. But then a 12 year old would listen to what experinced keepers would say and not blow up.
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Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
Let's keep it civil in here, heated debate is starting to turn into personal attacks and it needs to be taken down a notch.


New Member
Austin, Texas
I'm not a mod but what we're feeling inside should not be expressed... We want the best for the animals out there but when we're yelling at each other we're not solving anything.

oop sorry tony...

Alex G

New Member
Phoenix, AZ
Priscilla frankly I don't care if you think I have a "fat moth (sic)" or not, your animals are dying and it would be so easy to save them if you would just listen to our advice! Separate ALL the animals into their own isolated, escape-proof homes, get both beardies UVB (I know you already have one, but now you need two for two separate tanks), begin feeding the beardies fresh, leafy dark greens and carrots and such along with calcium-supplemented mealworms or crickets, feed the geckos calcium supplemented mealworms or crickets. If these animals are salvagable at all at this point, this is what you'd need to do. If you can't afford new enclosures/UVB lamp, then start rehoming these animals for free with full disclosure of their previous care and how it was incorrect, because they aren't worth a dime to any pet store and you obviously are not capable of caring for pets with specific needs such as these.

People in the reptile hobby work extremely hard to make sure their animals are comfortable and healthy and it spits on the good name of all the pioneering hobbyists and breeders when you abuse your animals in this way. It's one thing to simply not know... I doubt anyone here can cast stones as far as trying something before knowing exactly how to do it, but when you're told what to do and stick out your tongue while declaring you know best, that's just infuriating.


New Member
Austin, Texas
Priscilla, this is going to make you mad but they shouldn't be eating Romaine lettace, I'm sorry I couldn't help but to say it :(

I know it's going to hurt you when everyone is yelling at you. I get extreamly pissed off if someone tells me I don't know what I'm doing. But if they're there to help me I'll listen. I've asked many people on the forum their opinions on things, if I don't like it then I don't like it.

Everything was calm and we were helping you before you started getting angry with us.

Listen if you would please just believe me and listen to me when I tell you deep in my heart I'm trying to help you. I feel how Alex feels, I'm just not going to say it because I hope you care...and I'm trying to help you. Just please understand that.


New Member
Priscilla frankly I don't care if you think I have a "fat moth (sic)" or not, your animals are dying and it would be so easy to save them if you would just listen to our advice! Separate ALL the animals into their own isolated, escape-proof homes, get both beardies UVB (I know you already have one, but now you need two for two separate tanks), begin feeding the beardies fresh, leafy dark greens and carrots and such along with calcium-supplemented mealworms or crickets, feed the geckos calcium supplemented mealworms or crickets. If these animals are salvagable at all at this point, this is what you'd need to do. If you can't afford new enclosures/UVB lamp, then start rehoming these animals for free with full disclosure of their previous care and how it was incorrect, because they aren't worth a dime to any pet store and you obviously are not capable of caring for pets with specific needs such as these.

People in the reptile hobby work extremely hard to make sure their animals are comfortable and healthy and it spits on the good name of all the pioneering hobbyists and breeders when you abuse your animals in this way. It's one thing to simply not know... I doubt anyone here can cast stones as far as trying something before knowing exactly how to do it, but when you're told what to do and stick out your tongue while declaring you know best, that's just infuriating.

+1 and i appologize now to the admidistators for the way i was but im sure you can understand where its coming from. Well said Alex:main_thumbsup:


New Member
Orange County, NewYork
It dont matter even a stunted animal can grow when cared for corrected after. It wont ever be the same size as a adult but it in no way should be that small if it was being cared for right afterwards. I have a gecko who has MBD and was stunted. In a month its gained nearly a inch in length. thats a animal with MBD AND stunted. this is with proper care and housing. SO DONT BLAME BEING STUNTED ON POOR CARE!

One, we bought the beardie at the size it is now, I have tried other forums in the past about why he wasn't growing, I didn't realize that the beardie wasn't growing until 3-4 months after I had bouht him and therefore already got attached and didn't want to trade. Maybe the beardie is already 3 yrs... Maybe 2, I don't exactly know because I bought him from a pet store!!! And now it's too late to make standie start growing... At this point he needs growth hormones and I don't exactly have that type of money


New Member
Austin, Texas
As for the dying slowly, maybe it's better to scare people to make them believe you. People say hurtful things when they're feeling igorned or if we feel you don't care when we are giving you advice.

As for your STARTING question. Like I said, I believe it was answered. I stated that they need to be seperated. Your best bet, which you know...because everyone has said it, is to seperate everyone. Then once you've read up on breeding put the male and female together :) You can put females together (if you make sure they're not fighting) but you can't put males togther or they'll fight. They are territorial and why would they want a male there?

Long story short I hope you'll look back at this thread when you've calmed down and know deep down we're here to help.

Alex G

New Member
Phoenix, AZ
One, we bought the beardie at the size it is now, I have tried other forums in the past about why he wasn't growing, I didn't realize that the beardie wasn't growing until 3-4 months after I had bouht him and therefore already got attached and didn't want to trade. Maybe the beardie is already 3 yrs... Maybe 2, I don't exactly know because I bought him from a pet store!!! And now it's too late to make standie start growing... At this point he needs growth hormones and I don't exactly have that type of money
Growth hormones? That's ridiculous. Did your vet tell you that? The same one who checks them every three months and thinks they're "healthy"? :main_rolleyes: I'm sure your vet is very experienced and knowledgeable... about dogs and cats, but an exotic vet is what you need for exotic animals. Some vets, either to get your money or because they don't want to admit not knowing, will take animal patients of species or whole families that they are not familiar in. If your vet thinks that a year old + beardie who's only as big as the palm of your hand is healthy, guess what? He doesn't know what he's talking about.


New Member
St. Augustine, FL
I took in a rescue leo that had been housed with a beardie. It was on it's last leg. Sweet little thing to the end. Had only one eye because the beardie ate the ate the other one. They got along fine together until they didn't. She was weak, not eating, skinny, it was pathetic. She struggled to survive but could not regain her strength. I was about to end her misery when she gave up herself. It was a sad day.

When I first posted on this thread on page 1, I was angry but tried not to be harsh. After reading all this I don't believe the OP really wants any advice. Just to be told how sweet it is to have all her lizards in a happy little tank. They're so cute together. All stunted and adorable and stuff. Bleh. So here's some bad advice to go along wih the bad husbandry: just give the male a spanking and tell him not to be mean to his tankmates. Not too much tho or he might bite you.

Priscilla if you want to know what needs to be fixed for your male- it's you. You are what's wrong with your pets. They have been and will continue to go downhill until you learn how to properly care for them. Are you going to let them kill each other off until only the strongest ONE is left, or do the right thing?

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