Aggressive male leopard gecko

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
The post about phoenix worms was kind of a giveaway. Nobody learns about phoenix worms existing before they learn things like not to house five lizards of two different species in a twenty gallon tank. They slipped up, revealed that they weren't as stupid as they were trying to make everyone think they were. Only option left is that they are deliberately lying.

You have more faith in people than I do. There is another forum I post on for reasons I can't quite figure out most days where a well-respected (on there) member constantly advocates for mixed tanks. She has suggested leopard geckos and bearded dragons before (and claims to have kept her own together for 10 years :main_rolleyes: ) and most recently advocated aquatic turtles with tree frogs, in a 20 gallon no less. She claims that there are psychological benefits for the animals under such conditions and people there buy it hook, line, and sinker.


Shillelagh Law
Hrm. I think I need to prepare my "Detect Troll" spell. Now where's my d20?

If you have misplaced it, I have polyhedral dice representing every roll you might need to make. Plus the charts for acid and fire damage if you want to attack the troll once you have located it.

You have more faith in people than I do. There is another forum I post on for reasons I can't quite figure out most days where a well-respected (on there) member constantly advocates for mixed tanks. She has suggested leopard geckos and bearded dragons before (and claims to have kept her own together for 10 years :main_rolleyes: ) and most recently advocated aquatic turtles with tree frogs, in a 20 gallon no less. She claims that there are psychological benefits for the animals under such conditions and people there buy it hook, line, and sinker.

I have made a face. It is sort of like a chimpanzee crossed with Spock. Eyebrows angled away from one another, one raised one lowered- lips pursed out to make a small astounded "ook" noise.

I will keep that in mind the next time I run into a thread on here where I wonder how people can manage to be as ignorant as they sometimes are.

It'll be a good meditative exercise, "Things could be much worse. Much worse. I am in a forest, the warm rich smell of decaying leaves fills the air, a cool breeze rustling the leaves of the trees and carrying the faint traces of faraway birdsong. There is a trickling stream, light from between the branches dappling its surface and causing an ever changing kaleidescope of reflected brilliance. A faint rustling in the leaf litter indicates the presence of a broad headed skink. Nobody here is advocating the psychological benefits of housing frogs and turtles. All is calm and peaceful."


"Things could be much worse. Much worse. I am in a forest, the warm rich smell of decaying leaves fills the air, a cool breeze rustling the leaves of the trees and carrying the faint traces of faraway birdsong. There is a trickling stream, light from between the branches dappling its surface and causing an ever changing kaleidescope of reflected brilliance. A faint rustling in the leaf litter indicates the presence of a broad headed skink. Nobody here is advocating the psychological benefits of housing frogs and turtles. All is calm and peaceful."

THIS. This is my new mantra. Also, I found my d20. I rolled a 16. Well, actually, I didn't roll it. I just kidnapped a paladin, and have them sitting here casting spells for me.


New Member

Tony C

Wayward Frogger
Columbia, SC
I have made a face. It is sort of like a chimpanzee crossed with Spock. Eyebrows angled away from one another, one raised one lowered- lips pursed out to make a small astounded "ook" noise.

I am torn between my desire to PM you a link to the forum in hope of seeing some epic rants as you tear them apart and my fear that your head may just explode. :main_laugh:

Alex G

New Member
Phoenix, AZ
The problem is that even if this particular person was trolling (and by the way, why troll did we really give a good enough response to be worth hours of work? I think not...) there are people out there who might be doing the same thing or similar, and they might see this thread and realize they've made a mistake.

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