Aggressive male leopard gecko


New Member
Growth hormones? That's ridiculous. Did your vet tell you that? The same one who checks them every three months and thinks they're "healthy"? :main_rolleyes: I'm sure your vet is very experienced and knowledgeable... about dogs and cats, but an exotic vet is what you need for exotic animals. Some vets, either to get your money or because they don't want to admit not knowing, will take animal patients of species or whole families that they are not familiar in. If your vet thinks that a year old + beardie who's only as big as the palm of your hand is healthy, guess what? He doesn't know what he's talking about.

+1 my thougts exactly. I have a vet that treated demostic pets look at the MBD gecko they said itd die in a week that it was better off put to sleep. Went to a iguana specailist(they do other reptiles too just specilize in bigger ones) and they said give it a month and watch. they gave me the medicine i needed and gave me suggestion on what to buy and BAM Little Trouble is doing better. Dog vet took 300 bucks! iggy vet took 100 and patted me on the back for doing the right thing.


New Member
Orange County, NewYork
One I am not trying to breed so stop telling me not to do it because i am NOT BREEDING!!! Two, my female isnt ready. Three, i dont know all the facts about it. I just know that the male bites the females neck.
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Alex G

New Member
Phoenix, AZ
This person is obviously not open to any advice other than "nope, you're perfect, keep doing what you're doing :) :) :) :) :)", so I personally am going to leave this thread now before I grind my teeth down to the gum. I've said my piece and told her how to make things right for her animals, living creatures who rely on her and her husband entirely to make the right decisions so that they can survive, and she's chosen to get angry and swear at us. I think at this point the fate of those animals is in the hands of a higher power.


New Member
Austin, Texas
Priscilla, I tried really hard to help you. But you're going to have to make the choice. You seem to not want it. This all comes down to you, if you don't want advice why did you ask for it?

It's going to have to be your decision if you want to help your beardies and leos. And I REALLY hope, like I'll find deep in your heart to help those who are relying on YOU to keep them alive... and I think that's what makes me so upset.

Here's a leo care sheet and as for the bearded dragons...there's care sheets online. Please dont' take this the wrong way.

It breaks my heart, I tried so hard to help you with others...that you would push me away. We care, I promise you this. :eek:

Good Luck. I can't say anymore... I tried my best :(
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New Member
Hate to really all tell u this but I have been moving a lot in the past 6 months... And don't tell me because I already know it's stressful
not my problem. take care of your animals properly or don;t keep them at all. give them away to someone who knows how to keep them and who cares about them and as far as your vet. use him and use the link above to view a caresheet. i can get a beardie expert on here to help you out with them too



New Member
not my problem. take care of your animals properly or don;t keep them at all. give them away to someone who knows how to keep them and who cares about them and as far as your vet. use him and use the link above to view a caresheet. i can get a beardie expert on here to help you out with them too


Please dont waste your time, Robin. This person obviously just wanted to know why the male was bitting the female and now that they do they dont care there housing them.. But if someone else wants to take a crack at it all for it!

Heres a bit too as to why your male bit the others tail off. Ive heard that males can be agressive towards one another but ive never heard that they would BITE the others tail off. Ive heard they could kill eachother but have never hear of anyone acutally keeping them together long enough for this. You male hit sexually maturity tho late(even tho they'll try at younger ages) decided he didnt want antoehr male around the female he had dubbed his and took action, you waited for it to get so bad that the one lost its tail. If you had watched for warning signs you'd have noticed the bullying and harassment. Your bigger female(tho very very small!) isnt being cute i bet, shes dominating over the male. I bet she's laying on top of him and taking the best heating spots. this ofcourse is assumptions. PLEASE just listen to what the others said!


New Member
me thinks this might be a troll

If they were a troll would they have gotten so defensive about it? I think its a person who didnt do any reaserch prior to getting any of them and thought itd be cute to have them co-exist. Sadly its supprisingly common now a days>.> Could tho be a very good troll, if they are good call!:main_thumbsup: coz now that i think about it. they really did just ignore it all we said and what not... Yeah good call, lol definatly a waste of time on our part, oh well lessen learned eh?


Happy Gecko Family
me thinks this might be a troll

This is exactly how I feel when reading all these. Everything is so incoherent and the purpose is to get everyone all mad. Look how suddenly she talks about pheonix worms, and then jumps to moving every 6 months...etc. She is releasing these bit by bit to keep this thread going.
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New Member

All advice aside from what you've been given, here are a few more tips and why should seperate the animals. I really hope you do heed this advice.

1. You mentioned you are not trying to breed. Leopard Geckos WILL breed if you house them together. They will do this before they are ready sometimes and may injure one another. Therefore, females need to be separated from males, and males from males. Only female leopard geckos may be kept together.

2. Never house multiple species together. Even if they aren't eating or attacking one another yet, they are stressed out.

3. A 20Long tank can house a maximum of three (3) leopard geckos. No more. And I would go as far as saying only two, or one in a best case scenario. Again, this only applies to females together, as otherwise breeding or fighting can and will occur. Leopard geckos are not normally social animals and don't need or want friends.

4. Don't feed waxworms as leopard geckos can get addicted to them easily and refuse other food.

5. Beardies should have a 55gallon tank for themselves.

I know your animals may be small or "stunted," but even if that was the case before you got them, you are stunting them further. Animals usually grow to fit their surroundings, and these lizards in your care currently don't have enough space or hiding areas to suit them all and make them comfortable. This is causing lots of stress which is causing the other problems.

I know this is probably hard to hear, but it's true and you really need to fix these problems. We aren't hear to yell at you. We're here to help your reptiles because we too, want the very best for them - and I know it's your intention too because you came here asking for help. Now you know what you need to do to care for them properly, and it's in your hands as to whether your pets live a better life or not. Please take what you have learned and apply it - we wish you and your pets the best of luck.


Shillelagh Law

Animals usually grow to fit their surroundings

Also, you are wrong. Please stop talking inane nonsense.


I really hope this is a troll.

If not, then I have permanently lost my faith in humanity. No amount of cute kitten videos or pictures will ever restore it.


Shillelagh Law
Pretty standard trolling- start with a common enough problem (an aggressive male) then steadily make it worse and worse with subsequent posts, insult the people who are offering good information to get them all riled up and then try to introduce something controversial to see if it spawns side-fights.

The post about phoenix worms was kind of a giveaway. Nobody learns about phoenix worms existing before they learn things like not to house five lizards of two different species in a twenty gallon tank. They slipped up, revealed that they weren't as stupid as they were trying to make everyone think they were. Only option left is that they are deliberately lying.

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