Growth hormones? That's ridiculous. Did your vet tell you that? The same one who checks them every three months and thinks they're "healthy"? :main_rolleyes: I'm sure your vet is very experienced and knowledgeable... about dogs and cats, but an exotic vet is what you need for exotic animals. Some vets, either to get your money or because they don't want to admit not knowing, will take animal patients of species or whole families that they are not familiar in. If your vet thinks that a year old + beardie who's only as big as the palm of your hand is healthy, guess what? He doesn't know what he's talking about.
+1 my thougts exactly. I have a vet that treated demostic pets look at the MBD gecko they said itd die in a week that it was better off put to sleep. Went to a iguana specailist(they do other reptiles too just specilize in bigger ones) and they said give it a month and watch. they gave me the medicine i needed and gave me suggestion on what to buy and BAM Little Trouble is doing better. Dog vet took 300 bucks! iggy vet took 100 and patted me on the back for doing the right thing.